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  1. I learnt that after all the years i that most of you are A O K.
    7 points
  2. No rest for fiends like me I've tried to compile lots of my research into a website for anyone who's bored out of their brains/curious. Alchemica's Research Lair - Phytopharmacology (site123.me)
    5 points
  3. Yet another reason why the people should be allowed to grow their own mushrooms at home. Safety from predatory therapists and venture capitalists.
    4 points
  4. I've devoted quite a bit of time to researching succulents so would like to share the love. Can spare a couple (2) packs [Edit: one left] of free mixed succulents to the first couple of people interested (reply here and I'll get back to you) 1. Sceletium tortuosum cuttings 2. Sceletium emarcidum cuttings 3. Delosperma bosseranum mature plants 4. Delosperma echinatum cuttings 5. Trichodiadema stellatum cuttings 6. Lampranthus spectabilis (red) cuttings 7. Mesembryanthemum (Aptenia) cordifolium (purple) true form seedlings/cuttings. Can also include others including Aptenia haeckeliana if interested 8. maybe some Lampranthus aureus cutting No WA/TAS Something like this: Some of them can be a challenge to root up but see how you go. Only express interest if you're dedicated and keen please. I'll include postage.
    4 points
  5. hey guys just a heads up that old mate wont be at the market this weekend either. he has a gumtree ad that he updates weekly n you can check availability that way. its way too hot at the moment n hes staying home to tend to things. i sell plants as well but have been taking a break the past few months due to a death in the family, but am gearing up again. if you msg me with what youre after ill let you know. ive got all the usual suspects plus a few other guys like ginger, white sapote, aji chillies. oh n ive got a heap of cactus needing new homes. some bigger guys plus a bunch of year-old seedlings in tubs. this heat is doing my head in by now n i need to thin out the collection again so im not running around watering all day
    4 points
  6. Hey all. After really enjoying the Corroboree over ten years ago I slipped off the radar once my kids came along and I became the primary care-giver, but I tried to kick-start my presence a few years ago just before I lost my home computer. Since then I've had a replacement (couldn't use my VPNed work one because NSFW...) and I'm finally getting around to relaunching here. If any of my old buddies are around - hi! And if there are any newer Tassie members who might like to get in touch - hi, too! There are a few plants that I'll be posting about soon - looking, or to pass on, so watch these spaces... It's so bloody good to be back.
    4 points
  7. Be cool to do a joint SAB-APS meet-up/ picnic of sorts sometime … or a mushroom ID workshop/bush walk/camp when Sub season starts
    4 points
  8. Last of a batch. Best till last. PM if interested in trade.
    4 points
  9. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378874120331986 in rodents, at least.
    4 points
  10. Now's a good time to get these into cold stratification, in readiness for Spring. 4 lots of 20 seeds available. PM for details.
    3 points
  11. hi! i noticed since quite a while, that some men, when they talk to me, touch there genitals very briefly. they do that repeatedly, and i sometimes thought, they want me to look where, they touched them selfe, but i never do. maybe thats why they repeat the process? i never asked any of them why they do it, or if they even aware of it. it could be something close to a tick. some of them lived in my area, and when i met them, they always do the touching thing, which is slightly anoying. i sometimes thought is this a secret gay thing (i'm a bit a feminine male), but i know some of them are certainly hetro. has any of you noticed the same thing? is any of you a groin toucher? can any body shed light to this phenonoma.
