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The Corroboree


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About bogfrog

  • Birthday 08/07/1991

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    Plants. Education. Creativity.

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    Lower North Island NZ

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  1. bogfrog

    caapi care

    Just noticed that the Ourinhos is sprouting from a couple of cm's above the soil level! Hey sagiXsagi, been a while! Hope you're well. I just trimmed back the dead offshoots and kept the main stem/s Now just waiting on Tunkunaka. I took cuttings before winter so it wouldn't break my heart entirely to loose the big one, but it would be much preferrable if it could come back to life!
  2. bogfrog

    caapi care

    Thanks for your help. I've moved them inside to a sunroom where they have been for the past month or so since the nasty frost arrived. But it has been a remarkably mild winter overall.
  3. bogfrog

    caapi care

    Hi folks, I have some large caapi vines which have lost their leaves over winter. I was thinking about cutting them back, hoping this may promote them to re-sprout once spring arrives. How close to the soil level should I be cutting? The vines are 1.5-2m above the soil. The main stems seem healthy but wither further up.
  4. yes i still have seed:) and highly doubtful you have my crosses as they come from my seedgrown icaros

  5. Old thread I guess, but have you still got anything available @MrDuke? I've got lots of trich hybrid seeds, potentially the same ones as you though lol..
  6. sorry to hear you lost your lil buddy drifter xo sending hugs
  7. hi just thought i'd put this offer out to any NZ members who haven't managed to get themselves some pereskiopsis yet. pm me if you want to buy or trade for some. I'm using most of what I have but can offer a few small mothers to get people started as it really is a wonderful plant to have if you are raising cacti from seed.
  8. curious to know what your seeds have been treated with ace1928??
  9. Thanks it takes a lot of work but we love it!
  10. heya, been a while so I thought I'd share some garden pics. this is a combined effort between me and my partner over the past 2 nearly 3 years.. he is 'Padonkluft' on this forum we grow from seed, graft, make lots of cuttings.. prioritise plants over most other things we sell the plants we are less attached to and use the funds to provide for the other plants where to start... um, well i've been growing ariocarpus from seed and grafting them to pere, got a pretty decent set up now thanks to my partner's building skills this room is kept between 19 and 22 degrees, lights are on 18hrs a day here's last years ones all grown up plants are everywhere, indoors and out.. we're facing a pretty shitty cold winter but everything is holding up ok ...on the deck, nitrogen mutants.. variegated bridgesii and pach crest.. cordo crest, tbmv and variegated pach crest.. standard tbm greenhouse first seedlings we sowed in late 2016 out the back wash house full of mostly Zelly seedlings, some from Interbeing and Sacred Succulents too.. and more on the deck too sunroom.. tbmv getting some good colour.. tbmc.. kitchen window.. Bonny x TPM variegate, bridgesii variegate and Sharxx Blue x TPM crest.. Juuls Giant x SS02 variegate.. arios
  11. I'm having issues with them this year... haven't quite established what takes them out, I've used neem a few times but I think you need to be really systematic as they reproduce quickly. They have been thriving on my pereskiopsis grafts... not appearing on much else but I've kept them away from the rest of the collection. Damage looks brown and murky.. takes a few weeks to show. Also I'm pretty sure the white/yellow bugs are the juveniles, the adults are black with a white patch in my garden, although I'm aware that they come in a few different colours.
  12. love your garden Smithy, awesome work I'm sure a whole lotta time and effort went into that but the payoff in terms of beauty, enjoyment and rejuvination is 10-fold
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