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yoink thanks incog next gets

vvvvvvvvvvvvv 5 grams tazman white poppy seeds vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

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cheers bigred i'll grab those..

vvvvvvvvvvvvvv 22 seeds of each: mixed Lophophora, Nuytsia floribunda, A. acuminata, A. cyclops and A. floribunda vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

plus 1 mystery seed to make 111 seeds in total

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Awesome offer chilli, ive just started my acacia sprouting so ill jump on that, Thanks

VVVVVVvvvvvv Acacia Farnesianna x 15 - Psychotria Viridis x 12 - Super Pedro x Pachanot x 50 - 2 x Wild acacia seed that im still to noob to ID, & a dozen mixed lophs ( all seed ) + an interesting spore print. vvvvvvVVVVVV

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Yoink. Cheers DTB.

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 20x D. Stramonium, 40+ L. Leonurus (wild dagga), 10x Coleus Blumei (from the d00d, keeping lineage info alive), 10x J3 cross Psych0 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv (All seed)

Edited by at0m
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  • 3 weeks later...

why thank you kind sir!!

vvvvvvvv Ill offer a few hundred N. Rustia seeds, and a baby Ololiuqui plant, 2 generations in grown local, and ill stick in some random chilli seeds for good luck. vvvvvvvvvvvv

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Thank you very much

VVVVVV50x Nepeta Catarina, 300x heimia salicifolia, 20x jalepeno, 20x cherry tomato seeds and 10x s. rhombifoliaVVVVVVVV

Edited by gunfighter
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I'll partake here :D Thanks

VVVVV 10+ Fresh coleus blumei purple green flower heads (full of seeds), Coleus Blumei Purple green Plant, Artemesia vulgaris rooted cutting, 150x Heimia salicifolia, 10x jalepeno, 20x cherry tomato seeds VVVVV

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Next gets

10x Argemone Mexicana, 50+ Papaver somniferum, 50+ Eschscholzia californica, 50+ Leonotis leonurus and 50 Pachanot x Super pedro (all seeds)

I will also throw in an interesting spore print to anyone who owns a nice microscope. This is mostly a side offer as i believe prints are against the rules in this thread.

Spore print offer limited to the person who takes my seed offer.

Edited by eatfoo
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yoink to eatfoo (and I am sending out my offer from earlier in the thread today, thanks for your patience DTB)

VVVVVVV 25 x mixed LW seed; couple bits of pereskiopsis; and the good old Acacia: 25 x acuminata; 25 x cyclops; 25 x floribunda VVVVVVV

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yoink to eatfoo (and I am sending out my offer from earlier in the thread today, thanks for your patience DTB)

VVVVVVV 25 x mixed LW seed; couple bits of pereskiopsis; and the good old Acacia: 25 x acuminata; 25 x cyclops; 25 x floribunda VVVVVVV


I'll take this just to keep this from stagnating.

\\\\\N. Rustica, P. Somn., P. Harmala, Tagetes lucida, A. Columbrina (all seed)/////

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Thanks ID

WWWWW 12 Dragons blood Dracena cinnibaris, very fresh Silene capensis, Withania somnifera, Ocimum gratissimum, White African Sorghum all seed & a mystery from the bowels of my seed bin WWWWWWWWWW

I'll add a kombucha scoby to the above.

I'll toss in somerattail radish (Raphanus caudatus)and Chinese celery all seed to sweeten the offer

Edited by shortly
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  • 4 weeks later...

Cheers mate!

VVVVVVVVVV 10 X loph w., 5 x narrow leaf catha, P. Somn, Mirabalis jalapa, Leonurus sibiricus, Leonurus cadiaca, Salvia mellifera, N.rustica (All seed- mostly fresh)VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

edit: also some various herb and veg seeds i have around

Edited by inpsyght
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Taking up waterboy's offer, I think...?

VVVV 10 Ephedra nevadensis seeds, 100+ Artemisia absinthium seeds (they're tiny), 10 Salvia splendens v "Blaze of Fire" seeds, 10 Salvia splendens v "Rocket" seeds VVVV

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WWWWWWWW gets P. som, Silene capensis, Withania somnifera, Ocimum gratissimum, White African Sorghum, rattail radish (Raphanus caudatus)and Chinese celery all seed & a mystery from the bowels of my seed bin WWWWWWWWWW

I'll toss in some N rustica seed and a winged yam bulbil or two.

OK i'll also add a couple of Dioscorea opposita bulbils for good measure

Just to see if i can move this along i'll add (Eryngium foetidum)- Thai Coriander and Dracaena cinnabari, Socotra Dragon Blood Tree both seed

Edited by shortly
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  • 3 weeks later...

cheers I'll try to keep this rolling.

VVVVVVVVV Gets: Leonotis Nepetifollia, N. Rustica and 2 other Nicotiana sp. Mullein, Romanesco Broccoli, Peganum Harmala, 10x D. stramonium. 7x Argyrea Nervosa, 5x atherosperma moschatum, 1x Psychotria viridis - ALL SEED.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

Edited by Psiphi
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Sounds good to me


VvVvVvVvVvV x30 mixed Tricho seed, x50 Hylocereus Undatus seed, P.Som seed, Lions ear seed, Lions tail seed, Catnip seed, HBWR seed & some Red & Green Kangaroo Paw seed VvVvVvVvVvVvV

Still available? Please


VVvvVvVv x10 D. Metel, x20 D. Stramonium, x10 Desmanthus Illinoensis, x10 P. Somniforum, x20 HBWR all seeds vVVvVvvVvV

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  • 2 weeks later...


Can someone please tell me what all the 'V's mean? I've been trying to guess for months...just can't work it out and it's starting to send me around the twist. Even Google can't tell me !

What the bleepers does 'vvvvvvvv' mean?!


Edited by Delilah
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  • 3 weeks later...

Fat Freddy, you should go back to the first post in this thread to see how it is meant to work.

This is what is currently on the table from Weazelloph...


Vv GETS vV VVvvVvVv x10 D. Metel, x20 D. Stramonium, x10 Desmanthus Illinoensis, x10 P. Somniforum, x20 HBWR all seeds vVVvVvvVvV

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