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  1. Some carvings of mine. Hopefully they can inspire some of you to try your hand at carving After all you dont know what you can do unless you try. Im happy to provide advice too.
    49 points
  2. I didn't want to post this straight away in the Seed and Plant Exchange due to limited seed - but here's a seed giveaway combined with a picture thread - if you want to grow any or all of these shoot me a PM with your addy and I'll try and get these seeds out to you. The T. bridgesii v "SS02" x T. pachanoi v. "Mel/vin is seed grown by my friend Mel/vin and given to me years ago - the plant in the pics is the parent plant - longer spines like SS02 but grows a bit fatter like pachanoi. A strangely beautiful and thoroughly groovy plant. The T. peruvianus monstrose (TPM) waffles between regular and monstrose growth, but the monstrose is dominant - columns start out normal and then get super weird - and the freakish qualities certainly came through the other time it was crossed - fortunately this year I have it in more crosses, and got more seed total The T. peruvianus cristata (TPC) is a new addition to the hybrid pool - large freakish peruvianus cristata - even the flower was mutant - I crossed the single fruit with Juules, SS02, and (SS02 x pachanoi) - basically I hit it with all three of those hoping one would take - the seedlings may be any one of those three fathers or a mix of them - I hit it with Juules first, then SS02 a few hours later, and then (SS02 x pachanoi) a few hours after that - maybe Juules got through the most? Who knows.. N1 is a bridgesii that is excellent in all the ways that matter - one of my fav plants and I'm totally stoked about the Psycho0 x N1 cross - those should be some seriously beautiful and badass bridgesii seedlings - probably fatter and longer spined than typical bridgesii as well, based on the parents.. The T. pachanoi "quasi-cristata" (TPQC) is a non-PC pachanoi type that grew crested after an apparent snail attack - maybe it is genetic in there somewhere and the snail attack caused it to come out, or maybe it is purely from the infection - regardless its a beautiful pachanoi though I haven't taken good care of it these past couple years.. T. bridgesii "Psycho0" is, well, Psycho0, and was sent to me by PD a few years ago - strong work m8! Here's the crosses: TPM x N1 TPM x (SS02 x pachanoi v. "Mel/vin") Mel/vin x TPM Psycho0 x N1 Psycho0 x TPM TPQC x TPM N1 x TPQC TPC x Juules, SS02, & Mel/vin Mel/vin x TPC TPM: TPQC: Psycho0: N1: SS02 x pachanoi: TPC: cheers!
    45 points
  3. Alright guys, just want to share tech that can be used to fertilize the flower of a cactus that usually needs pollen from another one to develope seed: 1. Get yourself some Cement from the DIY Store. Very fine pulver. The finer the better. But the typical Commercial grade works fine as well. 2. Get yourself a small brush and apply some of the cement dust on the Stigma of the flower on the plant that you want to produce seeds with. Also try to blow a little bit of the dust inside the flower. 3. Cement works as some kind of irritator what makes the flower create some Anti-Bodies that enable her to accept her own pollen. 4. Then wait for half an hour and brush some of the own pollen on the flower and repeat this numerous times. Now heres some additional info: Usually, there is only very few seed to be harvested but it works and the seeds are usually viable. The reason why this works is that cement consists of highly basic calciumsillicates that tremendeously raise the ph of the flower. Because there also are aminoclusters on a pollencorn that are also responsible for raising the ph, the cement has the very same effect. Because of his highly basic potential, cement is even way more effective. Basic niveau reduces the ability of the flower to abort the pollen so it accepts it. IT ALSO ENABLES YOU TO CROSS CACTI THAT ARE INCOMPATIBLE WITH EACH OTHER! Like LOPHOPHORA x GYMNOCALYCIUM, MAMMILLARIA, TURBINICARPUS ETC. Its not guaranteed that it works all the time and you have to experiment a lot but i know that it worked in some cases. Another Advantage is that genetecially, defects will be passed down to the offspring so this would be very interesting for pollen from Cristates and other mutants. But in some cases, plants can be weak or not healthy and may need additional generations of breeding in other cacti. The produced Offspring thats created with this tech is not to be seen as clones as there is a recombination of DNA going on, what enables them to cross them in with the motherplant as well. Alright guys, this is no bullshit, its working so use this info to your Advantage and create some fucking freaks. ;) EDIT: I think this Post about encluding electricity is pretty much related so i wanted to merge it with this one but it would be too messy so i just add a link to the Topic. Its called Intergeneric Breeding with Electricity http://shaman-austra...showtopic=30745
    40 points
  4. WE WON!!!!!! The Federal Criminal Code schedules have been released and not a single plant was added to them. It appears that the nearly 10,000 submissions that were made to the attourney general's department via the Happy High Herbs and GardenFreedom websites (and the countless independent submissions) caused a rethink at government. Let's turn that success into a momentum to force the same rethink at the state level. The war is not over, but people-power won this battle Thank YOU all. http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2013C00619/Html/Text#_Toc363810126 This success did not come easy. At least 6 people worked on this issue for about 3 month on a full time basis and some for a lot longer. This includes staff at Happy High Herbs, the people at gardenfreedom, and many individuals who either helped as part of the group effort or doing their own thing. Most of them prefer to remain anonymous, but I would personally like to thank all of them for their dedication to the plants.
    40 points
  5. TRICHOCEREUS: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP - Printed edition Hi guys, it´s my pleasure to announce that I spent the year doing nothing but writing and I am about to release my book TRICHOCEREUS: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP in April or May! The book will have 200+ pages and contains 300-400 photos from habitats and collections worldwide, all the original descriptions (English & Latin) as well as new information and comments about every single species. I dug out hundreds of old cactus books and literature to offer a complete overview about the history of this amazing group of plants. I was lucky enough to get loads and loads of cool pictures. This book will be ALL COLOR! I spent so much time writing and preparing for this book and it´s like a dream come through that I am able to release it now. A lot my SAB friends here helped to get it done. Either by offering photos or by keeping me motivated and I am extremely thankful for everyone who made this possible. There will be a very affordable digital edition and I am also working on a few deals to get it printed. It´s possible that I will send a part of the hard copies to Torsten and SAB to make it easier for the Australian members to get their book fast and without having to import it themselves. The printed edition will be extremely limited and it´s possible that it will sell out very fast. I assume there will probably be around 500 - 1000 books at max. I started a crowdfunding campaign in order to pay for the costs of the printing. The campaign already reached half of its goal within two days and there only is a limited number of books available. If you want to get a copy of my book, you can get it through my campaign on Indiegogo here: Book: Trichocereus: The San Pedro Group
    39 points
  6. It has taken me three years to get to this stage. My motive was to get my collection into a landscaped garden. I live in a sub tropical environment, so drainage was my main goal. I thus raised all garden beds by making gabion rock walls out of old gal fence panels and a few new gal wire sheets. I dug the garden beds out and ran ag pipes underneath and connected to the storm water and covered in 20mm aggregate and a free draining soil mix. So after 14 tons of stone, into the gabion walls, driveway, letterbox and spiral pier this is the result. Hope you guys appreciate it. Cheers
    39 points
