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The Corroboree


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  1. Hey I'm getting a bit overcrowded, have many varieties and clones, bulk PC. Hit me up if you're after anything. Have Knuth, patch, bridge, Peru, tersch, Cuzco scop x psycho0 psycho0 x yowie lance ss02 x juuls giant psycho0 greedo nice blue Peru forgotten name. not really interested in postage unless someone wants a big lot. the TPC X juuls monstrose cuttings I will post if good offer is made, beautiful plant that keeps surprising, has grown greatly and I have multiple cuts now. thanks
  2. Hi, as the title states I am after tabacum and ephedra seed, only if it's legal tho. Will pay or swap cacti if you don't want to sell. thanks, marklar
  3. I might be keen to come grab some depending on price.
  4. cheers guys! Ill try a scare-bird first but if they keep coming ill have to dig them up again because i kknow mum wont want shade cloths ran across her backyard! Unless she IS the bird and thats why shes been acting strange lately.....
  5. hi all so ive come back from 6 months away and moved back in with my dad, so i went to my old rental and dug all my cacti up. I put the smaller ones at my dads place so i can help them when they need it, but i put all the big oness out at my mums place(an hour away) because i thought i could just leave them. I went back up last week and they all have been attacked by what i first thought was slugs but then saw little bits of cacti sprinkled all around where they had been ruined, so now i think it is birds. They have been eaten all on the tips and even some arms are nearly eaten through! It took ages replanting them(and got full of spines) and had to borrow a ute. so if anyone has any tricks to keep them away it would be awesome if i dont have to re-replant them back down my way) thanks
  6. ive got an ifap photo id card where i look like a chronic masturbator in the photo
  7. it was me who first asked mate and you responded with "how original" and "are you even 18 yet". A pretty irrevelent immature reply if you ask me, how old are you? Because your the one who sounds like the typical young aussie yobbo raised by racist parents and john howard, or are you the racist old man raising your kids that way? The captain cook question and the what mob question are effectively the same and im sorry i have to spell the meaning out to you, are you aboriginal? no? then where do we begin sending people back to where they came from, or do we just turn the boats around? if so is turning away refugees and illeagal immigrents really going to fix overpopulation issues?
  8. does this include captain cook and the endeavor we have to force back to where they came from?
  9. Lucky we have this carbon tax coming in wich is fundamentaly to reduce emissions and the enext step the government brought in was to scrap the solar incentive plan early, i dont follow politics but this piece of retardation to me completely blows their enviromental tax out of the water exposing it as nothing but a money making scheme (not that i thought it would be anything else)
  10. Oh yeah and definately won't be telling that one to don't think she would see the funny side haha
  11. I don't know how much of greece I am going to see because I want to sail and scuba through the islands but don't really think I have the time I would like to spend there so will probably go back another time and do it all I'm hoping I don't think I can get an international licence because I lost it over here and eurail looks good, can only get tickets valid over a couple months tho I think? Good idea with the money pouch hadn't thought of anythnig like that yet but also hiding my passport in my bum sounds like a lot of fun and a good idea too! Haha cheers for the replys
  12. pm'd cheers nice giveaway
  13. yeah im not really interested if its mostly worth it because of the weed because thats not exactly a culture shock haha, but i have heard the vibes and nightlife are good, i ight check it if my 3 months in schengen doesnt run out early
  14. ^^any links to any stuff like this? would like to read more
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