    3 points
  12. Theres Aus shops like this Home - My Terpenes Australia For pinenes, I tend to use frankincence essential oil unless you can get the pure terpene - ~30-60% α-pinene. There seems to be different enantiomers in different oils which needs to be taken into account. Even between B. carterii and B. sacra there seems to be different pinene enantiomers. α-pinene: anti-inflammatory via PGE1, acetylcholinesterase inhibitor - aiding memory, positive modulator of GABAA receptors at BZD sites. α-pinene was observed to initiate soothing physiological and behavioural responses with a significant impact on physiological and psychological relaxation. (1R)-(+)-α-pinene was more prevalent than (1S)-(−)-α-pinene in pine oils (+)-α-Pinene was the predominant enantiomer in most rosemary, this is intriguing as (-)-α-pinene displays partial modulation of GABAA-BZD receptors and direct binding to the BZD binding site of GABAA receptor while the (+)- enantiomer is less characterised. α-Pinene shows anti-metastatic and anti-tumor activities. Moreover, it seems to be anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and an anti-allergic bronchodilator and can produce anxiolytic and hypnotic effects via the GABAergic system (α-PN shows anxiolytic and hypnotic effects upon inhaled administration. α-PN evokes its hypnotic action through direct binding to GABAA as a partial modulator at the benzodiazepine binding site
    3 points
  13. If you cover my cost for postage - I can send you cutting of Sceletium tortuosum Sceletium emarcidum Delosperma bosseranum Delosperma echinatum Trichodiadema stellatum Lampranthus spectabilis (red) Mesembryanthemum (Aptenia) cordifolium (purple) Message me if you are interested.
    3 points
  14. Haha Sorry to burst your bubble there is only one cristata the other 2 had been doused with BAP so maybe not in the true form of a cristata. As I said they have been neglected for some time hope you get to revive and enjoy them bud. All the best.
    3 points
  15. I would assume the consequences are 1. They lose their vote on the next issue. So that leaves the party less likely to be able to pass legislation. 2. They are penalised financially, either a fine or that week/month salary 3. They go on a public register. This could then be used to assess their character by the electorate come next election cycle. Failing that you could simply criminalise drinking or drug decision making in the same way it is for driving.
    3 points
  16. I once spoke to the chemist who discovered the active principle, karrikin, in the smoke water. The contraption he used to make the smoke burned, or more correctly heated to smoking point, filter paper! So even just paper smoke can work. More on Karrikins below https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12915-015-0219-0
    3 points
  17. I'm hopefully back after 10 years also. Welcome back brother.
    3 points
  18. It’s like a vortex, we all end up back here at some point. Lol. Good to see your name appear WoodDragon
    3 points
  19. Capitalism has always conspired with religion to claim spiritual monopoly. "Manifest destiny" shaped the course of American history: the bounty of a stolen continent was proof positive of God's blessing -- even if it meant decimating "pagan" Native America, and removing First Nations peoples to reservations that inspired Hitler's concentration camps. A light on the hill, and all that crap. "In God We Trust" is printed on American money. Go figure the biblical contradiction. Personally I don't see the inherent harm in attempting to "manifest" one's reality. It's called wishful thinking, or in some contexts, prayer. I'm also reminded of intention-setting during psychedelic healing sessions, and even of traditional San Pedro rituals in which material wealth was the desired goal. Apparently the curanderos didn't have a problem with it. The idea of Lord Elon tripping in order to dream up ever more nefarious ways of enslaving nature and humanity, on the other hand, I would strictly classify as black magic.
    3 points
  20. Hi All, been a while since my last lurk around the forums I've got some Courtii seed available for purchase. $25 per 30+ seed pack. Or $1 each. Harvested January 2022 from seed grown trees in southern Tasmania. Message for inquiry ✌
    3 points
  21. Tried to briefly explore Tabernaemontana undulata to see if it has potential merit for anti-addictive properties. tabernaemontana | PDF Host
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. What, no one was interested in the 239 pages of correspondence between the organisation that must not be named and the TGA? Or the fact that, as of August 30 only one prescriber of psilocybin had been approved under the scheduling carve-out?
    3 points
  24. 3 points
  25. There are some very smart eggs using this site... And I'm not the only freak in the flock
    3 points
  26. Before i came across SAB all i knew of people that took/used substances from nature for one reason or another were pretty much just "deadbeat druggies", SAB has shown me that some people in to taking/using some substance from nature for whatever reason may very well be extremely intelligent and likely very productive people.