  7. Kia ora whanau, I was rummaging through my sketchbooks looking for one particular piece of paper, i didn't find it, but i rediscovered lots of my forgotten drawings. Since i don't really show many people my art, i thought i'd make myself a wee thread and show ya'll lovely people. This is an accumulation of the creme de la crop of my work over about three years, there are many more, but these are my faves. I am still not very good with faces or bodies so a couple of these make me cringe a little with their bung-eyes and gammy feet, but they are a marked improvement from my earlier attempts and still an important part of my learning process. Two pics are copied from the encyclopaedia of psychoactive plants, one is a copy of an Escher piece and rest are original drawings. I can't plan my drawings anymore, they kinda just happen. Hope you all enjoy This was copied from the encyclopaedia of psychoactive plants, its the agave deity And this one was from the encyclopaedia too . Escher copy Birth of caapi
    36 points
  8. i passed through Bangkok last Saturday after About 6 weeks in Thailand,Cambodia and Lao and thought id stay an extra day to go to the amazing Uncle Chorns Cabin,i just about had a heart attack in the first glasshouse alone!!I want to really thank Kit at Uncle Chorns for letting the dumb felung in to have a look for half an hour as they were closed on saturday and i hadnt rung ahead.I saw maybe a quarter of the place i had no idea it was so big....more photos to follow this one of the small glasshouses
    35 points
  9. just a few pics of some of my favorite freaks and rare specimens from my growing collection (more pics to come later) enjoy Eulychnia Castanea spiralis Psycho x J3 crests Lophocereus Schottii monstrose Cereus Peruvianus crest Copiapoa Hypogea 2 headed Trichocereus Pachanoi monstrose Trichocereus Pachanoi crests Astrophytum Asterias Kikko crests Astrophytum Asterias Kikko crest (lizard skin / muscle form) (possibly also variegated) Astrophytum Asterias Vtype Kikko crest (multiheaded) Astrophytum Asterias variegated Lophophora Williamsii crest
    35 points
  10. Hi guys, I´ll be giving away some free seeds to my SAB family members here! I´ll limit this giveaway to one type to reduce the the workload for labeling and packing. I´ll give away seed bags of my new Trichocereus pachanoi type from my shop on Trichocereus.net which you can see here. There will be another giveway with Trichocereus tulhuayacensis soon. It´s a beautiful type of Trichocereus that is very variable and can be totally spineless or very spiny. The seeds are fresh from 2015 and I´ll give away one bag per SAB family member. Everyone interested, please send me a pm with the title "Pachanoi giveaway" and your address, including the complete name and the country. I know that most are from Australia but I just want to make sure I dont accidentially send it to some missionaries in Yemen. Please write your address in a way that allows me to print the address on a printable sticker, so I can process this giveaway faster! With that I mean, just write it how you want it to be written on the letter and I´ll copy and paste that. I´ll label the seeds "Trichocereus pachanoi" and declare it as a "cactus seeds" and "gift". Which it is. I cannot use a different label, but it´s a permitted import and all the seeds I send are according to AQUIS and CITES. It´s very possible that seeds are opened, but that´s totally fine as they are perfectly labeled. Shipping can take up to 6-8 weeks because I´ll have to pack these in between processing my orders and doing EG-stuff. So expect 1-2 months delivery time. If nothing shows after that, just let me know and I´ll send you a replacement. So yeah, bring on the storm. Merry Christmas SAB! bye EG
    34 points
  11. this is where i shall post pics of the cactus from the collection i am building. some pics of trichocereus in the ground to kick it off, various origins, mostly from collectors off here /uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png have listed some members names as the origins of some plants, if i have listed your name here and you don't like that then please let me know and i will remove. Dawsons peru, Interbeing /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/nXdCKPLm.jpg&key=cc7c729072cf8eeb9aca255b801a94064c5672faa536c8ac1d332dde5e5075dd/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/9yTgbHgm.jpg&key=c05bdd1731ce693d9a81340b6b95ee002d38f7ba78c88f1945e58a5c296351b8 Dawsons Bridgesii, Interbeing /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/5Epiqsdm.jpg&key=27b6104a61a68730eddd418d596d4c0b769c18e6f16a858eac537bb2c9efdd93 Lumberjack hybrid, Jack /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/HYXAvGbm.jpg&key=9149884945a2c3732918917136c2c1299ce11e6dd8bccc3de61f418444e1a48e/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/HnOoxIYm.jpg&key=56267ddaa03836b564f17d1209694c7e96e8d7c4aa9be48f820a3ecaf10fd8e5 4 ribbed huancoensis, seedgrown, tripsis 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Terscheckii x Psycho0. Getafix /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/NMu9zdHm.jpg&key=c45ce408b5fed21860a32ecccf4bdfeced69b4b89771b7ebabc50a6ddf72ef34 other pillar cactus lophocereus shotii pilocereus pentaedrophorus /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/0frYjFvm.jpg&key=88927cbeab3b3bff7723f68f83d128f8d7d4e20b5f622225a434572a3449f91e/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/puFDIbvm.jpg&key=223dd45c5746c2f2e4984266d598538cafe5f1a709ab81c0ea7a5390f0420fdb pilocereus azures myrtillocactus geometrizans /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/vNIOXDzm.jpg&key=40186f7abc55502b04336dca2ec19201c45ca82da0446417ffaf478fe8eedc24/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/6HlF7ifm.jpg&key=0e736f63d4b43c3fa2fe1b20c887ee5b087d4cdb031cbe381ea9bd7449a00c4d
    33 points
  12. A Garden Which Belongs To Bog Here is my little Boggy, note the monstrose bunny ears growing out of her head That'l do for now. I'll update this thread over spring and summer with any spectacular new growth or new plants. Happy "spring" everyone.
    33 points
  13. Sasha's perspective on science in general and pharmacology in particular was what motivated me to start and persist with wandjina gardens and these forums. It was also his influence that pushed Daniel and me to lead the organisation of the Ethnobotanica conferences which started a whole cascade of developments in Australia. He was one of the greatest influences on my life not because he worked with interesting compounds, but because of how he worked with them. I feel very lucky and privileged to have had a chance to communicate with him at a time when his mind was still sharp as a tack. I am also very proud that the type of scientific thought process he inspired in me allowed me to brighten his day 11 years ago to which he replied: "Oh my, you did awaken old memories and old dreams with your letter. The rainy day is here!". Those who have read PIHKAL will know what this means <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png I will miss him, but then again I have missed him for several years as this was just the inevitable end of the decline that started a few years ago. PS: Eclectus parrots are commonly called eccies, so we decided to call ours Sasha. He makes me smile every day.
    33 points
  14. Was very fortunate to be able to go back to the secret garden. Its looking stunning with all the rubbishy cactus removed Whilst collecting the loads of felled cactus last week i was amazed at the amount of seed pods all over the many, many remaining trichs. literally hundreds of fruit, and sooo many flowers on the ground excited by the prospects of collecting some, i asked Mr X if i could come back and collect some seed pods with view to germinating them and spreading some seed around. wonderfully he said yesssssss These fruits were very generously gathered and labelled by the inceptor, designer and father of the secret garden, Mr X. They are all open pollinated. Yowie open Macroginis Adelaide open Psycho0 open Cordobensis open Goliath open Cuzcoensis Murray Bridge open Len open Spachianus open Sausage open Bruce open Validus open PC open Rio Mosna open Bridgesii MM open Werdermanius Jesica open Werdermanius ABG open Spent some time last night cleaning seeds, never done this before, it will take a while to clean all these pods. did the pots with most pods in first - Yowie, Psycho0, Macrogonis and Goliath. There are so many seeds to go round of these types. Once they are all cleaned, dry, bagged and labelled there will be a WORLDWIDE giveaway for these seeds Will announce details of this on the trade threads soon as its all ready to go.
