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The Corroboree


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About Horus

  • Birthday 02/14/1960

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    Newcastle Coastal

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  1. Most meet ups are organized on FB messaging or Signal. The old crew is pretty solid and that network is slow on uptake of newbies. Has anyone in Sydney met you, your Raver Buddy is not familiar to me. Yes folks are sussed out at APS meets, and if they seem cool, could be invited to more interesting events. That said, things are slow, family commitments etc. we are lucky to have a Winter and Summer camp, mushroom camp is a distant memory, I suppose COVID restrictions changed the pace of socializing too. I run a Ceremony or two every week, so I have my fill of deep human interaction. And enjoy a stiff Gin or overproof whiskey on my days off to debrief.
  2. Great book everybody. Highly recommended. The Shrooms have chosen the correct ambassador.
  3. Horus

    Caapi cutback?

    Bro, you would be shocked at how much I pruned this summer, it was struggling with hot dry winds. Shooting back like crazy. Always give a good feed, worm wee. On the otherhand, if yours is thriving....there is no such thing as too much vine.
  4. Definitive !! Thanks, your guide will ensure many more wonderful plants will join us. And just the thing to motivate me, sprout my little stash. Thanks. Looking forward to meeting you at Rebel Herbal.
  5. For those folks not on FB, here is a recent talk on Acacia DMT in Australia. Mainly for my old mate #responsible choice. Sorry bro I have been slow in replying to you, i keep putting it off as there is always something new to share. Now I have too much to write about. But I will email you soon.
  6. Hey Sal, I am brand new, seriously transformed, Id like to get up for a catch up, `and check out your surplus cactus.
  7. Thats bad. Damning evidence. Its impossible to police that area, people that fucked, and half cocked could easily destroy the species. Someone thinks they are going to make a big batch to flood the doof or festival scene. Things have never been the same since DMT became a commodity rather than the sacred spice that was only ever gifted or traded. Idiots have no idea of the energies they are fucking with.
  8. Just an update to say my cut is very happy. I will get him into the ground in a new major feature cactus garden at my farm in spring. Thanks again, it certainly is growing into a beautiful head turner.
  9. Cant make that date, got a guy flying in for a private healing. I would have liked to meet some different members.......and Uber-Shaman, oh well. Have fun, Garden of Tranquility is ok.
  10. Crikey Humbolt, I could probably write another essay to answer your inquiries. Years ago, the vine and mushrooms used to clash in my mind. They sorted it out, but the vine came up trumps. (separate essay) The vine has been waiting, honing its magic, till it could come to Australia and blend into new Super Medicines. It has taken awhile to acclimatize, the atmosphere, sunlight and vibrational energy are so different. Thru Changa mixes it has been exploring Acacia dreaming and tuning into this land that has been primed by tens of thousands of years of ceremony. In turn, the Acacia has had to incorporate The Great Amazon Mother into its dreaming, listen to each others spirit songs, preparing for a great New Dreaming. I have a psychic partnership with my vine. I access Gaia Consciousness thru it and it accesses Human Consciousness and Energetic Form thru me. I have always considered the vine No 1. So when in my heart I told her....." The Acacia is your equal" she said. " Der...what do you think im here for, we are going to take my work here on Earth to new levels." They get on just fine in my Central Nervous system, an inter racial marriage. The vine has always told the stories of the brews admixture plants, now with the Acacia, the original tree of knowledge, the vine has the richest Spirit Linage to evolve with. Including its history with many ancient civilisations. Culture will change with it, For example The Jungle Dieta. Often because Psychotria was not as abundant, and brews traditionally weak in DMT. The diet assisted people get as much out of the medicine. Acacia brews can be that strong, they dont require any other dietary assistance than healthy yeast free to give people a guaranteed breakthrough. This whole Brazillian style singing thing, well a good brew, people are lucky to scratch themselves let alone sing. The whole music thing needs to soothe right down to very ambient. Sure, Icaros like the one above can be used at the appropriate time, which is when the vine wants to use physical form to create healing vibrations. I also acknowledge this is all just my own Personal Dreaming, and I encourage others into deep relationships with their plants to develop their own Stories. Its an open book, and we need to step up and write great new stories, from an aspect of respect of both plants country and culture.