    3 points
  27. 3 points
  28. At least psychedelics are efficacious and relatively safe, with fewer side effects than SSRIs. Safety is proven over millennia of traditional use. Furthermore, psychedelics lend themselves to DIY forms of therapy which (potentially) circumvent the medical establishment -- an emergent imperative of the economically disadvantaged. A war against (so-called) "alternative wellness" is thus of real concern. I'm unaware of any concrete proposals for the abolition of structural inequality.
    3 points
  29. I noticed a mountain of gravel, crusher dust, road mix, sitting on the nature strip in Clarendon St, Coburg, Melbourne. With a cardboard sign saying "FREE" -- looks like leftovers from an Astroturf job. I filled a few buckets, but barely scratched the surface. Ute or truck would be the way to go. Just putting this out there for the benefit of my fellow sacred gardeners.
    3 points
  30. A few mid-cut sections of this special scopulicola available, for anyone interested in propagating. I've never seen a scop with such pronounced horizontal strata, which definitely caught my eye (and I've already got quite a few scop varieties, including some real stunners). It's absolutely spineless to the touch, with deeply recessed aureoles. The mother is no longer, unfortunately. These chunks are fat and heavy (CD in last pic. for reference). PM if interested.
    3 points
  31. I haven't heard of them before but really I haven't heard of a genuine sellers on the open web. At best they'll take your money. At worst you'll get something sent and it will be intercepted and you will get in big legal trouble.
    2 points
  32. https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/s/GefAhuGBHu Apologies for the reddit link, I searched the NSW health page and it's terrible, couldn't find this alert, only older ones. Anyway, TLDR: punisher, SpongeBob and MyBrand stamped tabs around containing 217mg so be careful if you're in the habit of dropping multiple pies. You know what would help this situation NSW Government? Pill testing. You know, like all the recommendations from experts?
    2 points
  33. This is well put. I'm interested, however, in the sudden jump from point 1 to points 2-6. It is well established that our experinece of material reality is a representation rather than an exact copy of a self-subsisting reality, however, that representation is derived from engagement with material things and can be verfied or falsified empirically. That doesn't mean these are absolute things in a reductionist sense, but they do provide support for the objectivity of judgment. But when you jump to level 2, you are now describing religious revelation that has no material ground, and in that context I'd like to know how you determine that is not also another (very supercharged) representation, or "delusion" constructed out of you own subjective experinece and cultural milieu - after all, "multiverse" is a rather westernised idea... Which is to say, I think your rundown is potentially very close to the "truth" and well articulated, but what I am interested in are the grounds you use to determine that that experience is a "full comprehension" and not a subjective experinece predicated on personal faith? The analogy of the cave is an interesting one to use in that respect. Plato said you must meditate on the Ideas, or Forms, suprasensible essences of things, the highest of which in the Form of the Good, to get out of the cave. But actually all Plato produced was a subjective opinion that he couldn't verify, after all, what really is the Form of the Good, or "Beauty in itself" which he claims to know? He also talks about a "Godhead". It does seem really important to tap into that "space" one way or another, but how can you demonstrate whether it is actual or not? Conversely, the creative potential and lessons learned from that space can always be grounded in tangible things.
