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The Corroboree


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    United Police States of America
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    Lophophora, Trichocereus, Ariocarpus, Astrophytum, Gymnocalycium... Pretty much any cacti. Skate/long/skim boarding. Guitar. Poi

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    USDA Zone 6b

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  1. My grafting technique normally gets around 99% success rates so I have a hard time switching to that. I've tried pressure grafts and gotten much lower rates of success and more cases of scion rot. This was kind of a freak accident with the bags as I usually do not even touch them after I put the bag on. But maybe one day I'll try it out again.
  2. I grafted 3 of the scopulicola x c. peruvianus seedlings. They were probably under 1mm thick and like 1-2mm tall. Two failed just by the humidity bag falling onto them and the third one took and is now growing. It has gotten bigger than it was when i did the graft. Was very difficult. The only smaller grafts I've done have been aztekium seedlings, but I have no pictures.
  3. This one came from one of the people in this thread. I lost the tag, but it was a product of this little project. I am super happy with the results. I know it looks super skinny, but it's nearly a perfect looking scop. I just suck at growing big trichos. Lol.
  4. Here is a TPM x SS02 from nitrogen's 2012 seeds. TPQC x TPM from the same batch
  5. Some pics of the outdoor garden. And also my kitty Loph touching a loph.
  6. I used to have one of these threads but can't find it. I started ramping up my cactusing again so I'm going to be throwing pictures in here and updating with stuff I'm doing. Right now I am working on growing high quality ariocarpus and astrophytum cultivars and hybrids. Some of the Ariocarpus hybrids I'm growing right now are... # Species/Hybrid Seed # Germ Date Soil Mix Germ # 1 Ariocarpus fromdosus royal C1 x A. mariubo cauliflower 12 6/10 Ario Seedling Mix 1 11 2 Ariocarpus godzilla loydii x A. godzilla loydii variegata 12 6/12 Ario Seedling Mix 1 12 3 Ariocarpus loydii godzilla variegata x A. godzilla coral 13 6/12 Ario Seedling Mix 1 8 4 Ariocarpus mariubo cauliflower S1 x A. godzilla coral 6 6/10 Ario Seedling Mix 1 4 5 Ariocarpus godzilla hybrid A6 x A. super godzilla 12 6/12 Ario Seedling Mix 1 12 6 Ariocarpus gift? 6 6/9 Ario Seedling Mix 1 6 7 Ariocarpus godzilla royal x A. godzilla super 12 6/10 Ario Seedling Mix 1 7 8 Ariocarpus mariubo trefinger x A. loydii latus variegata 6 6/10 Ario Seedling Mix 1 4 9 Ariocarpus fromdosus cauliflower C5 x A. godzilla loydii 7 6/10 Ario Seedling Mix 1 7 10 Ariocarpus mariubo cauliflower x A. mariubo monstrose 6 6/10 Ario Seedling Mix 1 10 11 Trichocereus scopulicola x Cereus peruvianus 12 6/15 Ario Seedling Mix 1 3 12 Echinopsis small red x big pink 20 6/10 Ario Seedling Mix 1 20 13 Adenium obesum "velocity" 7 ----------------- Ario Seedling Mix 1 0 And some more sowing Species/Hybrid Seed # Germ Date Soil Mix Germ Number Trichocereus peruvianus monstrose x "Mystery" 2/22 Seedling 2 26 Trichocereus bridgesii "wowie" x SS02 2/22 Seedling 2 53 Trichocereus huarazensis x Trichocereus "Lumberjack" 2/22 Seedling 2 48 Trichocereus huanacoensis x Trichocereus scopulicola 2/22 Seedling 2 27 Trichocereus scopulicola x T. variegated red gradiflorus 2/22 Seedling 2 42 Trichocereus bridgesii "MM" x Trichocereus bridgesii "KGC" 2/22 Seedling 2 43 Trichocereus validus x Trichocereus bridgesii "KGC" 2/22 Seedling 2 50 (SS02 x SS01) x Trichocereus variegated red grandiflorus 2/22 Seedling 2 49 Trichocereus peruvianus monstrose x Trichocereus scopulicola 13 2/22 Seedling 1 12 Trichocereus scopulicola x Trichocereus peruvianus monstrose 35 2/23 Seedling 1 30 Astrophytum asterias variegata 15 2/21 Seedling 1 8 Astrophytum myriostigma fukuryu 6 2/21 Seedling 1 5 Astrophytum myriostigma quadricostatum variegata 16 2/21 Seedling 1 13 Mystery Astrophytum 2/21 Seedling 1 1 Trichocereus scopulicola x Trichocereus scopulicola 2/22 Seedling 1 17 Lophophora williamsii x Lophophora alberto-vojtechii 47 2/21 Seedling 1 38 Lophophora alberto-vojtechii "Wermland" 50 2/21 Seedling 1 36 Lophophora williamsii var. caespitosa 18 2/24 Seedling 1 2 Cintia Knizeii 10 2/23 Seedling 1 9 3-16 Lophophora williamsii var. texensis 10 3/20 Seedling 1 Lophophora williamsii var. pentagona 10 3/20 Seedling 1 Lophophora williamisii var. Decipiens 10 3/20 Seedling 1 Lophophora williamisi mix 20 3/20 Seedling 1 Lophophora diffusa var. khoeresii San Francisco 15 3/20 Seedling 1 Turbinicarpus lophophorides 10 3/20 Seedling 1 Lots of cool plants on the way. I am waiting for the astrophytum seeds to get here to start those. I have already grafted about half of the ariocarpus seeds. Lots of variegates. Stoked to show them off when they're bigger. hostilis
  7. Woah. TBM x TPM. Can't wait to see what comes of that. Also I remember these pictures from a few years ago on a thread here.
  8. Own roots seedslings. They grow maybe 3 months out of the year then go dormant. I'll post some grafted ones tomorrow
  9. Hello friends. Long time no post. So I was looking at my plants that have been rather neglected due to a new job and other things keeping me busy and I noticed this crested pereskiopsis. Pretty cool. I am rooting for it to continue like this, but I am guessing it'll split into several heads at some point.
  10. You guys are so awesome for taking this project and running with it!! I'm loving all the cool plants coming from these seeds.
  11. That caespitosa is going to be insane in a few years!! Your grafts are very healthy looking dude.
  12. I see. The leaves have that shape to them, but the structure isn't right for an epiphyte. I really wish I could plant cacti in the ground where I am!!! Well, I can, but only those that can survive freezing temps and snow for months. I have a few opuntia in the ground and they are doing great.
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