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what a haul !

might I suggest, when cleaning seeds, do a water separation, separating floaters from sinkers.....in my experiences, theres much much higher germ rates on sinkers than floaters.

my methods involve mashing the pulp with my fingers onto a paper plate, mixing in water to assist, then funnel that into a wide mouth 1 liter bottle or so, adding more water to fill the bottle.

then shake up several times, pouring off the floaters (and saving) & remaining pulp. sinkers are placed on a paper towel to dry, as well as the floaters on a separate paper towel.

experience has shown most hybrid crosses to be mostly sinkers, although a few hybrid crosses were mostly floaters (dead embryo's)

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I love that puppy Manic

Its true EG.

Id like to send you some of the real good ones and of course any other you'd like

Mr X would be chuffed to see these growing in Europe

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cool advice Zelly, thank you.

i'll give the bottle a go tomorrow when i do the next lot.

Ive been scooping the flesh out, mushing it up in a bowl of water with my hands, whisking the water with a plastic whisk, then decanting the water and pulp, over and over till the seeds have separated, takes ages.

it is very satisfying to see the colour in the base of the bowl though and the kitchen is a mess.

Tried to keep the floaters separate, tipping it all into a slops bucket.

it will be fun to auction off the slops :)

clean seeds






Macrogonis A



The Yowie were the hardest to clean as the pods were over ripe, may have another go with these tomorrow.

Will halve the seeds onto more plates and add paper towel.

if its raining will have the fire on in the house to assist the drying.

If they are to wet for to long is there a chance they will germinate?

edit : just thought they have been inside watery stuff anyway so maybe they will be ok for a little bit of time before they dry.













Edited by pimento
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Dont think they will germinate in such a short period of time. Most seed require a couple of weeks to germinate and the germination process stops once they are dried up. Just make sure to not keep em moist for longer periods of time because it decreases the general viability. I oftenly use pergamine bags for fresh seed because it allows water to get out so they cant rot. If you put freshly dried seed in PVC bags, they can sometimes rot if they werent cleaned enough. If you use Zelly´s tech, there should be any problems. Again, awesome lot. This is a great find! Congrats!

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WOW, amazing find Pimento! I think I had a mild heartattack just now!

I really, really hope I catch that giveaway, but would be definitely willing to buy or trade for a couple of the validus and werdermanius seeds to add to my European outdoor cactus garden!

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WOW, amazing find Pimento! I think I had a mild heartattack just now! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png

I really, really hope I catch that giveaway, but would be definitely willing to buy or trade for a couple of the validus and werdermanius seeds to add to my European outdoor cactus garden!

Cool Tangy, I miss that evil apple.

This will be the way I rekon, will send a pack of the special ones to a member that has proven germination and cultivation skills in each country, big ass places like here and US we may have to go east coast, west coast, centre etc.....

Def got your good self down for where you are Berengar. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

There's some real good growers on here, be great to see these in their collections.

Prolly gonna get most people to pay their own postage as the costs to distribute these my get a bit exy, or trade seeds if their gooduns.

Today I clean more seeds. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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Discussing the giveaway with Mr X it was agreed that the seeds could be called 'SG' opens, SG = Secret Garden.

If this name sticks or another it would be good then hopefully in the future when we're all growing wiked cactus from these seeds they can be discussed and compared using this name.

Secret Garden opens from the pod giveaway.

Can these can be called hybrids? I dont know as they wern't purposely crossed.

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Can these can be called hybrids? I dont know as they wern't purposely crossed.

Well since trichs aren't self fertile, (except for spach), as far as I know, all offspring will definitely be hybrids, we just won't ever know what the father of each hybrid is for certain. Still will be hybrids though, just open pollinated hybrids.

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Wow! Love your work pimento! Very exciting! Can i put my name down for 20 of each! Will trade, buy, give my left nut or work something out. So cool! You rock pimento!

this.....only my right nut.....make a matching pair maybe ;)

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Len is an awesome cactus <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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Recently i had a load of pods to clean. And is one of my most hated jobs. I found that i could give then a quick'massage' in a bowl of water then i pour them through a two part sieve Made for honey extraction. The coarse sieve catches most of the fleshy fibres and the fine sieve caught ALL the seeds. It was almost too good to be true.


Edit : coarse and course. Tsk tsk.










Edited by watertrade
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I agree wt, cleaning pods is no fun! Recently cleaned 4 pods, using a rice strainer, the fruit was cereus so the seeds were big enough to not fall through the strainer holes, i just massaged the flesh till it turned to juice, leaving nothing but seeds in the strainer, dont think it would work for trichs but then there is those things you sift flour with, that could work

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Cleaning pods sux big time, messy, smelly, wet.

ended up doing a bit of everything, bottle, strainer, sieves.

The pods that were a bit mushy were the worst, took ages and multiple cleans to get results, still some have bits of snot in them i can't get out so I've dried most and will pick out the dry bits of flesh.

The rush was on to clean them as quick as possible as some were going mouldy.

I will make sure that they are super dry before bagging, prob leave them out for a week more still.

the fire has been on for 3 nights running now drying the seeds, its so hot the doors are open as well.

Nice score! I'm glad you were in the right place at the right time to eventually serve as the middle man between Mr. X's Secret Garden and the rest of us!

sure is <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

It is extremely generous of Mr X to share the seeds with us. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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all the seeds bagged and left open to ensure all moisture is removed.

just about ready to start a worldwide giveaway :lol:

the giveaway will be a 3 tiered thing -

1 - general worldwide seed giveaway of the 3-4 vars that there are lots of seeds of, receiver pays post

2 - seed send out to proven growers around the world who want to grow these seeds, all/most vars included. i will pay post

3 - some select varieties will be for sale to recover costs and to make some $

The SG open worldwide seed giveaway will be announced on the xchange soon :drool2:




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