    2 points
  34. I have a lot of experince with singada, not for a long time now though. Typical preparation is 6-12 large green or cured mapacho leaves (N.rustica) slow boiled for a few minutes in a small amount of water (until light brown) then strained. That makes dozens of strong "doses" probably like 100mls. I used a palm heart staff (chonta wood/chonta staff) with a small wood bowl carved in the top as the receptable. Such staffs are widely available in witches markets but not often with the small depression/bowl carved in the top. The bowl on top is about the volume of an old skool wooden smoking pipe I guess. Do through one nostril, then the other, with the one bowl... if well prepared you get a feeling of lift off and energy activation, so to speak, that lasts a few minutes. Can be used at the peak of huachuma experience (or slightly after) or separately, i've used it up to perhaps 15-20 times in a single session (2-3 hours) but that's excessive. It is an ordeal experience as much as a psychactive one, used by shamans to offer and clear energy. Doesn't last more than a few days in a bottle. I used to carry my staff around all over the place and do singada at any nice natural location as an offering in an otherwise sober state. At that time I didn't smoke tobacco, I don't think whether you smoke or not affects tolerance per se but doing singada or using mapacho for ritual purpose may explain why I took up smoking! In Peru, most curanderos prepare only by mashing green mapacho leaves in cold water and keeping the leaves and juice in a special singada bottle, and will use high alpine lake water if possible. This is a much weaker preparation but in Peru san pedro shamans rarely aim for maximum psychoactive effect (unless a gringo is invited), their huachuma brews also done in cold water and quite "weak" by western psychonaut standards, it's more about the ritual. Receptable used may be chonta staff but also varieties of sea-shell. The singada is as important in northcoast ceremonies than the actual san pedro and the singada may be administered several times, possibly seven per the magic number. I never came across much in the way of admixtures but there's probably heaps. Huicla/yopo an interesting idea, but if you're going to put something up your nose, why not just insufflate the seeds directly for blast off. The tenon heads at chavin are a representation of that experinece precisely, as your link says. Northcoast shamans would add agua de florida, agua rosada, agua kanaga, and other commercial flower waters in small amounts (commercially prepared and sold for the shaman's market that is), and high alpine herbs I can't remember what or why. I never ever used any alcohol in my preparations, I prefer to drink it! Some of the flower waters I guess have some minute alcohol content. I never measured any dosage, miligrams or whatever, just eyeball mixed with some original tutelege. It's a spectacular thing the singada and very important to peruvian rituals. I never had adverse side effects but depends on your sinuses, I did see a few people end up with blocked ears/sinuses and such from the inhale that can be uncomfortable for days or weeks. Athough I did this probably more than a 1000 times I can't remember atm what happens after... I think some liquid goes down the throat but most comes back out the nose, I don't think I spit it out, but best not to ingest large quantities as tobacco is quite toxic when ingested. This is my personal experience, it is not advice, nor am I an expert. There's heaps of info on the web if you want to dig into it.
    2 points
  35. A kind member on this community gifted me some ceremonial cacao to compare to the supermarket bought raw cacao. I made the ceremonial cacao in the same way I would the raw - 50g of cacao, milk, sugar and chilli. In short the difference between these two items not comparable. The raw cacao is a kids drinks the ceremonial cacao is an entheogen. The ceremonial cacao started within 30 minutes as a tingle in the arms and body and a slight stimulating buzz but nothing edge after an hour or two gave way to a deep relaxation almost a feeling of floating in water. I could definitely feel that it made me more in touch with my emotions, not emotional just they I could feel more - maybe this is the opening of the heart people speak about. As the day wore on I could feel the effect, I not sure how to describe it however the best I can describe in the relaxation akin to a small to moderate amount of alcohol a feeling that has stayed with me and I could definitely feel it working its way through me throughout the day. I have noted that my stomach is unsettled and a little sensitive maybe not used to so much Theobromine. 10 hours post consumption and I can still feel it, relaxed ready for sleep. Maybe I am more sensitive or not used to the medicine. I did not do a full ritual, just centered myself with a prayer before ingestion. No real set setting and the like however I could see how ceremonial cacao could be a very effective entheogen. I feel that combined with another entheogens it could be a great part of a come up phase. I can see why traditionally ceremonial cacao was mixed with magic mushrooms the likes of Maria Sabina. Combining it with Wachuma is definitely worth considering. From my limited third-hand understanding cacao is a central Peru entheogen were Wachuma is more associated with northern coastal Peru. However it seems to that they would really go together so well. Maybe even smoking mapacho and drinking cacao would be interesting. While ceremonial cacao is four time the price of raw cacao I feel its like comparing a Honda to a Maserati. Its price would limit daily use but I do not think that any entheogen should be used daily. I will comment on the taste. The raw cacao taste much more akin to commercial chocolate the ceremonial cacao is earthier, less bitter then expected, less chocolate, it is just different to chocolate or raw cacao. Ceremonial cacao was no were as intense in flavor as I thought it would be. Possible because it is not as refined/processed and still contains all the cocoa fat which could possible dilute the chocolate flavor. I defiantly will be exploring ceremonial cacao again.
