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The Corroboree


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  1. Hey just sharing this info around ... Reckon you'll love it. Just need to make a free discord account -- https://discord.com/ Then go to this site and 'join the beta' -- https://www.midjourney.com/ Accept the 'invite' and it'll load the discord page, from there, scroll down the left side with the rooms, till you see the 'newcomer rooms' and enter one of the newbie rooms. Then when you type /imagine it'll let you enter a text prompt for it to turn into an image. Takes ~60 secs ...It'll show in the main section of the window generating %, but will be moved up from other users inputs -- When its 100% it removes from the 'chat' where it was loading and shows shows as a new message in the main window section. It's got a heavy amount of stylisation it applies (that can be turned up/down usings /settings) ... But yeah, it can make some pretty nice stuff, sometimes missing the mark a little or a lot. The art becomes the prompt ideas and their crafting and the knowledge of certain things to steer it towards your intention. Eg. Saying blahblah,cubism or Rembrant, gothic, studio ghibli, noir, heavenly...etc. You get something like 25 credits (25 text2imgs @ the default quality)..but easy to create new discord accounts to make more. I didn't like the discord interface initially, but actually it's a pretty excellent bootstrapping platform for the collaboration of the tool and getting ideas from other peoples prompt usage and subject matters.... Also, the u1,2,3,4 and V1,2,3,4 after generated images are clickable to upscale a particular 1 of the 4 images to a higher resolution, or create more versions similar to the selected one. Anyway, hope you have fun with it! Just some examples... "painting of a man wearing a mask over his face at the beach in the style of Van Gogh" "the forest at night becomes alive, magical, -ar 16:9" "Cat, van gogh" "watercolor painting of a fox and a tortoise playing in the sun" "metallic gradient orb smooth glow volumetric light blur" "cyberpunk style portrait of Mahatma Gandhi" "girl staring out her apartment window into a futuristic city"
  2. Yeah, nothing to do with 'open for people to connect' -- https won't impede that. It's legit 3 lines to add in to the virtual hosts file. (Assuming apache webserver) or 3 lines in a .htaccess file in the root dir. TBH as well , not sure why the yearly server costs are so extraordinarily high ~$3k!? I'm certain there's ways to achieve what's currently being hosted much cheaper. ) Happy to offer for free my time and knowledge to assist in getting this all set up more efficiently and securely if you'd take me up on it @Torsten?
  3. Any of these still avail? Macrogonus Matucana Peru --- Lance x HSP --- Super Pedro x R2 --- Scop x Anna --- Santaensis Pumacayan
  4. Oh never mind all that... Looks like there is sexual selection with Fungi too... The spores aren't gendered but can act as both M/F ...Save someone a google for anyone interested... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2992724/
  5. Hmmm, I'd be interested to know this too... A 'reproductive cycle' I assume Pseudo Mexican is meaning - Having one strain fruit and sporulate... Would the subsequent mycelium grown from those spores be vastly different (even to the point of unrecognizably related) strains. It'd be great if If anyone knew and could roll off a few sentences describing how fungi create their genetic diversity...Seems like they manage a high degree of diversity with no sexual reproduction (mitosis/meiosis chromosome crossing) and too much to be accounted for solely by mutation. Are genetics mixed when different strains of same species are grown together? Is there much info in the way of fungi gene expression from environmental factors? I did source this after a bit of googling...but wouldn't mind a seeing if anyone has a more succinct overview... Not that this one's that bad.. ( https://mycotopia.net/topic/23539-genetics/ ) Essential Points of Mushroom Breeding 1.The genotypes of mushrooms are controlled by genes which are passed on unchanged from generation to generation. 2.Genes occur in pairs, one from each parent spore. 3.When the members of a gene pair differ in their effect upon phenotype, the mushroom is termed hybrid or heterozygous. 4.When the members of a pair of genes are equal in their effect upon phenotype, then they are termed truebreeding or homozygous. 5.Pairs of genes controlling different phenotypic traits are (usually) inherited independently. 6.Dominance relations and gene interaction can alter the phenotypic ratios of the F1, F2, and subsequent generations. Soooo...I'd say yes, it'd be a new strain, but a lot of overlapping genetics..But Idk for sure. When working with agar cultures and you have an isolate - What's the underlying difference between the mycel growth there? All same genetics but some grows fuzzy, some rhizomorphic etc..all form the same exact genetics? What are you isolating exactly then when you do extract a bit of rhizo growth and grow that out..Is that just a gene expression...somehow triggered?...begging the question, how?
