Hi Thelema!
how could we be the same person?
since a person is defined by their limitations and exclusion
persona is Latin for the masks actors wore in dramatic plays
maybe all living things are expressions of the same consciousness
maybe it's just electric monkey meat spazzing out
illusions generated by our biology
what I don't get is
if our brains like all life are products of dualistic processes
and we therefore inescapably perceive everything in dualities
aren't dual/nondual states of mind another duality?
at the very least we can say all life emerged from the interplay of opposites
the bright hot shafts of father sun penetrated the dank primordial mists of mother earth
and life emerges at the continuing, fragile meridian of harmonious interplay between the two
our local syzygy
parochial expression of the dyad
so how could we know anything when these dualities are what our brain is built from?
I also want to know if to be 'all one' is to be literally al-one... are all distinctions illusory?