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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/11/12 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. 2 points
    Ayahuasca- bowl (clay) from the shipibo in Amazonia (with Yagé and Chacruná): Tree-needle- baskets from the Tarahumara in Mexico (with Oncidium cebolleta- bulb, Scirpus atrovirens- tuber and dried Peyote): Betelnut-cracker- antique (bronze) from India with betelnuts: Betel- chalk- repository (bone) from Southeast-Asia: Chillum from Ladakh (from old monk, wood with wire-cladding and metal in it): Old apothecary Coca-leaf- jar: Coffee-jug (Djabana, copper with silver)- antique from Axum- Ethiopia: Yarn-fancywork (Peyote-vision) from the Huichol (Mexico): Kava Kava- bowl from the Fiji- Islands (wood) with Kava Kava: Opiumpipe (wood and jade) and Opium-weights (bronze, antique, from Burma) in chicken-form: Hempfarmer-cap (woven) from Manali (a souvenir from the ancient origin of Hemp, the Himalaya): Shipibo- Schamanspipe (red wood) from the Amazon-rainforest: Coca-chewer- figure (clay) from Ecuador: And my particularly proud: A selfmade mush-stone from ONE piece soapstone. Model: a Maya-mushroom-stone, found in Guatemala, from 300 - 600 AD: Ayahuasca-fancywork from the Shipibo:
  3. 2 points
    Hi all I had this plant fruit at my place and after a little research I found out its a jabuticaba (probably incorrect spelling) Brazilian grape tree the berries are delicious and abundant I've never seen them before so I thought there would be a few of you who might like some seed I have 5 packets of 5 seeds for the first 5 ppl who post here if more ppl are interested I will pick some more just express your interest
  4. 2 points
    Have I said how my postie is a wonderfully beautiful person and that he should win postie of the year award I GOT MY SEEDS Thanks Nitrogen Cheers Got
  5. 2 points
    at least you didnt do it on purpose which is what i thought when i first read the title , hopefully it will push out some suckers from the base and you can start again.
  6. 2 points
    ^ No fucking way!? That's so awesome if it's real. I'd pray to the gods to be reincarnated as a Mamestra brassicae larva. *wiggle wiggle*
  7. 2 points
    if its true, it's because the more intelligent you are the more likely you will be to think about how messed up things are, how backwards society tends to be & how stupid the average person is & therefore need to drown your sorrows in order not to suicide. the dumber you are the more likely you will be to be ignorant & simply accept things & so not feel the need to self medicate. that's my hypothesis
  8. 2 points
    23 months in a US prison over a matter of $7500. Justice! edit: Just US
  9. 1 point
    Hi there, Lately I have been experimenting, trying to grow the edible Pleurotus pulmonarius (Oyster mushroom). I have easily been able to produce a ton of spawn but I haven't had time to produce any considerable fruiting bodies as of yet. Are any of the New Zealand members interested in purchasing some doweling spawn? or trading for other edible cultures or spore prints (microscopy only)? I will also give away small amounts of the spawn for starting your own spawn (only pay freight). I have a heap of spawn and I probably don't need it all. (its filling up my fridge ) Here is a picture of some of the doweling spawn: Thanks Tio.
  10. 1 point
    http://news.discovery.com/human/do-intelligent-people-drink-more-alcohol.html i knew that was the reason.
  11. 1 point
    Welcome to the Corroboree MyPageOfManyIntersts. Lots to learn about plants around here. ^ Wow, your meets sound technical, at our Melbourne meet, we just eat, drink, and talk shite...
  12. 1 point
    ''What in the world are they spraying" documentary / whether you believe this to be a conspiracy theory or conspiracy fact , people need to watch this, the part about crops being GMO'd to being resistant to the toxicity of aluminum and barium etc... is freakin scary , this is way bigger than that though. After watching this ive decided that im getting a water distiller pronto.
  13. 1 point
    the usual, watered, weeded, rearranged some things also repotted a heap of cacti and did some more pereskiopsis grafts as the last one took off even quicker than the first two. And i took some photos too because we all love photos of cacti This is I think a werdermannianus or taquimbalensis A nice plump tersheckii from Getafix A pup of the Super Spiny clone New growth on Martin
  14. 1 point
    I care not the motivation! If you didnt grow it...leave it alone. Did whole trees(that were not your own) ever die as a result of your actions folias? If not....harvest away......if so....bad karma for you Ive got a bunch of obtuse, floribunda and accuminata coming along nicely, that I will one day harvest(as sustainably as possble too) Use the trees in the wild as a source of seed and grow your own FFS! You might actually learn about the plants and trees, as well as the alkaloids in them! Do you care for plants folias or only the drugs in them?
  15. 1 point
    fair chance, the plant will re shoot, from the very bottom beneath the injury, as said above already. i would prune 90% of the plant above the injury, with some phyllodes remaining, like this you have the best chance, i guess. don't be upset about the accidental ringbarking, it happens often, i only use mowers. a very nice specimen!
  16. 1 point
    Hard to get good pics when the seedlings are so small but there's a lot green going on in there. Great seed Nitrogen!
  17. 1 point
    Oh that sounds good Amazonian!!! I had to pay for things like that in Asia! Only Joking!!!!! Yawning Man you better come it has been too long! Everyone who can please make the effort to come down and have a beer with the Shark if possible!
