I was actually veggo for years, and a potato, mushroom, bean version of Pepperpot is indeed delicious. It doesn't need to be cooked nearly as long, and in fact I would cook it for about an hour with the beans and mushrooms, then I would throw in some big chunks of potato and stopped it once they were tender. Easy done, and still yummy. The longer you let it sit, though, the more that flavor gets through all the potatoes and beans. Soo good. Cassareep can also be sourced online, although I think I may have had troubles getting it through customs when I lived over there. Well, at least my package never showed up, but I never got a letter from customs either, so who knows what happened. It is interesting to note how simple, yet almost exactly spot on this recipe is. Cinnamon, Clove, Mother-Of-Herbs (Which they call Guyanese Thyme, or just Thyme), Very Spicy Chilis (They usually either use Scotch Bonnet or Wiri-Wiri), Sugar, Meat, and a very thick and bitter starchy sauce (Cassareep). That's it. Some recipes add onion and garlic, which is ok, but I actually prefer it without them. Either way, it is the perfect way to start the day if you are about to go out and work the fields all day, or run around the jungle and hunt some boar or something. Especially when served with a fresh loaf of bread and a few different types of ciggies.