  11. This is great stuff, not sure what it means, but you are very fortunate. Our property at Yengo is a bird sanctuary. We love it. Its spooky, in 4 years we have never seen a mammal. There are wallabies and wombats on everyone else's farms. But just birds, from Powerful Owls to our favorites, the Blue Fairy Wren at our place. When running retreats, I can get everyone into the moment, by tuning in to the birdsong. Just keep your avian focus, and see where it flows. Oh I cant help but tell you where it will lead..........to happiness !!
  12. Courticaapi. I am going to share my paradigm shift. When I first started brewing nearly 20 years ago, I was self conditioned into thinking that Ayahuasca comprising of the original ingredients was the pinnacle and if Psychotria was unavailable then substituting Acacia was a compromise, and not as "spiritual or beneficial" ....a poor second cousin. Now im aware that Acacia use predates Ayahausca by tens of thousands of years. That Acacia was used by many ancient civilisations and Indigenous cultures, and that indeed the Acacia IS the original tree of knowledge. Fifteen years ago, when using Australian Acacia alkaloids we thought we were vangards, exploring new territory in consciousness, when really we were going into a realm that has been explored by humans for millennia. As a healer this is much more beneficial. Instead of thinking I was reinventing the wheel in other dimensions, to facilitate healing and growth, I now know I can draw from an ancient linage, where consciousness has interacted since the dawn of man. Psychedelic authenticity and authority. Particularly here in Australia where it is becoming known that it was part of Aboriginal culture. The details are enclosed within initiated lore/law but fundamentally disclosed. Nowhere else on Earth has been primed by Ceremony as much as our great Continent, and there is a rich legacy of Acacia use that us Rainbow Gringos can hop on the coat tails of. It is not necessary to know the details of, if you acknowledge and tune in, you will "know"it. Spirits are paying attention. The Acacia Courtii has come off its lone mountain to say, "leave me and all my brother species in the wild alone. I am easy to cultivate, and I will give you all the magic and access to The Dreaming you desire". This forum has done marvelous work of creating more Courtii plants in cultivation than in the wild, and we see that the Courtii could grow in most Coastal suburban gardens in Australia. In addition the spirit is is showing its gratitude by being everything we require from a medicine plant. Consequently as this becomes more widespread, we need to start doing some clear distinction of description to label these different medicinal combinations. Calling Acacia brews Ayahausca is misleading, and needs to change. Mixing a MOAI is still a requirement, and Caapi is the most beneficial, so the fusion will still have an Amazon Frequency in its DNA. And Icaros and Shipibo patterns still respectfully relevant. But we can start to bring in other elements of art and music. And names. So there are the obvious ones Aussiewaska, Acaciahausca, Ayacacia. For me personally Ive had my epiphanies and upgrades with the Courtii and will now concentrate on it exclusively. So I have coined the word Courticaapi to describe my medicine. It has nice musical phonetics which work into vibration chants well. Using the Acacia title first symbolises that Acacia is equal if not more important than the ayahausca vine in the bigger global picture. But am happy to respect them both as equals. Its exciting times, there could be some official disclosures soon, which will make it easier for facilitators to discuss the rich history which these new medicinal combos sympathetically connect to. Australia has it all cranking !! Culture is a thing to study, respect, explore then re-dream as personal practice and self expression. I express myself thru my plants, their garden and its medicines, and my culture includes traditions they have manifested thru history. Here the fusion is represented with Didge and Traditional Chapaka. Courticaapi improvisation. IMG_0992.MOV IMG_0992.MOV IMG_0992.MOV IMG_0992.MOV
  13. Jeez, thats a thorough and fancy post. Have to work out how to post pics like that one day. Thanks for the effort and sharing.
  14. Horus

    The backyard.

    Im going to get to your place soon Responsible Choice. I am doing a couple of retreats a year at Byron, so I will duck up and see your lovely tribe. I will tell you some mindblowing stuff bro. I miss you. x @Responsible Choice
  15. I think Im way overdue for my garden pics post. It was annual......the way the years are flying it's becoming tri annual. Im going well, retired, all fixed (new hip and knee) and have a beautiful farm to keep me busy. As well as an "aya B@B" to keep me on my toes. Its such a shame we cant talk openly about our medicine work. So many secrets. For me its evolving exponentially. Just when you think you may become complacent, you get a smashing epiphany and go up another level. For me The Acacia is really stepping out of the shadowy past and onto the throne of Teacher King. It is paying attention. And coming to the fore. The Tree of Knowledge will take its rightful place. Brotherhood is always strong (yes our couple of sistas too) and life would be much the poorer without you folks. Cheers, The Hawk. Horus.
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