    32 points
  15. Hey guys, Just wanted to thank everyone for there nice comments & offers to help , this is a great little community! I have had a few really rough weeks, mentally & financially but I have tried to keep positive & on Friday it payed off , I went for a drive to help a mechanic mate fix someones bobcat, it turns out the man owns a nursery & has offered me a job as a nursery manager, if all goes well he is willing to let my family move into a 3 bedroom house that is behind the nursery. It only gets better he wants to add cacti to his nursery & wants me to use my collection for propagation !! This could possibly be the new start I have been waiting for, I am starting this Monday a can't wait!! Thank you again to everyone, I can't explain how much your support & kindness has helped me . Cheers Jox
    32 points
  16. Just warming up for the year... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year SABers! Micro
    31 points
  17. Hey all Super proud to announce my seed list, all are fresh from this season. Also open to trade offers. All packs are of 30+ seed. SEED LIST 2015: T. bridgesii ‘Ben’ x T. cuzcoensis ‘CC’ $4 T. bridgesii ‘Ben’ x T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ $4 T. bridgesii ‘Ben’ x T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ $3 T. bridgesii ‘Ben’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ $4 T. bridgesii ‘Psycho0’ x T .pachanoi ‘Fields’ $3 T. bridgesii ‘Psycho0’ x T. peruvianus ‘John’ $4 T. bridgesii ‘Tig’ x T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ $3 T. bridgesii ‘Tig’ x T. pachanoi ‘Yowie’ $3 T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ x T. bridgesii ‘Ben’ $3 T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ x T. bridgesii ‘Psycho0’ $3 T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ x T. bridgesii ‘Tig’ $3 T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ x T. pachanoi ‘PC’ $3 T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ x T. peruvianus ‘John’ $4 T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ $4 T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #2’ $4 T. pachanoi ‘PC’ x T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ $3 T. pachanoi ‘PC’ x T. pachanoi ‘Yowie’ $3 T. pachanoi ‘PC’ x T. peruvianus ‘John’ $4 T. pachanoi ‘PC’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ $4 T. pachanoi ‘PC’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #2’ $4 T. pachanoi ‘Yowie’ x T. peruvianus ‘John’ $4 T. pachanoi ‘Yowie’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #2’ $4 T. pasacana ‘Dawsons’ X Open $4 T. peruvianus ‘John’ x T. bridgesii ‘Ben’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘John’ x T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘John’ x T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ $3 T. peruvianus ‘John’ x T. pachanoi ‘PC’ $3 T. peruvianus ‘John’ x T. pachanoi ‘Yowie’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘John’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘John’ x T. scopulicola $4 T. peruvianus ‘John’ x T. ‘Super Pedro’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ x T. bridgesii ‘Ben’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ x T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ x T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ $3 T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ x T. pachanoi ‘PC’ $3 T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ x T. peruvianus ‘John’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ x T. scopulicola $4 T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ x T. ‘Super Pedro’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #2’ x T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #2’ x T. pachanoi ‘Yowie’ $4 T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #2’ x T. peruvianus ‘John’ $4 T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ x T. bridgesii ‘Ben’ $4 T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ x T. bridgesii ‘Psycho0’ $4 T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ x T. pachanoi ‘PC’ $3 T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ x T. pachanoi ‘Fields’ $3 T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ x T. pachanoi ‘Yowie’ $4 T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ $4 T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #2’ $4 T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ x T. peruvianus ‘John’ $4 T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ x T. ‘Super Pedro’ $4 T. ‘Super Pedro’ x T. macrogonus ‘Fields’ $4 T. ‘Super Pedro’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ $4 T. ‘Super Pedro’ x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #2’ $4 T. ‘Super Pedro’ x T. scopulicola $4 T. scopulicola x T. peruvianus ‘John’ $4 T. scopulicola x T. peruvianus ‘Rosei #1’ $4 T. scopulicola x T. pachanoi 'PC' $4 T. spachianus $2 Postage within is Australia $1.40 and worldwide $3 Cheers email. [email protected]
    30 points
  18. made the trip to Fields cactus farm, am posting these pics of the super fantastic garden here with the permission of Mr Field truly a great garden and Mr Field truly is a great man, not only was he willing to show me around the garden but also imparted priceless knowledge of the lineage of the plants. the 2 Validus in the garden (pronounced Valida by Mr Filed) originated from Ritters seed (1940) which Ralph Waldo Field (Mr Field's father) traded for lard from home cooking that they had collected for a year, the seeds came from a lady by the name of Hildegard Winter. the seedlings were sent to buyers in Australia and around the world. a number of the plants in the garden originated from The Robert Blosfeltd expedition that Ralph Field owned the Australian share in. the cuts were collected in South America and transported by locals and donkeys to a collection point and then trucked to a port, they then were shipped to India and then onto Australia. entry to the garden is by appointment and some plants and cuts are for sale. be polite and don't haggle. tagged plants have been donated to the Melbourne Botanic Garden who are designing a Fields Garden.
    30 points
  19. Another thread for appreciating hand-made trichocereus plants.. Obviously, every major producer of seeds will need one of these, eventually.. pachanoi 'Fields' x peruvianus 'Rosei#1' : macrogonus 'Fields' x scopulicola : bridgesii 'Psycho0' x peruvianus 'Rosei#1' : Keep them coming !!
    29 points
  20. I took a drive to vic a few months ago and bought a heap of acacia plants from Communicacian. phlebophilia obtusafolia and some odd one offs etc acuminata narrow phyllode acuminata narrow phyllode some mixed stuff, i buy the florabunda from the b shop for 2.50 ea, they make great hedges, I've already got quite a few in the ground, some have flowered this year obtusafolia I encouraged Communication to invest the money i paid for the plants into more hot houses and raising more acacia plants as the guy has a gift for this, seriously he is a great grower of acacia I have ordered 100 courtii from him, these should be ready next spring I've some confusa as well from the sab shop and Dood thé Dood ones are doing the best atm all these plants are destined to be planted on a 45 degree hill side that has lotsa rocky out crops. good for drainage etc I love them and will look after them very well theres already an acacia orchard the other side of the valley i planted last year and some this winter, these are doing ok, though i don't think some are getting enough drainage so I've dug drainage channels from their holes so any excess water drains away
    28 points
  21. any thoughts on this one cactus admirers.. this came from a lot of seeds i put down including, 'Los Banos' X pallarensis SS02 X [Juul's X peruv] 'Los Gentiles' ss01 x ss02
    28 points
  22. Started from Zelly's seed - at nearly 2 years and growing great - just starting to show their traits. These have always been outside and are currently under 30% shade cloth. (Phoenix, Arizona) http://misplant.net Lumberjack-x-Juuls Juuls-x-SS02SS01 (Edit: changed to a better photo) Kimnach Assorted Hybrid Seedlings
    28 points
  23. My Bunning's Peru. First photo I loaded here on the 3.11.2012. Check it out now, almost 2 meters tall and such a lovely colour. -3rd Nov 2012 Getafix
    28 points
  24. heres some pics of my 2 latest pieces. ive cast these before but this time i cast the glass around some copper nails to give them a nice single spine foe that mean look
    28 points
  25. Last year, around the time of EGA in Melbs, one of our long term and seriously valuable members died. If you have an Eileen clone, or have drunk of the Eileen clone, you've been a recipient of Ed's work. And probably his generousity. If you ever did an Otways camping trip with him you'll know why his death is such a great loss. I only found out today. We'd go months without speaking or writing then binge on it with hours of gorgeous, insightful, funny, irreverent conversation. We'd have phone drinks and pass out talking about amazing shit. He'd pick everything apart, then I would, and we'd put it all back together and it all made sense. He'd been sick for years- really gut wrenchingly sick, and he hated speaking to anyone when he crook with a pathological loathing I can only be impressed by. So we gave each other space. Only this time I gave him too much. Fuckit. My head is full of Ed stories. There are no favourites, they're all gold. But the type of gold which fades in text. You had to be there. He named the Eileen clone after his mum, and sent that cactus clone round the world. Often twice as much as anyone had paid for, and often for free. When I asked him how his mum felt about the transubstantiation, being symbolically consumed by complete strangers at 75, he shrugged and said "Grouse. Ask her " Nobody grew wasabi like Ed. Reading his old emails is like hearing him speak all over again. All the words got used. The big ones, the small ones, the swear ones, archaic words, technical ones, words used in contexts I'd not heard of and words I had to look up, side by side in every sentence Vale fearless bloke, irreverent gentleman-scholar, hunter, mate, plant fiend. You vainglorious bastard, I loved you like you were torn from my own rib. You brilliant, stubborn, sophisticated, gentle, resourceful, skilled, compassionate, staunch, generous, insane prick. May the next place you're in find you free from all pain
    27 points
  26. I took my camera around today while enjoying a lovely bevvo, here are some pics to share. I haven't been real active in here or at camps lately. But I'm still alive, growing plants, battling thru the same shit as everyone! Peace and enjoy the beer Ps - sorry can't stop em rotating Rosie open Mixed bunch Psychotria nexus, catha and viridis 4-5ft tall each My Hoya collection A small cactus mound I made
    27 points
  27. Photo heavy here but took a heap of photo's of my garden today I would thought I would share. Certainly not all cacti, I love plants and am busy building my jungle for years to come. This is more really a celebration of spring and life it brings to my garden which gives me no end of pleasure. Been here three years so it is certainly a work in progress and have done a huge amount of work so far. Just don't ask me about my water bills over summer but fuck it I'm not letting it die I don't have a beautiful farm like Waterboy, I live in surburbia but am determined to make the most of what I have, my oasis. Apologise for the quality of some of the pics, were taken with my phone. Oh and the shredded couch is the dogs. It suffered death by puppy! Hope you enjoy.
