thank you for your response!
so i" fatten up" this thread with knowledge, knowledge, i have learned entirely from sab, and some other sites, which don't excist anymore....
members please post more!
i long time ago, at an american site, there was a german guy, who once a year started a thread, something like, "who can grow the biggest loph in a given time",
and he always won. this inspired me to learn grafting, and to do what, i try to achive with this thread. no doubt all his winning lophs were giants, and he achived that by growing many seeds.
i had a very close look at my giant lophs, and noticed something, for the first time, ONE OF THEM IS A BLUE LOPH AND RIPPED!
i observed this trait a few times but never as a giant. i have sown out yesterday seeds from the "blue" and will wait what happens.
most lophs look very much alike when they are juvenils, but gigantism stands out even when they are young, because they grow bigger faster....
i used up all of my seeds currently, and have going specimens on there own roots, and some young grafts on peres.
next batch of seeds, i will share with you, but only, if you tell me you can graft loph's, and have expertise in growing them successfully.
the trick to grow lophs is, HYDROPHOBIC SOIL and to water them not often.