  6. Bumping this... Defs should have https by now. Happy to assist if needed of course. But with free options like cloudflare or letsencrypt it's less than a 20 min job. -- The 'dead links and database issues' wouldn't be a thing that this affects... and regardless it can be served as both http and https at the same time. I think the users of this site deserve a better security default. Just my 2 cents.
  7. Niceee, what kinda land size you working with? Sounds like the dream... I'd defs consider growing chili. Tonnes of varieties to experiment with as well as the possibility of self converting to a higher value product like your own line of hot sauce...Or just selling it direct for people and restaurant & business to do that themselves. The other plus is you don't need to have a perfect turn over of crops-> sales if you just dehydrate what you cant sell immediately. Plus a good price per kg most places..so pretty small vehicle required to move say $2k worth of product..which can't be said for beans, corn,potato etc. :D ...and another plus is you won't need to re plant for the most part...but you can propagate with cuttings too which would be a muchhhh faster way to expand.. Just try have some reallly healthy and nurtured parent plants... And for the already planted stuff... Just prune and you're ready for next season or use that saved time for putting on some poly tunnels to keep production up during the slower months.
  8. Gotta agree, Coinjar's slipped in quality imo. Plus they're just market makers rather than an exchange ( if that's what single player meant) I'd recommend https://www.independentreserve.com/ Apart from general speculation on price direction, I think the Brexit news/outcome is/will be affecting the price. I'd still suggest holding for the long haul, but it's pretty high risk buying in / selling out right now..So only play with what you can afford to lose. +Interesting info: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-06-15/currency-nado-yen-yuan-surge-gold-tops-1300-bitcoin-spikes-28-month-highs
  9. I'd take Hearn's exit writeup with a few barrels of salt tbh. His vision of what bitcoin should be is quite adverse to the rest of the community. Hypocritically stating the centralization of mining power in china being worrisome while championing centralization in much more rigid and unchangeable ways. Put tersly, he's a sell out, who's following the money with only self interest involved. Previous to his exit piece he's joined a financial conglomerate named R3 (A consortium of some 40+ banks and other financial institutions aiming to bastardize Bitcoin by using blockchain technology in a manner which the nodes are ONLY the financial institutions ( much the same as our current fiat systems are structured ) ) -- It's now in his (and his employers) interest to undermine Bitcoin ( cue his FUD spreading medium log). http://bravenewcoin.com/news/30-top-banks-and-mike-hearn-have-now-joined-r3-global-consortium/
  10. I'd still recommend using Bitcoin as one of the hedge bets you place. For now, it's best used mostly as a store of value rather than an everyday spending tool... Unless you're doing the whole remittance thing which it'll cut down a bit of the overhead for. I outlined in the thread a few years back ( and it's still true) that Bitcoin is still wayyy under it's potential market cap -- Being cheaper to use and faster to send value worldwide than institutions like western union and paypal (but perhaps not as ubiquitous) , without the possibility of the middle men freezing your account arbitrarily. It is however subject to more risk through price volatility ( with it behaving much like a stock -- Though it most certainly is not - - Really being more akin to gold and other natural resources that don't have a CEO or board of directors that have the final say what happens to its creation. Not an all your eggs in this basket kind of deal but certainty something to consider for your high risk high gain portfolio.
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