    27 points
  28. Been a rough near 2 years healthwise, culminating in a pretty fckd end...lol. I've had more fckd stuff done to me over 2 years than ever did to myself when I rock n rolled as a pup to find out what was wrong with me. No escaping your genetics, and throw in a few risk factors and its gunna get ya....get ya good. Dead man walking good...... Its time for healing and gaining strength now. As I now again stare out the windows again at the mountains and have no sounds of traffic to cloud my thoughts I realise how fckn lucky I have been. I realise how lucky I have been to have good folk around me.....solid bastards.....folks that give a fck......those that look in ya eyes and tell ya the score regardless <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif . I wanna thank so many of you for your posts, PMs and texts. You've kept me sane (..saner....lol), kept me occupied from my thoughts, and lifted me spirit. It helped me heal faster, keep positive and get back home pretty damn fast...like 8 days from being turned inside out to getting medical clearance to fly home. Everyone is spinnin out at my rate of healing, state of mind is a lot of it.....resurrecting the mongrel within is another part, and back on healing ground will do the job as well. I've got a fair bit of thinkin time ahead of me, and probably a few changes in direction. Better put the mongrel to use before my final end...lol....havent done enough yet <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif So what I am saying is a big fckn thank you with a nod of my head. WB
    27 points
  29. Connoisseur Hybrids 2015 Happy happy happy, again we fly! While my plants have had less than ideal growing conditions, they have graced me with flowers this year – the TPM flowered for the first time since 2012, which means another round of mutants So, here they are, the connoisseur hybrids for 2015. This is a seed giveaway – if you’re interested in some or all of these hybrids send me a PM with your address. Have patience, it will be a several weeks before these go in the mail – and I cannot ensure everyone who PM’s me will get them. I have limited seed and priority will be given to SAB members who are older and/or who are contributors to the cacti forum. This is a celebrity group of parents here, however, the “Sharxx Blue” strain is a star of this show, in my opinion – this is the bluest, and perhaps the most distinct peruvianus I have seen. I absolutely love this strain and am so happy it flowered! Big thanks to Interbeing for sending me this magnificent plant many years ago. *** There are some additional hybrids I made this year that will be available as bonus/add-ons to orders for Zelly’s forthcoming hybrid seed. One of them is an epic bridgesii cross – Psycho0 x Lumberjackus. If you get this cross I hope you grow it out – I was hoping to see Psycho0 x N1 pics from the 2012 connoisseur hybrids but they have not materialized - I think people were so stoked on the TPM crosses that year that the bridgesii x bridgesii got overlooked. The Sharxx Blue x Psycho0 cross will also be available, and that gives us the bluest bridgesii x the bluest peruvianus in my garden. *** The 2015 hybrids for this giveaway are: 1. T. bridgesii v. “Lumberjackus” x T. peruvianus v. “TPM” 2. T. bridgesii v. “Psycho0” x T. peruvianus v. “TPM” 3. T. peruvianus v. “Sharxx Blue” x T. peruvianus v. “TPM” 4. T. peruvianus v. “TPM” x T. peruvianus v. “Sharxx Blue” 5. T. peruvianus v. “TPM” x T. pachanoi v. “Huarazensis” 6. T. bridgesii v. “Lumberjackus” x T. peruvianus v. “Sharxx Blue” Enjoy, and, pics or it didn’t happen! T. peruvianus v. “Sharxx Blue” T. bridgesii v. “Lumberjackus” T. bridgesii v. Psycho0 T. pachanoi v. “Huarazensis” T. peruvianus v. “TPM”
    27 points
  30. Legendary and all around awesome guy Nitrogen contacted me recently in regards to some serious health issues he was having with his beloved and monstrously large TPQC mother plant. Do to a recent relocation & issues beyond his control, he was more or less forced to continue nurturing and growing the plant in an indoor environment, and certain bugs & critters were gaining the upper hand. When he invited me over, I was completely blown away seeing the mother plant in person. Mere pictures cannot convey the magnificence, size & grandeur of this plant. It was totally gut wrenching to see many of the crested areas under vicious attack, to the point where some have totally succumbed to death & rot. Other crested areas are still firm, but brown and obviously dead or dying. The plant desperately needed help, but more importantly, it needed to be back outside, where predatory bugs & critters have a much tougher time attacking and killing defenseless plants. Devising a plan, we proceeded with the task of moving a 400+ pound plant and HUGE clay pot across his apartment & down flight of stairs. Nitrogen was skeptical two guys could do it, knowing full well it had taken 3 grown men and a huge effort to get the plant into his apartment in the first place. Getting it down the stairs turned out to be the easy part. Loading it into a truck for safe transport was a whole new task, ensuring the crested branches were fully supported in a laying down position. Once that was accomplished, it was all down hill from there, but in a really good way. Arriving at its new location, Nitrogen & I hashed out the next course of action. Choosing a spot, Nitrogen asked me if I had a pickax. Mystified, I asked what in the world for?? Grabbing a nearby shovel, I said my hard pan clay soil has been so thoroughly turned and composted over the years no pickax needed, and then proceeded to dig a hole. Nitrogen grabbed the shovel from my hands and dug the hole himself, amazed how easily he could dig a rather deep & wide hole so effortlessly. Once the hole was dug, Nitrogen then took a hammer & broke the clay pot away from the solidly packed root ball. At this point the plant & pot were laying on its side, still securely fastened to the hand truck. With no weight on it, the pot broke away easily. Grabbing a butcher knife, I then sliced off the compacted & matted root mass at the bottom & sides of the root ball. The next challenge was devising a method of getting the plant off the hand truck & standing it upright in the hole. Leading the way, Nitrogen said to use the hand truck to get the plant upright again right at the edge of the hole. Once that was accomplished, we then each grabbed a massive branch and threw our backs into lifting the plant & root ball into the freshly dug hole, with Nitrogen doing all the positioning for its new home. Happy with its positioning and vertical plumb, he then grabbed the shovel & proceeded to backfill the hole. Finally, he was able to do what he'd been itching to do for the last 6 months, that being grabbing a garden hose and spraying & hosing off all the bugs & critters that had been taking a toll on his plant. With so many folds & crevices in the numerous crested areas, it was just impossible to enact a treatment of the plant in any other way in getting rid of the bugs & critters. First blast it with water pressure & then invite a few nearby spiders to take up residence. No chemicals needed, just a healthy dose of Mother Nature. I'm still kicking my butt for not taking a picture of his plant, in the pot & standing in his dining room. She was a good 16" taller then, but she's so much better off in her new home. And the really great news is, the bugs & critters have gone to their personal form of hell. Protective shade cloth was tied on to protect the plant as it acclimated to its new home in full sun. Come to find out, another TPM plant I've been tasked with taking care of, originated as a cutting from Nitrogens mother plant. Yes, I think I have been totally TPQCeed Thank you Nitrogen I did manage to take a pic of his grafted Ario fissuratus 'Godzilla', and in doing so discovered a seed laying on top of the wool.