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Ballzac, do you actually have a grasp of whats happening in corporate Australia, or is this more of your self-assured speculation dressed up as fact? Financial Services & Customer Service Centres are being reviewd for viability in moving offshore. This is one of the top points of study for CFO's in this time of 2012 and beyond. I could list a dozen names off the top of my head of companies that have offshored their functions in the past two years. Huge industry names, many of them Aussie companies, certainly all of them have a major Aussie market exposure. Gone. People working in these sectors locally are finding the job market to be devoid of many permanent opportunities, because companies will not commit, knowing that a viability study might be around the corner. There is presently no growth in the recruitment market. Average salary reports show that the median pay has not gone up in five years. This is not a cyclone arguement, this is real life in 2012. The removal of tens of thousands of jobs in one sector does not create new jobs by some mysterious default. We're not talking about replacing trucks with trains, or a meat industry with vegan agriculture opportunities. it's about jobs ceasing to exisit in this country. Its about manufacturing coming to an end, because its simply not viable to produce goods under our minimum wage laws, when the competition is imorting for a fraction of the cost. Sure, people will find other jobs. for now. But what about as more corporations move offshore ? They arent investing into future growth of their local employ, they want to report a bumper profit for the shareholders at their next AGM. The little guys' welfare doesnt factor into it. In the case of technology, the supermarkets didnt install them to lose money carrying staff for other tasks, that's for sure. If youre a checkout person, well bad luck, your job is in danger. You won't be kept on to polish apples in the produce section, it'l be a boot in the bum and out the door. Presenntly, Australians are resiliant enough to survive, and the unemployment figurees are not (yet) truly reflective of what's happening in the real world corporate Australia, of which I can assure you there's a lot of 'how can we' questions from executives looking towards their next performance bonus.
  20. 1 point
    November 11, 2012 Despite regular apocalyptic warnings of black-outs due to the nuclear power shutdown, a recent boom in renewables means that Germany is exporting more electricity than ever before, new figures show. Germany exported the equivalent of the output of two large power stations - 12.3 terawatt hours - during the first three quarters of the year, according to a preliminary report from the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW), seen by the business weekly Manager Magazin. By comparison, Germany had to import more than it exported over the first three quarters of last year, when the balance was -0.2 terawatt hours. But that was the exception during recent years - since 2006, Germany has consistently exported well over five terawatt hours more than it has imported. Experts say the surplus is thanks to the massive development of renewable energies in Germany. Huge quantities of wind and solar energy have reduced prices. "The low prices mean that more energy is being exported from Germany to the neighbouring countries," Bloomberg market analyst Brian Potskowski told the magazine. The situation is particularly dramatic in the Netherlands, where energy providers are reportedly shutting down gas power stations to buy cheap German electricity. German energy giant RWE confirmed that this was true. "We are seeing an increasingly closer interconnection among the European markets," a spokesman told Manager Magazin. This now includes France, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. "The power stations of participating countries compete with each other, and electricity is produced in the stations that make the cheapest offer," the spokesman said. Thanks to the boom in renewables, Germany's wind and solar power parks are currently making the best offers. But coal power stations are also producing cheaper energy. Gas power stations, meanwhile, are relatively expensive. The BDEW said the export surplus was also due to German regulations. "German power station operators must keep sufficient capacities for safety reasons," a spokesman for the association said. Power plants that have to guarantee supply during periods of high consumption also have to produce energy when demand is low, making surpluses often available for export. But the export surplus does not necessarily mean there won't be shortages in the winter - on particularly cloudy, windless days, Germany could still be dependent on energy reserves from Austria. http://www.thelocal.de/society/20121109-46079.html
  21. 1 point
    Put everything thru as potaoes. My Local woolworths stopped weighing items when placed in the bagging area. Now i wont use any self serve cheouts that do weight, not because i steall (anymore then most) but it sjust bullshit to wait for a 14 Y.O to verify my ultra heavy duty personal lube.
  22. 1 point
    Yeah I'm a Sex Machine after a few drinks. It's Evolution Baby!
  23. 1 point
    An elusive feeling had been burning in my stomach for weeks. It wouldn’t leave and when finally asked to speak up whispered ‘Words and thoughts are not our primary tools of knowing. They approximate the feeling-tones of an infinitely more optimal stratum of wisdom that flows along embodied sense perception — including along the perception of those subtle feelings in the stomach and joints. Words such as love, fear and beauty exist as opaque echoes of these ineffable currents of the sensual world. Learning to navigate principally with sensual ways of knowing maximises health and creativity. When thought is relegated to the role of assistant the spontaneous vigour of eternity is given space to breathe. Listen to your gut’.
  24. 1 point
    Just got one major update to go, with the most prevalent plant spirit to hunt down. I have been busy over the last few weeks so my little project has taken a back seat til things settle. KAVA Acorus calamus Panax Ginseng Salvia miltiorhhiza Salvia dang shen Argemone mexicana Erythrina mulungu Pedicularis Corydalis yanhusuo Nigella sativa Nelumbo nucifera Nymphaea caeurulea / ampla Psychotria colorata Rhodiola rosea Salvia nemorosa Stictocardia tillaefolia, Ugni molinae Lactuca virosa, serrata Calea Silene Mimosa hostilis / Jurema Hoodia Mucuna pruriens Yohimbe
  25. 1 point
    get your own space (if finances allow) and some blowup people.......... that way you're always right, that last cone is still in the bowl in the morning, no-one talks back with a condescending 'tude, nobody eats your special cake or pizza, ..you can dress them up how ever you feel and when you need real chat - record your own voice overs....sit back and larf at those stupid blowup idiots infront of you......... i wouldn't let someone else drive the car to my future, would you?