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The Corroboree


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/10/12 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. 1 point
    Aww but I only just found my K Y jelly and made popcorn:(
  3. 1 point
    There’s no such thing as ABC 4, it’s ABC news24 and is the best channel on tv, btw. Anyway, it wasn’t ABC 1, because they don’t shut down, there usually either got old movies or rage on at that time. ABC 2 doesn’t usually shut down till later in the night. If it had the “programs resume at 6am” message before 12am, then it probably was ABC 3. What I don’t get is why you didn’t check the tv guide on your set top box, if it was as odd & fascinating as you say? Or even just change the channel to see what you were watching? Anyway, there’s nothing paranormal about some trippy short popping up on the tv. Either you were watching another channel (Some trippy rage clip on ABC 1, or maybe one of those trippy ‘7 billion stories and counting’ ads on SBS). Or you were watching ABC 3 like you claim, which does have swirling colours and stuff. You were probably just tired and smoked too much incense, which made it appear trippier than it actually was. Either way, I’m quite sure if it was plant fairies (or whatever other paranormal activity you’ve convinced yourself you saw) fucking with ya, then they’d find a far more creative way to do it, than putting a few trippy colours on your tv screen.
  4. 1 point
    man draws comics while under brain surgery http://richardspooralmanac.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/back-to-work.html?m=1
  5. 1 point
    so lophs being sold for anything over 55c is somehow immoral to you?
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    could it have been endogenous DMT.... Opps i shouldn't have mention that, now the non believers are gonna get their knickers in a knot lol
  8. 1 point
    hahahahahahahahah I wasn't under the influence of anything.. I swear!
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    ^^FREE Give away 2 children 1 male, 1 female for one night only, will be feed!!
  11. 1 point
    I am amazed no one has taken up this generous offer. Nice give away Nothink. I have my kids with me tonight or I would of politely asked.
  12. 1 point
    I like this point. There are far too many freeloaders here who do this to me regularly.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    this should be on the new plane package ciggies
  15. 1 point
    I have seen this in Astrophytum before, mainly in caput-medusae. In the beginning I believed it to be caused by the sun but as Jack suggests it is very much genetic and similar to the Kohyo cultivar that effects the skin in Myiostigma. There may be some role the weather plays in triggering the changes but I don't know for sure. Here are a few shots of the SAME plant that has the Kohyo trait, unfortunately I haven't got one when it is completely green which does occur for short periods. The first two were during last growing season the last one was today.
  16. 1 point
    YES OMG YES!!! A hint to anyone yet to experience this. It will NEVER be worth your while to raise this topic in any context. Just keep buying it ...
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Still no replies 22 hours later haha. Y'all are lucky I've done a HEAP of digging on this one There is VERY little information available out there, and it's quite spread out From the research I've done online though, I've deduced that it most likely grows in the Napo province of Amazonian Peru. It is referred to often as the strongest of all caapi strains, and one of the rarest as well. It's name is almost certainly a reference to Crotalus durissus - a South American tropical rattlesnake/pit viper, common name "Cascabel". I've found three separate entities that make reference to the strain on their websites, two of which are Peruvian ayahuasca retreats claiming to use it in their brews, the third being a shamanic infomation database compiled by a single writer over many years. I have emailed each of them (as nicely and respectfully as I could) with a request for more information on the strain's distinguishing features, growth and reproductive habits, and just maaaaybe obtaining some viable seeds if at all possible. Will share any information I receive on here. Also, a resource I saw referenced on a few of these websites was a long out-of-print book about Shamanism in Amazonion Peru called "Vegetalismo". Thinking that this may contain the answers I was looking for, I tracked down a PDF copy, although after searching the document for all of the related terms I could think of, nothing surfaced. It was written in the mid 80's though, so I guess they didn't know much about different caapi strains back then. Anyway, if anybody wants a copy, feel free to PM me - I'm sure the book would still be of interest to some folks here, and you can't buy it anywhere. Gtarman out- EDIT: It just struck me that this could perhaps simply be the Peruvian name for the more well-known Brazilian strain "Caupuri" - with the swollen nodes resembling the rattle on the tail of the Cascabel viper. Hmmmm....more digging needs to be done methinks. I've not heard talk of Caupuri being super-strong, but to be honest I don't know much about Caupuri at all save for it's appearance, so I'm still not sure.