    27 points
  31. Hey everyone, Here are the latest photos (hot off the press) of my Trichocereus. They've been moved into the sun, and mostly weeded, and once I've fertilized them - then we can sit back and enjoy the sun. :)/>/>/>/>/>/> We'll begin with a sunset from the farm. The sun "setting" is just a sun-rise from another perspective. ;P Here's the eight-pupper bridgesii I talked about. There's another pup on the other side too. Really weird. I'm guessing it had some BAP exposure? If not, then this plant could be a bushy brancher. These are the bigger columns; growing doggedly. Peruvianus 'Martin' on the left fore, the bent one is a Pachanoi 'NZ Yowie', 3rd to the left is my vigorous Ecuadorian Pachanoi (my favourite clone of Pachanoi so far), on the far right is a Peruvianus (presumably hybrid) that grows quickly and fatly. 2nd Bridgesii to the left rear might be distinct enough to get a name, and if it keeps growing like that - I'll call it 'Nailbat' (it was seed-grown by bit). Centre Peruvianus is 'MB' clone. This is a nice bridgesii hybrid, long yellow spines (has the ordered spine-layout of a bridgesii hybrid), and a blue coat. My Peruvianus 'MB' clone. Really dark blue, wonderful spines - it's a real fetcher. The pale color is because I've taken it out from under the shade of the Cyprus tree and it's a bit shocked my the full-sun. Some more plants chilling out. The smooth pachanoi on the right was my first plant, and all this growth here was grown by me (this was a cutting from the original). The back left plant is a distinctive Peruvianus clone that I'm waiting to 'blue-up', as it's got fantastic golden spines - it was sold as variegated too, but none has shown yet (if it was true). Pach 'Omar' x Peru. The cross was done by Hellonasty (thanks again good sir), and the seedlings are all wonderful. The tallest three were potted up the earliest, and as you can see benefited greatly. They also fell off the deck and got wasted up from a 3m fall, but came back strongly. The plant on the far right was originally grafted to a Selenicereus, and was the biggest originally. But once it transitioned to its own roots, it was quickly overtaken - - it looks like the derp of the group, so I'm hesitant to invest much more in grafting as a result. Some seedlings from early last year. Mostly SS hybrids, each pot is a different cross. Growing really well, and just about to take off in these pots (full sun). Sadly (for you guys) there's nothing funky from this lot, and they'll all normal - albeit exciting plants. Under the tree I. These have almost all come from cuttings, and are the Trichocereus with larger areoles (mostly). Peruvianus 'Martin' apparent in front right. Couple wildseed-sourced bridgesiis growing in the back. Some macros in there too. Some mutts as well. Under the tree II. Another view. :)/> Two fat tersceckii are easy to spot. There's a T. Candicans in the middle I think?, Chiloensis, Taquimbalensis and Werdermannius at the back. SS02xBridgesii hybrid on the far right. Some Qat babies. Getting used to near full-sun. Some leaf curl and such going on, but otherwise they're doing well. I'm worried about winter though. ;o Assorted Trichocereus from above. :] In the foreground, you can see just the tops of both of my Terscheckii open-hybrids. They're very fat, areoles are not circular, little squat yellow spines in the shape of Tersceckii but the length of Pachanoi. Some bridgesiis in the middle, and some of my better Pachanois on the middle right. You'll be able to notice a square pot with a plant that is curving - that was my attempting at side-rooting, and persuaded me to never ever ever waste my time with it in a pot again. :P/> It was put in that pot at least 2 years ago. The longneck herd from afar.
    27 points
  32. Very nicely, for the second year in a row Mr X has collected some of this years (2016) trichocereus fruits from his wonderful garden for them to be distributed throughout the world for people to grow. 2015 giveaway - http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=41064 this years selection - all are open pollinated varieties 2016 Adelaide Macrogonis Scopulacola Cordobensis YT Cuzcoensis Scopulacola x Bridgesii Sausage Rio Mosna Murray Bridge Cuzcoensis SG Bridgesii PC Pachanoi Goliath Psycho0 Yowie SG Cuzcoensis yet to be harvested are Valida and Werdermanius, these will be added to the list when received these wonderful seeds will be available to sab members - worldwide as some vars are in limited numbers, preference will be given to those who have posted their germination and growing results in the 2015 'pod' thread and to selected, respected trichocereus growers worldwide. very soon when the seeds are dry (they have been cleaned) and when the valida and werdermanius pods have been received, cleaned and dried a giveaway will be posted on the seed and plant exchange. a big thank you to all those who posted their results in the 2015 pod thread, Mr X was chuffed to see the results from the fruits of his garden THANK YOU Mr X for these wonderful trichocereus seeds a link to the giveaway will be attached to this post when everything is ready to rock.
    26 points
  33. This might seem a bit random, but I just want to say a big thanks to all the members here who have made me feel so welcome since I joined about a year ago. I was at a critical point when I joined up, been through some major crises since, and didn't really feel like I belonged anywhere, caught between worlds. People here have been so friendly, helpful and even though I've met very few of you face to face, I feel like I have made some very good friends. Random gush over...
