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The Corroboree

What did you do to your cacti today?


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How long should I wait to give them a water??


I would still give them a week or two... as far as I'm aware, with cacti when the roots are exposed the outer part that draws up the water dies back and does not grow back until they have been safely underground again for a while, so giving them water straight away is pointless and can also lead to root rot. there's some posts here about it, not sure where though. tbh, with a lot of trichs chances are whatever you do it will be fine

Edited by chilli
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Generally with trichs, if they have calloused and been sitting in the soil for some time, then a bit of moisture and dark (you are right not to pull them up to check) will help to stimulate root growth.

My usual schedule is to wait to callous for a week or four, put in 'bag moist' soil on a warm day and leave for a couple of weeks, which gives some time in the dark for roots to begin forming.

Then, on a hot day I give them a thorough watering and do the same thing again a week or so later, and gradually adjust until they are on the same watering schedule as most of the other trichs (ie watered when the soil is dry, or most days in summer). This gives moisture for the incipient roots to reach out for.


Thanks chilli! Very helpful info

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While putting a bridge into a bigger (unfortunately silver) pot I noticed I had included a 1/4 of a brick for ballast that was now part of the root system. Thought 'fuck it' and left it there for ballast. Used the now empty smaller pot to pot up a Peru crest.






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I've just been weeding and moving them into the sun (I will take a ginormous photo session soon). There's a lot of repotting to be done, but it's just too difficult with infected cuts on my hands. There has to be a better way to weed than getting stabbed once every few plants. I'm extremely seriously considering making some plate-mail gloves.

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There has to be a better way to weed than getting stabbed once every few plants. I'm extremely seriously considering making some plate-mail gloves.


Have you tried using a push hoe?

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Normally a sharp chefs knife or similar sterilized with IPA. Or for smaller cuts a box cutter sterilized the same. And I potted up a bunch of seedling Astros asterias, superkabuto, COAS and asco.

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bogfrog: I have used one, but I don't own one that would fit into my cacti pots, hehe. I also prefer to pull weeds up by the roots, as I find that stops them from stealing all the soil nutrients, and then I feed the dead weeds to my "compost patch" after they've sat in a bucket for a week or so.

Today I repotted 18~ seedlings, and it went pretty well. I will probably do some seeds later on today. :]

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Looked over some mortein damage lol, no one ever use mortein on aphids, well cacti all together seemed a reasonable idea at the time...didnt think it through really to be honest. Never the less, gutted! Hopefully shit heals, time will tell

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Shifted 1.5 tonnes of sandy loam by wheelbarrow to fill the new back gardenbed, 3 hours of solid backbreaking work! Going to mix in a dozen or so bags of scoria tomorrow to improve drainage.

Bloody better turn out to be a good place for the plants with all this effort put in!

Edit: just for shit and giggles I had the timelapse camera up to record the event, here's the result...like watching paint dry!


Edited by Snowfella
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Good work Snowfella!! That looks amazing!

There has to be a better way to weed than getting stabbed once every few plants. I'm extremely seriously considering making some plate-mail gloves.


Needle-nose pliers.

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Didn't really do much today bar receive this absolute slab of a Rosie cutting!


What's the rosie clone again? Bridge? Pach?

EDIT: While I'm here, today I attempted corrective surgery on an ancient potted cereus that had fallen over and been covered with weeds eons ago at our sharehouse (well before my time) and was only recently re-discovered, alive but badly rotted in many spots and scarred like you wouldn't believe. Tough as nails these things.

But it's thrown out healthy new pups that are taking off, so today I cut off the rotted tips so that it can throw out a few more and branch out back into a nice healthy cactus. The spines are nasty though, got a decent amount of pain for my trouble haha

Edited by gtarman
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What's the rosie clone again? Bridge? Pach?


Trichocereus roseii

Today I washed some pots, and am going to pot up some cuts...

I am also facing the old dilemma of whether I should cut up favorite cacti for propagation, or just leave them to look pretty but grow slowly.......

Edited by chilli
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