  19. 1 point
    Today i repotted some lophs that were long overdue for a change - they were in the pots for the last 3 or 4 years. While cleaning the roots I found some had mealy bugs ( degrafted plants without main taproot mostly) some were in pots whose old potting mix had a kind of dry powdery mold I think they will enjoy their new pots.
  20. 1 point
    I have always had a rule that a female lover cant be taller, wider, smarter or heavier than me. It's fairly hard to find a 3foot anorexic downs-syndrome midget, let me tell you. So... do you think she had a great time, and more importantly, when will the genital violation begin?
  21. 1 point
    forgot to mention the sure fire way to sucessful dating so, you're on the couch, now, you've got to pretend to yawn, but make it a good one (nice and loud), now, stretch your arms up real high and outwards, now as your arms begin to drop, carefully place one arm around her, nice and smooth like, now, its important not to say anything, just pretend like nothing happened. she'll NEVER see it coming. now ive never sat next to a female to try it out (girls scare me), but my dad says it works the best
  22. 1 point
    she'll be here in 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!! I'll post back either later tonight or in the morning..!! **closing window** haha
  23. 1 point
    In the context of the title of this thread, those undergoing therapy in that group session must have had the best trips ever. I bet a few of them needed fresh undies. I've had some bad experiences involving both violence from 3rd parties, police knocking on the door and unexpected interruptions from lowlife would be "gangstas" and for me they have just ruined the experience. Although the experience at the time was fucked up by the unexpected shock of those incidents, the experiences have been really stimulating, both directly after the incidents and also for days and weeks to follow. I've also had other bad experiences where no outside interference was involved. One of the worst I had was after watching that fucking heart foundation ad on TV before the trip where some bloke bloke goes though the process of dying of a heart attack. He reviews his death and says shit like "felt a bit of chest pain here" and "felt a bit short of breath here" and then he goes on to kick the bucket. Anyway I got chest pains that night and then I got a flashback of that fucking ad and I was convinced my heart had stopped and I was about to die. I had no phone and no way of contacting anyone so I thought I was going to die. I'd say that was the worst one I've had and I can't see any real benefits coming from it, so I suppose it comes down to the context of the experience and the set & setting etc.
  24. 1 point
    I've been meaning to post in this thread the last few days... keep writing up posts then deleting them I can see what they're doing but can't help but have a clockwork orange feeling attached to it. You're at such a susceptible state in these conditions you have such a blank slate and are so impressionable... I think i'd have to know the psychologist a long time before I could sit in on one of these. HOWEVER I think one thing to keep in mind is I don't see myself as needing this sort of therapy I'm sure to a lot of the participants the idea of living their life as they are is worse than the possible outcomes of going through this sort of therapy. but mm I have no problems creating my own bad trips to work out without needing external stimulus. I used to always to shy away from the negative visions, more so an automatic reflex than a conscious decision i think, afterall why would I volunteer to look at something I don't like looking at? I've tried staring as deep as I can into them, to embrace that side of me as much as I would any other side of me... it is all me after all and ignoring it will only make me ignorant of myself. I'm not sure whether or not it's 'improved' my quality of life.. but I think it's made me a lot more stable within these states Though there are definitely still things I run from
  25. 1 point
    You've gotta be joking 7baz. I mean, there's corruption in every country and every system, and rich people definitely have it pretty easy here. But I'm sure it is moreso in many African countries and some places in South America, basically any autocracy. I think the truth is that they have the best of both worlds in most Western cultures. Much as rich people can be ultra rich by living in a poor country, they also probably don't like to actually live in those countries. Most of them pay very little tax comparatively in countries like Australia, and while people might complain about some of the socialistic policies of these countries, such as good public health care, they also enjoy the benefits, such as living in a country where you don't have to travel through slums to get from A to B, or deal with loads and loads of beggars when in highly populated areas, or have to content with the spread of disease due to poverty. I think if you're rich, you are best off living in a wealthy country where you can really make the most of your wealth while not being impacted by the poverty of the majority.