    26 points
  34. Hi all, well after working around the garden for the last month, things are starting to come together. I still have some re-potting & organizing to do but I would like to start showing you all my garden. A special thanks must go out to 2Deep for giving me some help . I hope you like Exposed to the elements Euphorbias Cactus (cereus, echinocactus,myrtillocactus,oreocereus,parodia,pilosocereus,polaskia,stenocereus,trichocereus & others) Echinopsis (unknown random spp, crosses) Greenhouse (astrophytum,blossfeldia,haworthia,lophopora,mammillaria,pachypodium,selenicereus,stapelia,trichos,seedlings & others) Mammillaria's Pachypodium's Lophophora's (grafted,hardgrown) Seedlings (astros,lophos,melos,turbs) If you have any questions or what to see a more detailed photo of a plant please ask, these photos are just from a distance to give you an idea of my garden & don't show everything clearly. I also have a grow room with hundreds of seedlings & grafts but I only take photos on my phone & they come out funny because of the light in there, you will have to imagine it for now until I can borrow a camera . Thanks for looking, I will add more photos in the future. Cheers Jox
    26 points
  35. Today marks 10 years since i joined SAB, and i just want to say a very big thank you to the SAB community. Not only has it served as a great source of information, of community, but also of friendship, and love. There are a couple of people i miss, and i only wish i could i could tell them how much. i joined as I was entering a change in my life, and this community has over the years provided inspiration and support and also on occasion a respectful place to air my dissatisfaction with life during various transitions. It served as part of the inspiration to drop my career and begin again with something i feel passionate about. life continues to have its ups and downs. particularly lately. and without the support and love of the people i have met and become close with over the years through this community i suspect thing would be much more challenging than they are. This is a community to be proud of, and id especially like to thank Torsten, for the perseverance and dedication in keeping it going and also covering costs, i am personally aware of the challenges it poses. Thank you SAB. you are an amazing community, and i am grateful for meeting so many amazing like-minded individuals. And grateful for letting me know i'm not so unusual, kooky, or alone in this world out of control. much love <3
    25 points
  36. Crowded for space from the git-go, a few years ago I inadvertently planted a terscheckii too close to a pasacana and several other plants. Naturally I let it get waaay too big to move (roughly 90 cm) before deciding to move it, which I tackled today. I only wanted to move it 5 feet, but the plant and root ball were far to heavy to lift, even with the non existent help. With access to only one side of the plant, I began to dig a hole next to what would become the root ball. I worked the shovel sideways in between the terscheckii & surrounding plants, cutting a narrow groove as far back around as I could access.... I then dug a trench out towards its new location to be.... As work progressed I wedged a 2x4 between some nearby trichs to stabilize the terscheckii & prevent it from falling forward.... Then I dug underneath the root ball as much as I dared & around each side as much as I could reach... Then I had a fantastic idea, that i would use a tarp to assist in moving the whole mass of plant & root ball. Tucking the tarp as far under the root ball as I could..... I then took the shovel to the mostly inaccessible back side and reaching over some trichs, I used the shovel to cut thru the top soil between the two side cuts..... The root ball & terscheckii fell a few inches down onto the tarp, completely free.... Then I lashed the plant & root ball to a short 2x4 to stabilize them both and assist in moving the whole mass forward..... this was accomplished by pulling on the tarp and guiding the 2x4 to the plants new location.... Then it was just a matter of backfilling and a major watering down... Radiantly beautiful in its new home.....
    25 points
  37. Hi Guys, just saw that its Psycho0´s Birthday so i thought it would be appropriate to post a small reminder about the friends and members we loved and lost! Psycho0, Wandjina, Chemical Shaman and all the others that gave us the gift of sharing a short part of their lifes with us! You know, life is short and this should remind us to live every moment to the fullest and to never take the great people that you have the joy to be around for granted! We are all just one breath away. Take care of you guys and girls out there! bye Eg
    25 points
  38. I had a few unexpected windfalls lately, and having already bought a bunch of new toys I decided to put some of the money to good use before I spend it all on hookers and blow. So, I am offering a $300 'research grant' to help any small study or project that may be stalled due to lack of funds (doesn't have to be "research" as such). I realise that won't go a long way, but perhaps there are some smaller projects that have run short of money before they could be completed, or people who have access to cool labs but no cash, or something. Also I'm treating this as a kind of trial run, if it goes well I might look into some kind of fundraising effort for larger projects. My idea was this: people post their proposals here, saying what the money will be spent on and what the aim of the project is. For eg, maybe people could use money to go towards… *materials or equipment for analysis purposes *plant stock for hybridisation project *small print runs *materials for propagation greenhouse …etc, etc. People can use the "like" button to vote for the proposals they approve of. I will also take "likes" as votes of confidence that you believe that member can be trusted. This will not be democratic, I reserve the right to pick any project I find particularly awesome. I will give strong preference to anything which benefits the community - whether materially (eg. seeds, plants) or in the form of interesting new information (eg. whether or not native plant X contains compound Y). This grant is based on the idea that your results - whether positive or negative - will be made available to the community in an appropriate way. And I know this will probably trigger some shitfights, but if a project is redundant or unfeasible in some way, please let me know about it, preferably by PM so as not to clog this thread up with arguments (remember if you make it tedious to read this thread, no one will read it and so no one will see your ideas and vote for them!). Posts which contravene forum rules should be reported directly to mods. I won't set a deadline until I see how fast proposals come in, but I'm thinking you'll have at least a month. You can make multiple proposals, just write them up as separate posts to allow the voting thing to work properly. (I'm making this all up as I go along so keep checking this opening post for changes to conditions, and please be patient with me while I learn)
    25 points
  39. Admin, Can you please have a look at the following link. This has the code for enabling us to post soundcloud players in our posts in the creative section. This will make it alot easier for us to share without diverting people to another site. Thanks in advance http://blog.soundcloud.com/2009/07/28/soundcloud-player-in-forums-5-step-guide-for-soundcloud-bb-code/ Please like this post if you agree this is a good idea, I have been trying for this for quite a while now.....
    25 points
  40. Just in time for Summer Solstice, I'm offering a 30% discount on all my remaining seeds purchased thru my website & FREE Nitrogen 2015 hybrid seeds with every order, conditional on the following: 1) 30% discount ends Jan 1, 2016, 11:00 pm PST (6 pm Jan 2, 2016 Sydney Time). The discount will be in the form of a paypal refund against the total amount, shipping included. 2) To qualify for the free Nitrogen seeds you must be a member of sab, you must send me a pm here, & you must include your sab handle on the paypal form. Nitrogen hybrid seeds are first come, first serve while supplies last. 3) My choice on the number of Nitrogen hybrids I include based on prior sales and or total $ amount purchased in this sale. I've a very tiny amount of Nitro #1, a small amount of #6, a moderate amount of #2 & #8 and good amounts of #3, #4, & #7. #1 LumberJack x TPM #2 Psycho0 x TPM #3 Sharxx blue x TPM #4 TPM x Sharxx blue #6 LJ x Sharxx blue #7 Psycho0 x Sharxx blue #8 Psycho0 x LJ
    24 points
  41. Hello, I've decided to formally make a hello everyone thread that I never made when I joined nearly 2 or 3 years ago I'm hoping this will explain to you all why I'm me. I also caution you that this post contains revolting themes. Please understand that whilst you read this i am not seeking sympathy or empathy by posting this, the reason I'm doing this is so you all know why i am me and why i react like i do sometimes on here. Some may or may not agree with some of the life choices i have had to make, i also very much regret many of my actions. I was born to trash. wasn't taught to walk till i was 18 months old. By 2 the parents had separated and us 3 kids were living with the mother. this woman is quite promiscuous and had several relationships with different abusive men. when i was 8 she lost it and we were sent to live with our father in Vic. 6 months later she rocks up and picks us up, meanwhile she has met a new man who is about to change everything forever. This man with the consent of the woman who was suppose to be my mother abuses me physically, emotionally and sexually until i left escaped from home at 17. this man doesn't like little girls so my sister was safe, my brother fought him as much as he was able, he lost as well. I attended 16 schools from year 1. so i literally escape home at 17 and become a junkie and live on the doll etc, trying to kill my self on every drug there is, this is early 90's diff stuff around. I did this until i was 25. then one night whilst dying under someones kitchen table as id just drunk a bottle of scotch and eaten multiple mind altering substances, i realised i want more, i realised that i am worth it and i can make something of myself despite having nothing and being treated the way i had, that i have every right to become. i