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  1. The study I posted found an upregulation of BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) and TrkB (tropomyosin receptor kinase , which means it is neurotrophic, which means it supports the survival and growth of nerve cells!
  2. I pickle the flowers every year, they taste delicious in vinegar, you could also use the vinegar itself in which you pickled it. Also I extracted the scent from the flowers with:liquid paraffin for 1 day (enfleurage), then extracted the liquid paraffin with 80% alcohol for 2 weeks (shaking well) and concentrated it to the absolute.
  3. Oxypinnatanine was (as yet) only found in Hemerocallis fulva, which grows wild, here in Vienna on danube island (a long island in the river danube). But maybe nobody searched for it in Hemerocallis citrina. An interesting study of Hemerocallis citrina from 2012: Ethanol extracts from Hemerocallis citrina attenuate the decreases of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, TrkB levels in rat induced by corticosterone administration Li-Tao Yi , Huo-Chen Li , Jing Li , Ying Zhou ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Hemerocallis citrina, a traditional herbal medicine, has been used for the improvement of behavioral and emotional status in Eastern-Asia countries. AIM OF THE STUDY: Our previous studies have demonstrated that the ethanol extracts of H. citrina flowers (HCE) reversed the behavioral alterations and monoamine neurotransmitter dysfunctions in stressed mice. However, the relation of its antidepressant-like action with neurotrophic molecular expressions remains unknown. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To clarify this, we explored the effect of HCE (32.5, 65, 130mg/kg, p.o.) on the behavior, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor (TrkB) in depression-like rats induced by exogenous administration of the stress hormone corticosterone (40mg/kg, s.c.). RESULTS: It was observed that repeated administration of corticosterone induced an elevation on the serum corticosterone levels, which caused the abnormalities observed in the sucrose preference test and forced swimming test (FST). Administration of HCE (65 and 130mg/kg) reversed the changes above and up-regulated the BDNF and TrkB receptor protein expressions in the brain region of frontal cortex and hippocampus. CONCLUSION: These findings confirm that HCE produce an antidepressant-like effect in corticosterone-induced depression-like model of rats and this effect is at least partly mediated by BDNF-TrkB signaling in the frontal cortex and hippocampus.
  4. Interesting plant, irie that somebody is exploring it. I have Hemerocallis citrina on the balcony year-round, it tolerates over -15°C in winter and has lovely smelling flowers the whole summer. To my experience the scent of the flowers could be described as (descending dominance): floral (like lilies but softer) - sweet - fresh-citrus (lime) - butter-creamy - fruity (banana) - oceanic I also associate the scent with bathing. The leaves taste slightly like garlic and, like old chinese herbal books state, can make you "see ghosts" if eaten fresh and in large quantities. The term "hallucinogenic" may be a translation error. I only ate them in smaller quantities and could only notice a slightly sedating effect. A japanese study from 2012 found a sedative substance in Hemerocallis fulva: Oxypinnatanine (a kind of amino acid). quote: By the electroencephalographic measurement after intraperitoneally administration and oral administration of oxypinnatanine in mice, the increase in amount of sleep was observed... Also another study found that oxypinnatanine (30 mg/kg) increased the total time of NREM sleep by 84%. More interresting compounds in Hemerocallis fulva: icariside D2 (anticarcinogenic), sallidroside (also in Rhodiola rosea, along with rosavin, as one of the potential compounds responsible for the putative antidepressant and anxiolytic actions.
  5. yes, this was also the conclusion of R. Carhart-Harris and for me its also very plausible that a more primary consciousness with high entropy was a psychological atavism, early in the evolution of the human brain. It may has to do with the neolithic revolution in the levante, especially mesopotamia with its structured system, the first cities, officials and bookkeeping by cuneiform writing, then also the industrial revolution and so on, so we were forced by the environment to change to a sweet spot with lower entropy.
