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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by at0m

  1. The stats gained through the census help the country improve and understand itself. The names are dumb. Fill it out without the name, chances are you won't be fined. They have the power but don't like to use it unless you're being a dick to them/the census agents. You'll likely need a paper form though.
  2. My favourite part about the leaks is how Assange has fucking lost it and included heaps of people's NAMES, EMAIL ADDRESSES, PHONE NUMBERS, SSNS AND CREDIT CARD DETAILS in them because blanking those would be censorship or something fucking stupid. Also this antisemitic fuckboi bullshit. https://archive.is/5g8LF because jews run the world right? oh and for funsies too. They couldn't identify an OBVIOUS phishing scam. Fuck Wikileaks (and Trump & Pence just to stay on topic)
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonotis_leonurus is my guess.
  4. Today is a sad day. The large acacia out the front was destroyed in the storm overnight largely due to falling gum branches It was beautiful and in full flower but when we awoke this morning it was entirely uprooted and missing near half of it's branches. We managed to clean it up a bit and place it back down into the soil but I'm unsure if it will survive. You can see the pile of dropped branches and such behind it on the right. I'm going to have to plant some more acacia in it's memory. A dozen acuminata maybe? As a small update as well, things are progressing pretty slowly around here due to winter. I've made some shelves in the shed which I'm now propagating all my chillies on/in. They're probably a bit happier to be in there rather than an old veggie esky with a single CFL globe I'll get some pictures of this soon. I think I may be going pretty overboard with this chilli thing too... Maybe that's a good thing? I should have a good amount of seed (and probably pods) to share around sometime next year
  5. at0m

    KAT gone

    Sounds like they didn't really know how to cover their tracks... part of the evidence of how they were caught is their transactions on iTunes. There's some irony in that I think. Shitty news though something will take it's place.
  6. at0m

    cool TV shows

    Mr Robot. Strong anti-establishment themes, computery but you don't NEED to be a nerd to get it. A++. Season two is airing right now in the US. Stranger Things. Only two episodes into this but it seems great so far. Love the style it's done in and it's kid actors who don't make me cringe which is a bonus. Tiny House Nation/Tiny House Hunting/Tiny House World/Tiny house anything... I have a thing for tiny houses right now. can you tell? I love the concept of living with only what you need. No space for junk to accumulate. I still need that outdoor space though...
  7. Repping a mate of mine http://www.aussimushroomsupplies.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=97 Not sure if he's the cheapest tbh but the stuff's good.
  8. I was for awhile but I found it ultimately made me just as phlegmy/wheezy/hard of breath as the analogues and that was really the main reason I wanted to quit smoking (which I've done, but without vapes ) Can you get dry herb attachments that fit onto the standard ego/510 thread? THAT I may be interested in assuming it can hit temps well. iLeaf 30w & kanger subtank fwiw
  9. Are you talking about the question/answer style posts in the identification forums?
  10. I took a bunch of photos of my cupboard babies. Moved them inside because I was germing them outside (at this time of year) like an idiot. Last two in the takeaway containers are WAY too wet, I know. I'm taking their lids off every other day and letting them dry out a bit. Next up... building an indoor grow cabinet for the cold months and for starting seedlings super healthily all year round. I may the mistake of joining a hot pepper forum and now I'm no longer satisfied with how my chillies are doing... I need lights! I want those tight nodes, big glossy leaves and short (but fat stems) stature. I think they be my true calling.
  11. and one more for good measure. http://pastebin.com/CcGUBgDG This is from the "hacker".
  12. Good read on the topic: http://hackingdistributed.com/2016/06/17/thoughts-on-the-dao-hack/
  13. They will be in their own fenced off area jeez I do hope I can work out how to do fencing though... I'm learning a lot.
  14. After a weather induced hiatus, the tunnel is coming along again. Cloth is cable-tied up and will hold until tomorrow when we can get to sewing it. We started sewing under the veranda but quickly realised that was going to take a LONG time and lining up things was hard work. So after a "Hey... dumb question" moment, we realised we could put the sides up and then pull the top over, fix it in place with cable ties and then sew it up later. Down the back you'll see a little wooden frame too which was previously going to be a little sleeping house for the mini goats we're planning on getting but we decided a shipping container would probably work better for them so it's going to be repurposed as a hot house attached to the tunnel. This is where seedlings can stay nicely warm and humid until they can go play with the big kids. It will obviously wrapped in poly and finally yes, it is a bit wonky... the right stands up a little straighter than the left but our imperfections are what makes us beautiful
  15. "YYMMRRRR". Y = Year, M = Month, R = Random 0-9 A lot will be coming back to the community in the coming years. The rest is for fun and probably selling. I wish I had millions
  16. Now we wait. Shout out to @MoonUnitBotanica and @olive. About 1.5k seeds throughout there and about the same left in my pocket. I got sick of forgetting where stuff came from so from now on all my plants are given numerical IDs which correlate to their entry in my garden database. So from now on if I ever sell/giveaway/trade seed/plants/cuttings/fruit, they'll include my ID (along with all the /useful/ info of course ) so you/I can keep track of wtf I did to it/it's heritage/etc.
  17. No wozzaz, glad you like it, wb Here's one of their tracks that dropped in the last day or two.
  18. Gotta watch the video too otherwise you're just listening to vaporwave (which isn't bad or wrong it's just the video makes it)
  19. Good luck. I hope you can afford many cans of the old Dinki-Di
  20. I'm over BTC to be honest. I still love the blockchain as technology but the experiment, in my eyes, has failed. The community is (largely) a bunch of backstabbing, bitter, ungrounded, assholes. Additionally, the decentralised nature is pointless when development is still centralised 1 and core devs can be so easily fooled 2. The nerd inside me likes Etherium but I don't think it will take off unfortunately. Mobile wallets are OK but make sure you use a strong passphrase and keep it locked at all times. Keep backups too. Lost phone = lost coins. Avoid web wallets. Prefer desktop wallets. Price speculating on BTC is 99.5% speculation and bullshit. Haven't followed to can't really comment (read: relay other people's speculation) on it this time. 1 The huge debacle recently about block size increases. Caused a huge divide with threats to fork. 2 The Craig Wright is 'Satoshi' thing. Pretty much outed as a fraudster/liar but Gavin (core dev) swore black and blue it was legit.
  21. I'm going deep on the cacti train. I'll still make it down to you one day but for now, I'm #50 I guess.
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