    2 points
  36. Well, yes, kinda sorta, inasmuch as I'm glad somebody is keeping tabs on it. I've bookmarked it in my head Socially tho, we are all so inured to the concept of rich kents getting what they want anywhere they like, regardless of fairness, risks to the environment, public health, regardless of public scrutiny, that it all seems like so much business as usual. Yes this is fucked. So are all the gag orders. I've even self censored my response here, not including various jabs about well never mind The future is not evenly distributed. 25 years ago we thought we were charting a path but capitalism eats all your dreams
    2 points
  37. Confirmation that a decoction of P. harmala seeds is massively potentiated by addition to a drink made of large amounts cacao.
    2 points
  38. I purchase 5 liter Bottle of Distilled Water from Coles and tonight I had the thought that they could possible make great bottles for bottle tek. Since they are ribbed, what if the ribs could be interlocked if cut the right way. So I cut off the tops of two bottles and after a little fiddling and cutting I managed to get two bottle to go together. The trick is to cut one bottle above a rib (rib in) and the second bottle below a rib (rib out) that way the bottle slide and lock into each other. I think it would make better tek then coke bottles because they are 5 liters not 2 liters they are taller, more volume, and they are square so more efficient use of space when you have multiples. The down side the lock in between the components is not as solid as the coke bottles and filled with 5 liters of soil I doubt that you could pick it from the top and have it hold together. Would do people think?
    2 points
  39. This area has been of interest to me in the past, even though I'm not into bioassaying these days. Here's a literature review and some research mammillaria | PDF Host
    2 points
  40. Many of the awesome people I know now I met through SAB, and going to meet ups through out the years has connected me with community in different states. Lots of planty info goodness. That some plants can help you communicate with the universe. We’re all the weird? Wired? One thing *BANG* into many pieces, interesting… interacting with each other?
    2 points
  41. That no one ever got more sane from talking to me - usually the opposite.
    2 points
  42. Dr. Charles Nichols on the topic courtesy of DrugScience https://www.drugscience.org.uk/podcast/78-are-psychedelics-anti-inflammatory-with-dr-charles-nichols/?fbclid=IwAR3O5cUndjtEl1kfm5ogYzMxUXNBOYemIA23P3mk8nDFZQGGXfAkEK79GPU Props to the OP for broaching this one. I have heard ridiculous anecdotal stories, around such conditions as MSA (Multiple Systems Atrophy) and how relatively low doses of psychedelics like mushrooms have transformed conditions and lives. I would wager that a raft of neurological issues could potentially benefit from some sort of dosing regime, with inflammation being one of the primary drivers leading to disfunction in the human organism. I'm not a doctor though, so what do I know?