  6. I was lucky to find petrified leaves (in a rather hard stone) on a small mountain called 'Roter Berg' in the outskirts of Vienna, the red radiolarites from this mountain were prehistorically used for making spearheads and blades. In some soil layers there were found ammonites too. The plant remains are dated 8,9-9 Million years old and stem from the Pannonium (11,608 - 7,246 million years before present). They may present Lythraceae. Here the microscopic pictures:
  7. The ergoline derivatives are only found in fungi world (one exception is the poorly researched and ergoline- containing plant Securidaca longipedunculata, in which no endophytic fungus was found, not yet). Psychoactive plants with Ergolines: In morning glorys (Ipomoea) there were endophytic fungi found: Periglandula ipomoeae In ololiuqui (Turbina syn. Rivea corymbosa) it is the endophytic fungus Periglandula turbinae In Piri-Piri (Cyperus articulatus) some populations are infected with Balansia cyperi Sleepy grass (Achnatherum robustum syn. Stipa robusta) is infected with Neotyphodium funkii Bog Bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) is infected with Monilinia megalospora Claviceps purpurea infects many grains LSA (Ergine) is reported as beeing sedative and weakly hallucinogenic Methylergometrine is vasoconstrictive and 2mg have are LSD- like action according to Ott From my other thread on this plants: Some active constituents: Ergine: (LSA)-Dopamine Antagonism (sedative profile) and only weak 5-HT2A/C-agonism Isoergine: 5-HT2A/C partial agonism Methergine (Methylergometrine): 5-HT2A/C partial agonism and describes as hallucinogenic by J. Ott Ergometrine (Ergonovine): Partial HT2A/C agonism Lysergene: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism Festuclavine: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism Agroclavine: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism Elymoclavine: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism, Dopamine Agonism Chanoclavine: D1/2-Dopamine and 5-HT2A/C Agonism Lysergic acid: α-hydroxyethylamide Lysergol: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism, HTF1 agonism, Ergotamine: partial 5-HT2A agonism Ergovaline: partial 5-HT2A agonism Isolysergic acid Lysergene: HT2A Partial agonism/full antagonism Setoclavine Isosetoclavine Isolysergol Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide (LSH) also occurs in the Convolvulaceae and may play a role in their weak psychedelic effects Does somebody know about studies on the distribution of this fungi and their response to environmental and growing conditions of the plants? With sleepy grass Jim DeKorne speculated that the endophytic fungus is distributed by seeds, which are already infected, but he also mentioned that not all populations of sleepy grass were active. I have sleepy grass seeds, stored for 15 years in a small pouch and the endophytic fungus visibly has completely taken over the whole seeds. Ololiuqui (Turbina syn. Rivea corymbosa): Periglandula is connecting with the tissue of ololiuqui leaves by their trichomes. There can be visible darker spots on the downside of the leaves. This should mean that the plant is infected and prudicing the alkaloids (ololiuqui contains them in the leaves and transports them when fruiting to the seeds, storing them in the seeds)
  8. The (functional selective) partial 5-HT2A- agonistic psychedelics are causing the antidepressant activity by enhancing connectiveness in the brain, but decreasing the strong coupling between the DMN (default-mode network) and the MTL (medial temporal lobe), by activating the pyramidal neurons by 5-HT2A- mGlu2- receptor-dimers, by specific activation of it's Phospholipase D- pathway. All in all in the theory of consciousness (R. Carhart-Harris) the psychedelic state is a state of high entropy ('disorder', see primary consciousness), so more connection possibilities are possible (formlessness). Versus: Depressive and sedative states, seizure, inflexibility are states of low entropy (high order, petrification). The sweet spot for 'normal' waking consciousness (constrained, precise, confident cognition, not easily surprised) is between this two extremes but more on the side of low entropy. See D. Nichols and R. Carhart-Harris.
