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The Corroboree


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About watertrade

  • Birthday 09/22/1978

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  1. Hi Everyone, I'm opening my garden in the ACT up for sales - the usual $1 a cm kinda deal. By appointment only. Best to contact me at the SAB facebook page or PM here.
  2. Hi, is anyone interested in catching up? Lets discuss,
  3. Congratulations Prier. This has been a long time coming !
  4. no problem, but I don't think it worked. :D could you see if you can delete the images? I can have a look at the post count but if not its no big deal thanks
  5. I have hidden the folder so we all didn't have to see the same image you uploaded 450 times
  6. Its about incriminating yourself and others.
  7. I used to love the freebies. It was such a quick way to get and learn about diffetent plants
  8. how does "20th april to sunday 22nd" as etheral drifter suggest suit people? I will have to check but at this stage this date is as good as any for me.
  9. hi everyone, Could any of my fellow SABers help me out with 4 fresh clean prints for microscopy? I have some old prints but would like some more recent ones. I will trade you for stuff. I have lots of plants and seeds I can trade. pm me please! thanks ;)
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