    2 points
  43. Makes total sense from a Western perspective but it is actually a nonstarter despite the very rational sanity that exists in your suggestion. For the vastly largest part NAC members do not view or use mescaline or mescaline containing plants as their sacrament. They use peyote. That might sound like I am merely splitting hairs but San Pedro has different effects, a different taste and a different personality. This is a religious activity for them and it is not regarded to be a drug experience. For you and me such substitution would no doubt pose no problem as Western reductionism is valid in Western ideology. This subject goes far beyond what we are talking about there as a rather large portion of the NAC is still strongly opposed to cultivation even if done within the NAC itself due to their belief that it shows a lack of faith in the ability of the peyote to protect itself. Instead harvesting for users north of the border increased in Mexico. Thankfully this is now slowly in the process of changing or at least NAC people who do not object to cultivation have openly begun cultivation activities as of 7-8 years ago. It has been going on quietly for some time but I also know of one chapter which stopped growing around 12 years ago when their supplier threatened to cut them off of their peyote supply if they did not cease cultivating peyote. Cultivation within the NAC would likely be much more widespread if not for the pressure against it that became very vocal in the early 1990s. This is all an internal matter for the NAC to work through and resolve as no outsiders have the right or the wisdom to tell other people how to practice their religion. Spokespeople from the NAC have repeatedly stated to legislators and to the press that mescaline is not their medicine and San Pedro is not their medicine so have boxed themselves into a corner should their minds someday change. Only in the last several years have we heard claim being laid over them and that has been entirely in the context of decrim efforts and a desire to keep mescaline from being decriminalized. There has been a lot of effort directed at keeping not just peyote but mescaline out of DN proposals. It has in a growing number of cases been successful in omitting mescaline and any mescaline containing cacti and in others has only kept peyote and mescaline derived from peyote excluded. In far fewer instances peyote HAS been included in the decriminalization initiatives that were passed. One more bit of subtlety is that *only* the 'nondrug use' of peyote is viewed by DEA as having protection. Not only is there no guarantee that respect would be extended to the NAC for using other mescaline containing cacti or mescaline but since that would be based on recognizing they the same active drug, and therefore are drug use, it might actually go against them. Saying "peyote is not a drug" is more than just words for them, in DEA's eyes it is their legal defence for being able to use it in ceremony. One element to bear in mind is the NAC is not a homogenous organization in thought or beliefs. It is actually not an organization. It is a loose affiliation of around 170 chapters; each of which have their own charter and can write their own bylaws and membership rules. Most of them are formally incorporated. Many are fundamentalist Christians, some still have their original religion and are not Christianized and many are somewhere in between. Similarly many chapters strictly preclude others from participating (65 or so percent) and others welcome anyone who is sincere. This is easily missed if hearing the most vocal rhetoric appearing in the press. I know a very tiny number of NAC people who do use San Pedro. I know far more who absolutely reject it. I have never met any NAC member who would accept synthetic mescaline as a sacrament. There certainly may be someone out there but I have not met them and far more members would protest against the idea rather loudly. The discussions referenced at chacruna are generally about the concern for protecting peyote populations by insisting that only synthetic mescaline should be used for therapeutic applications rather than peyote or mescaline that has been extracted from peyote. There are at least five psychedelic start-ups based around the use of mescaline so that is a great idea. As was mentioned earlier, one can also find this notion being embraced in a number of the Decrim Nature initiatives. The thing which would go farthest to resolve the dilemma with the least complexity would be repealing the controlled substances act and also declaring peyote to be a federally listed endangered species. Congress gave all people in the USA who qualify for federal aid by virtue of being recognized as a member of any indigenous entity (group, tribe, pueblo, etcetera) the right to harvest, possess, transport, and consume peyote and to cultivate it in a regulated manner so adding that layer of protection to peyote would not affect NAC peyote access or use.
    2 points
  44. Commentors above have asked reasonable questions which, if the laws were based on reason/scientific evidence/and or harm, would ostensibly have reasonable answers. But that assumption, that drug law is somewhat based on logic, is naive in the extreme. This recent article examines how religion and racism form a large and foundational part of our drug laws globally, particularly when considering 'alien' drugs, like psychedelics and most 'New World' substances, bar cocaine. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/20503245231198526 Don't expect reason to be accepted when laws fly in the face of it
    2 points
  45. Just thought I would share, at my local nursery I scored a psycho0, yowie x PC and a SAB#2 X Fields. There were about 30, trichocereus pachanoi/bridgesii and possibly peruvianus. Just at my local mainstream nursery I had a chat with one of the staff and he said they were grown from seed by a local guy. For 10 bucks each, about 17cm tall. I cant seem to upload a photo but will try again. Probs a bit boring by y'all standards but it was cool to see at a regular public nursery and exciting to start rebuilding my collection. Never had any of these variations before! Also, thanks for having me, hope to be here fairly regularly, very keen to learn and make connections. I love trichocereus, lophs, anything rare and or medicinal etc. Cheerio
    2 points
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