  9. It is unknown why (besides the 5-HT1A- downregulation) also the 5-HT2A- downregulation by SSRIs (and antagonism with fluoxetine) plays a role in the antidepressant effect of SSRIs (see also R. Carhart-Harris on this topic). Because other 5-HT2A- antagonists like atypical antipsychotics augment the therapeutic effects of SSRIs. Again this could also be explained by the fact that although the level of 5-HT2A- receptor density is downregulated after long-term SSRI treatment (according to most studies), their affinity for Serotonin is upregulated. An as we all know there are many studies on the permanent antidepressant effect of serotonergic psychedelics which are selective 5-HT2A- Agonists.
  10. No this long-term- SSRI- change of the 5-HT2A- receptor does not stay / is not permanent. The neuronal changes (also the reason for the SSRI discontinuation syndrome) after discontinuing SSRIs stay for 1-2 weeks, dependent on the SSRI used because sertraline and fluoxetine (but not paroxetine) have active metabolites with half-lives around 2–3 and 7–15 days respectively. The studies on the level of 5-HT2A- receptor density after 3 weeks SSRI treatment are paradox, some found an decrease and some an decrease, however all in all it is the receptor-binding-affinity specific for serotonin which is upregulated, like the level of Serotonin itself is also upregulated. Additionally some SSRIs like Fluoxetine have 5-HT2A- antagonistic activity. In the first 0-3 weeks SSRI treatment the situation is completely different, the presynaptic 5-HT1A-autoreceptors downregulate the serotonin- level. This lower serotonin- level means that Serotonin has a lower competitiveness to suppress psychedelic tryptamines from the receptor, so the tryptamines are potentiated in the first 0-3 weeks SSRI treatment.
  11. @ Alchemica: I also investigated Galphimia glauca there seem to be many studies, attesting sedative, anxiolytic, anti-allergenic and antidepressant activity. It is distributed in Central America and is also used traditionally. Galphimin B is sedative and anxiolytic and it is highly possible that it is an Antagonist of the 5-HT1A- receptor. But: It also acts on 5-HT2A- receptors, highly likely also as Antagonist, whis is also one of the main mechanisms (besides Dopamine- antagonism) of anti-psychotics (neuroleptics), this makes it not so useable for me personally.
  12. There were some experiments with this plant reacting to music, it changes its movement dependent on the music played, although it wasn't possible to find a specific pattern, see youtube videos
  13. Because the name of the thread is Emotional plants, there is one plant which fits exactly: The Telegraph plant (Codariocalyx motorius syn. Desmodium gyrans): It is ne of the few plants capable of rapid movement of its leaves. The small lateral leaflets , they rotate constantly in a period of 3-5 minutes (visible to the naked eye), dependent on the temperature. The big leaflets also move but much slower, they have a sleeping position in the night. It is medium difficult to germinate and a littlebit difficult as young plant but stable and easy to grow when its getting older, most important is high humidity and at least room temperature. The leaves, sprout and root contain DMT and 5-MeO-DMT. In the leaves they found the alkaloids: DMT: 0.0041 % DMT-N-oxide: 0.0090 % Bufotenine: 0.0034 % 5-MeO-NMT: 0.0049 % 5-MeO-DMT: 0.0018 % and Flavonoids (major compounds): Luteolin and its glycoside, Apigenin-7-O-glucuronide, Scutellarein-6-O-glucuronide So it is a rather strange coincidence that the only constant moving plant visible to the naked eye is also producing this psychedelics / neurotransmitters. The Tryptamines may play a role like Serotonin found in plants: Phytoserotonin also plays a role in the following aspects of plant function: Growth regulation Xylem sap exudation Flowering Ion permeability Plant morphogenesis Regulation of ripening
  14. @ Alchemica: thanks for the like, I can recommend the studies from R. Carhart-Harris and D. Nichols, they are the newest explanations of the action of Psychedelics on the 5-HT2A and 5-HT1A receptors. The lectures from R. Carhart-Harris can also be found on youtube.
  15. Potency of Cathinone and Cathine vs. Ephedrine and Amphetamine: This can be explained by the different affinity for Dopamine-, Norepinephrine- and Serotonin- releasing:
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