ween myself from the drugs and enrol in a 4 year adv dip in visual arts. I do very well at this, this 'saves' my life, by graduation i am also working in the art dept. for the next 15 years i built a visual art career whilst working at this govt dept. Ive works in many respected collections, found materials, heavy acrylic use, anti all themes, lge sculpture. I also built a number of public art projects as well as running many state govt art projects. my sister has children, 2 boys and 1 girl, i remind her how i and my brother were treated and she denies all knowledge. I contact the WA police and begin an 8 month long process in creating a statement that outlines the abuse that my brother and i suffered. my brother cooperates but will not admit to any sexual abuse, i witnessed him being abused so i know this not to be true. The police decide the main abuser is the stepfather and arrest and charge him with multiple offences The WA police try these offenders 3 times, so 3 trials and they are found not guilty due to lack of evidence as my brother will not collaborate the statement of him being abused. when i started working at the art school i was the floor sweeper on 14$ hr when i resigned i was on $75 hr casual wage working 40 hr weeks, coordinating the department. i meet my now ex partner during this time. My partner and i buy a house in WA in 2007, we renovate this house and build a beautiful garden. In 2011 the ex partners last living relative dies and leaves him 3mil inheritance. well fuck hey, that some serious cash. we pay off our debts and decide to move to a special place in SA where its green for 9 months of the year we buy a beautiful farm and then hire builders to renovate the house and build a large green house The ex partner manages these projects whilst i complete the sale of the house in WA and kiss work goodbye. It transpires that the builders are unregistered, uninsured and not qualified to build the green house of perform some of the works in the house, 3/4 of the workman shit is no to Australian standard. so I then begin a 3 year odyssey to try and make the builders accountable for their actions through state government organisations, this proves fruitless, none of them will cooperate or help me solve the problem. I can sue the builder, but why should i when have already paid for the work to get done? few weeks ago my partner leaves me partly due to the stress of the building situation, please understand we see and live with these non compliances on a daily basis. I loose it a bit, get off tap and then call the builders for 6hrs on both their phones threatening to kill them in so many wonderful ways, i even told them id drink their blood <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png next morning police turn up and arrest me on 2 counts of threat to kill the builders. I'm mad as a hatter by this stage so I'm cuffed etc........... all this has been recorded on camera and cctv footage which my lawyer has requested. I was assaulted at the police station and put in a paddy van for an hour, double cuffed and in came with a huge guy who had just been sentenced to 5 yrs jail, i expect the police presumed he'd smash me, i used my charm and wit so i didn't get a hiding, he was a nice bloke actually. So i had to break the law for these gov departments to take notice as they all now have a duty of care as i have threatened to kill the builders, over the last week I've had a multitude of gov heads of depts kissing my ass so i don't make complaints to the ombudsman or go to the media. They are all now investigating the claims and are even providing free inspections. The builders will not be allowed their second chance to fix their workmanship as is the law in SA as there is an avo in place. The courts will decide which trades people fix these builders mess, at the builders expense. So thats fucking that, thats my lot and i have to live with it. I just hope my nephews are strong men and survive. the alternative was to kill the abuser, i felt id already spent 20 yrs of my life in 'jail' whilst under their roof and i wasn't going to be incarcerated in prison for another 20 for murder. I have no family at all, havnt spoken to any of them in over 10 years xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The other side......... As you lot may have gathered i loooooove trading. Im building one of the largest cactus and ethno gardens in SA, I've invested a lot of money into this and will continue to do so supporting traders on here and the SAB shop and bobobob As you know I'm an honest person and i do tryn be nice but sometimes i get a bit ugly cuz of what i have been through. Whilst this is no excuse and does not give me permission to break the rules of the site, i sometimes post a bit aggressively and am working on this Anger is the emotion i have used to 'survive' becoming happy won't be happn overnight, but I'm trying guys, i really am. SAB - i love this place, in my short time here i have learnt so much and met many wonderful people sssshhhhh don't tell anyone but i pretend that this place is my family. Please don't 'like' this post, id prefer it doesn't end up in the most popular content etc................thank you guys and girls
    24 points
  42. some more plants from Tripsis four ribbed SS /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/kafIZ9nm.jpg&key=84bde5b38b56935607d08486ac8c4fbbd33d9db5c38f7147969c49de5c3e0ce0 Pachanoi Monstrose /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/VD1MOlZm.jpg&key=2104d92a809426b67e363a56d3e89c06113ea7d1caca07e2d4204602c8b519de/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/M2P3heVm.jpg&key=1ab0209da6a2c60e7f97df5da3c1c74ca44f37e557e93d90484b01a6c1295521 have made a penis garden, got a few types This beauty from Compost super fat from Quarterflesh /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/xowO5xnm.jpg&key=35c87caad488a079bd1a2e007f9a2fbb6f748a5d2c6ace016f08161021f974e1/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/ux7n0Ezm.jpg&key=5a133de5ff2ea1162f3936d573b22a047a08757f4fd0664fd9cffb59385328e1 i been carrying this one around for a while, sent pieces of it all around the world /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/YIo5YmQm.jpg&key=bbf0e424779b06e0c49f182b134003b823e9db4a14bff8cd2cc2ecf59c207c37 trichocereus traded and bought recently, planning on planting them in spring /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/ZrSBDhNm.jpg&key=1456ef04bfdf74c1602fa476c30991c8d53b0fa589ffc5154fc4d89049e85573 a very nice scop that Master B sent me /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/ZHa5QfJm.jpg&key=13011a7c7a34953bd28431e163f7c1c4cc3c6e1e8807f1a6f268d16920f9f258 some very special plants, Nitrogen seed, germinated by Getafix /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/cIg09qLm.jpg&key=87a0872bf9e014874b668f32b32702556eabf76d56e87f6c7aef8a30cbe68ed1/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/eszu7GQm.jpg&key=7dd77b92d62a03d136b6c7a6953a02ea97ca35e27d5bd83c4931638ae15d1ef4 /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/57zxPvsm.jpg&key=5fd68a8fbfdedbbbf75091247d09f0639992c5b800db25f608bfb130515fa8f8/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/BphLa1lm.jpg&key=14bf75265e2549a3cbabe2f7f67ea3b39404226adec8459d2f803b31e7f2886c /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/AtE9I5fm.jpg&key=cf5061f1f58591c92d35050c0ae79ee24e06c8c830653b1f71f7a1481ed27277/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/AIqY4bDm.jpg&key=6d8a01e916105baef4b1d5ab820d5bb9721cb8b054b639698380e43f17c9673b 3 yr olds, Getafix/Nitrogen in the front, mid are Jox (from Sacred Succulents) and then Disco Stu/Tripsis in the back /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/surZ22vm.jpg&key=6e4ca101c4f68112b36934c4b935a68b5ac4381706f6e0cdd4240b20b3242248 new blood from Mystical Oyster /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/6sb2sjTm.jpg&key=48038070357481be042e3a7133bfb67877222ac5480e1b58360a138bc3f4f616
    24 points
  43. put the last of them to sleep /uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh492/waterboytas/blue_zps6dqy4gth.jpg&key=ef90a7eba9241e88212029a4ba6e144360c2c841265cdbd7532f190c4faadc81
    24 points
  44. Been working on this for a while, collected 98% of these in the last 14 months and have been planting them in this cactus patch off and on for the last couple of months, 200+ clones to get in the ground this summer, planted 140 so far. Bit of a job The patch is 60 meters long and 20 wide, had to chop a few trees down and dig out a lot of crap to clear it all. Still got some area to clear in the pic below Am planting them 1-1.5 mts apart so they have room to bulk up in the future, cat for scale Below are some stand outs so far Juuls x scop Capital cactus pachanoi 4 ribbed scop Dawsons blue Peru Jeans bridgesii Rosei 1 open Sierra canyon x ss02 HB02 Pachanoi x psychoo Pachanoi x psychoo These guys below are yet to be planted in the new patch and some for going in the ground next year
    24 points
  45. Yes....safe for the workplace . I like to dabble a bit with different materials and make stuff. The latest material of choice is Jade stone. A friend sent me a Jade amulet which they had made, and straight away, i got the carving bug. I bought most of the rough Jade from eBay and I bought a Dremel, a few diamond tipped bits and some emery paper of various grades... and that was it. Jade comes in many shades, from dark to light. I like the dark Jade which looks black, but when cut thin enough and held up to a light scource, you can see that it is actually green. I find carving very therapeutic and i have spent many hours outside, like in a trance, carving stone. I have made friendship bracelets and anklets for kids, keyrings, pendants , and a few other bits and pieces. I didn't photograph all my work before i gave it away, but here is a taste of what i have made . I will add to this thread as i make new stuff . . Other stuff i have made was a 'trip simulator' AKA , a Kaleidoscope, made from brass. Then, not to forget the Native American style flute that i have already posted here at SAB, but adding it to my 'Show and Tell' thread . http://www.shaman-au...te&fromsearch=1 A bit rustic, but i enjoyed making this stuff, and that's all that really matters. I think i would enjoy doing a mosaic, like a mushroom or something. Amz EDIT: the pics have gone higgldy piggldy, but it was tricky trying to get them to all line up . * shrugs.
    24 points
  46. I have named two clones: These are both named in honor of our passed members Wandjina and Chemical Shaman. Here are some pictures: TPM X (SS02xPach) Chemsha clone- Chosen to represent his avatar which I think of everytime I think of him. I think this one looks like the head of the Alien from the Aliens movies, the way it's spines come out remind me of the aliens teeth and the protruding extra set of jaws from inside it's mouth. And: A TPM X N1 The Penny clone AKA Wandjina And this one reminds me of Penny because of the resemblance to a cockatoo's crest. Of which the sulphur crest was her totem animal. I have called it the Penny clone and not wandjina clone as to distinguish it from wandjina gardnes for future generations.
    24 points
  47. Visited my friend's garden in the weekend. He started collecting at the same time as me, about 3 years ago. There is were lotsa plants in there so i really couldnt capture every one, so here's what grabbed my attention. Variegated euphorbia lactea cristate Mammilaria 'Fred' Copiapoa sp Larryleachia cactiformis Euphorbia symmetrica
    24 points
  48. A few months ago I was marginally involved in a legal situation that was quite bizarre. I was not at liberty to discuss details publically at the time because the situation was 'developing', but I did promsie to eventually post about it to serve as a warning to others. There are several lessons in this story and I will summarise them at the end. A friend in Qld was ordering AM2201 last year when it was still legal. However customs had obviously been made aware of its 'threat to the community' and was holding parcels indefinitely. Part of the game of importing was to just keep ordering and to play the numbers game [ie let them have a certain percentage of parcels]. To do this different addresses needed to be used everytime a parcel got seized. Eventually my friend ran out of PO boxes so he used his home address. Eventually this was also compromised and he stopped. By this time 3 parcel were being held by customs. He had ordered his last 1kg of AM2201 in June. It was held by customs. After 2 months the postal tracking stopped as is normal. 2201 was still legal then. On sept 6th 3 cannabinoid agonists became illegal in Qld. AM2201 was NOT one of them but as I have stated publically, it is an analogue of the 3 scheduled ones [something that was widely argued to be a wrong assumption, but was later proven in court when people got busted for it]. Early november my friend gets a post notification that a parcel has arrived. The parcel that was sent to his home address had been released by customs 3 days earlier. he had forgotten all about it as he had assumed it would be seized and destroyed after being made illegal. Being unaware of what the parcel was he picked it up from the PO which is when he realised what it actually was. This is where things got complicated. My friend made the parcel disappear. Not that he actually wanted to have this stuff, but he knew that he could be arrested for handing it into the cops. That same day I was visiting him and after hanging out for a while I dropped him back at his place and went back home to NSW. Later that night my friend rings me to tell me he had been raided and arrested and that the cops assumed I had the parcel in NSW because his txt record showed we had met up. For a number of reasons he could not tell them what he had actually done with it. I wrote a sign for my door that stated "Dear NSW Police. Please don't break down the door, we have cookies and coffee waiting for you". After getting some legal advice which confirmed that handing the parcel to the cops is risky as they can arrest the person holding the parcel even if arrangements had been made and guarantees were given, it was decided to wait a few days. This was because my friend had actually mailed the parcel to another state where AM2201 was still legal at the time. However being a weekend it took 4 days for the tracking to show that the parcel was at its destination. While we were twiddling our thumbs and getting up at 5 am every morning expecting a visit, the Qld cops were ringing my friend every day to try and get the parcel back. He had been charged with possession of 1.6million dollars worth of drugs. In Qld it is not the quantity, but the value that determines charge and sentence. It was 2 weeks before schoolies, a time when the Qld drug cops go completely nuts because the government is on their ass and they need to show results [ie headlines]. So here they were very happily looking at a 1.6 million dollar drug seizure that would make for great news headlines, if it weren't for the fact they'd lost the actual drugs. See, they could only charge him with possession because the import was actually not illegal, but for possession they need to prove intent and knowledge, neither of which would have stuck from a simple pick up CCTV video at the post office. That's why they needed to catch him the next day with the drugs still in his possession. After midnight they can add a new charge for every day that they can prove possession. So essentially my friend was set up. Once we had confirmed the parcel to be in the state where it was still legal our solicitors contacted the cops and suggested that we would surrender the drugs, but that they had to make it 'attractive' to my friend. Keeping in mind that the cops still thought I had the parcel in NSW. It was round about then that it surfaced that the Qld cops had asked the NSW cops about the legality of AM2201 and had been told it is not illegal in NSW. THAT'S why the NSW cops hadn't raided me! Kinda hilarious cos that information was actually wrong. AM2201 is smack bang covered under the analogues clause in NSW - no doubt about it. But it gets better. They kept going on about how the kilo represented 1.6 million dollars worth of drugs in the community and how it was imperative that they retrieve it, but they would not drop the charges. With nothing to lose at this point I suggested that maybe we should hint at how badly this could be perceived in the public eye [ie a roundabout way of saying 'I wonder how the media would take 1.6million dollars worth of drugs going missing in a botched operation 2 weeks before schoolies']. 20 mins later we had a deal that the charges would be dropped if we surrendered the parcel. At this point they were still expecting that i would be taking the parcel to the NSW/QLD border for them to pick up. I would have loved to have seen their faces when they were told the parcel is in Victoria <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png The drug squad was VERY keen to retrieve the parcel even once they knew it was in Victoria and after some negotiations our solicitor managed to make arrangements for surrender that did not bring any risk to any of us. This turned into another comedy though as the Qld cops now got it into their heads that AM2201 was illegal in Victoria and hence they would have to get a Vic drug squad agent to do the pick up etc. My solicitor got quite freaked out and it took me some hours to convince him that the Qld cops had it wrong AGAIN. Good thing is that solicitors can read legal texts so eventually he just had to believe the evidence I presented to him about the legality. The hand over did not go smoothly either. Seems the Vic cops worked out it was not illegal and hence couldn't be bothered to be involved. Hours passed, but eventually the solicitor got rid of the parcel. The charges got dropped and I've been advised to keep out of Qld cops' way for a few years ;) A few lessons were learnt here: 1) No one knows what's actually legal or illegal, yet decisions get made in this vacuum. 2) Customs will release an item that is legal under the customs act even if it is illegal under state law, but will inform state authorities of the release so they can raid and prosecute. This seems like entrapment to me, but my solicitor assures me it is all legal. 3) Surrendering illegal items can get you busted. 4) if you've already been charged make sure to surrender it before midnight so you don't get charged again.
    24 points
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