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Last night I got home from a pretty big night. I lost my keys at the party (which have since been recovered)

Anyway long story short I had to jump my fence to gain entry. I did not realize i had a giant log of spachianus on my decking, which i skillfully landed upon from six feet high "barefoot"

Anyway... its only my right foot but there must be over sixty spines embedded in the sole of my foot. I managed To pluck maybe 10% of them out, but the rest are so deeply embedded I cannot get them out with tweezers. My feet are very well calloused as i often travel barefoot.

I seriously cant walk.... Its agony ! Can anyone gve me a magic solution ? I really dont want to get a sharp pin and painfully hack deep into my feet in thirty different spots

As painfull as it is, if i leave it, will the body desolve the spines ?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Ouch, go to the drs eh? Surely they can numb your foot, remove the spines and give you some kind of pain relief.

Sorry if thats too *western* for advice lol

I feel so bad for you!! Poor foot.

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Oh my god Tipz, that makes me cringe to even think about. That must have hurt like hell!

I don't mean to alarm you, but I've heard that spachianus can be especially bad to be pricked by. I think the spines can stay in your flesh for a long time without dissolving. My dad knocked his hand against my spachianus and the few spines he couldn't remove remained in his knuckle joint - he was still complaining about it a month later. I'm not sure how he's going with it now, but they might still be there (this is about 4 months later). if you like I can ask him next time I talk to him and see how he's going with it.

Hopefully others here will have more helpfull advice for you!

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Fuck bro, them spines dont dissolve for ages. Had one stuck in my knuckle for 6 weeks before it worked itself out, spine was intact still when it came out, hadn't dissolved at all. Off to the docs mate, get em taken out, will be in there for bloody ages otherwise.

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But there are so many of them and they are so deep, And you simply cannot see where they are, especially as they are so small and brittle. Fuck i would have rathered a shitload of one inch peruvian spines than this . They would literally have to peel my skin off or criss cross my whole soul with a razor.

I once had hundreds of minute pieces of glass in my feet and went to the docs, and they said it would be best left in.

From utse Most spach injuries spoken of here have been in the hand, involving knuckles, tendons e.t.c and only one or two spines.

As mine are just in the flesh, will they get infected and eventually push their way out ? Only thing is though i suppose constantly putting pressure on my foot will just embed them further.

My bro is a nurse... if worse comes to worse I will strongly self medicate and get him to absolutely butcher my foot, He is pissed off with me atm, so it would probably give him great joy.

And sir jeans that, and the other threads and google searches I have read do have me a lil worried !

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This might be worth trying it defiantly works for splinters

The Poultice Recipe

There are only 2 ingredients to make this simple homemade poultice and they're things that everyone has at home.

Soap Bar


Large Band Aid or Bandage

Use equal amounts of soap and sugar and mash them together in a clean container with a small spoon or clean finger. For a splinter you'll only need small amounts of each substance, but you may need to make more poultice to cover a large boil or abscess. Just ensure you make enough poultice to cover the affected area.

With clean hands spread your sugar and soap poultice onto the affected area and cover securely with a bandaid or bandage. Leave the poultice on for 24 hours and don't allow it to get wet.

Hopefully, when you remove your band aid or bandage the splinter or boil will have risen to the surface enabling you to either tweezer out the offending splinter or squeeze the boil. Clean the area thoroughly using water, removing any poultice mixture that remains. Clean the wound further with an antibacterial solution or cream and leave uncovered to heal.

If after 24 hours the boil or splinter hasn't come completely to the surface, wash away the old poultice mixture, make some more sugar and soap poultice, add to the affected area, cover and leave for a further 24 hours.



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hate that bro try some realy sticky tape prob wont work but worth ago i reckon :-)


All the spines that i didnt manage to pull with tweezers are not protruding man, otherwise would have used that or a special glue if seen mentioned.

I think im just gong to have to let it ride. It will probably fester and work themselves out much like a splinter. I just hope the nerve endings affected switch themselves off.

Thanks for the advice guys.. Maybe a glass of harden the fook up is in order

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I have never found magnoplasm to do what it's meant to. I think sticky tape is a better bet for any that are near the surface.

Go see a doctor. They might be able to get a few of the bigger ones out with less pain than what you'll do at home. And for the rest of them, they'll be able to maybe prescribe you some steroidal anti-inflammatories (like betamethasone) or something.

Silly as it sounds, you might literally need crutches if it's so painful you can't walk on it. But yeah, I reckon it can't hurt to see a doctor and they might have some good ideas for treatment that a bunch of trippers might not think of. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png

Good luck with it man <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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Fuck that sounds nasty.

Go to the doctor's man. If your feet are calloused, the spines will not be easily worked out by leaving them, as the calloused skin will trap them. If you leave them, they will become infected which will only serve to make your foot even more painful. The pressure that will build around each spine as fluid fills the infected area in an attempt by your body to eject the spines will make the pain excruciating. Doctors' have tools and drugs to make what needs to be done possible. Might make a while, but it's probably necessary. Even if they can't get all of them, it's better than leaving them as is.

I once had hundreds of minute pieces of glass in my feet and went to the docs, and they said it would be best left in.

That doctor is clearly an idiot. Don't go back there!

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When I was a kid, my parents used to use 'Traxa' - which was some kind of drawing ointment. It seems that it was an Ichthammol based solution.

Magnoplasm seems to be plain old Magnesium Sulfate and Glycerol. I doubt it will work anywhere near as good on the soles of your feet as Ichthammol would (as apparently Ichthammol softens the skin, which on your soles is farking hard and would probably be mostly unaffected by Magnoplasm). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammonium_bituminosulfonate (Ichthammol)

My parents used it for splinters (which we got heaps of), and it worked extremely well. I would imagine that this would be your best bet - and best of all, it's available in Aus.

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When you find out what works let me know please.

Have tried everything above and more

My 3 year old did the exact same thing over 4 months ago and there are still 3 left in his foot, we have removed over 40+ with needle and tweezers.

You could say the little fella is not a big fan of needles or cacti for that matter....lol

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Hey mate, I have been there and done that in regards to stepping on a Spach. What I did was remove the spines I could see and feel and then I left the other spines in my foot and the next day they raised and I could get out most of the spines.

The worst instance I have had so far with a cactus spine is with sharxx blue. I handled a cut and managed to get the tip of a massive spine stuck in my finger nail. This spine penetrated my finger nail at the lowest point and I couldn't it out. I had to wait a week and remove the spine with a tiny metal pick and some pointy tweasers when the nail grew out. Worst pain so far from a cactus spine.

Hope you get them out soon mate, but having them in your foot won't kill you, it will just be painful for a while

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OUCH! I feel for ya man.

My worst cactus injury involve a tub of longer spined echinopsis oxygona. Somehow I managed to slip on a pamphlet i'd dropped while picking up the mail and my left hand went straight down on top of the lot. Was terrifying looking at my hand after that. There was about twenty big spines stuck in it with some even protuding rite through on the side. Was kinda lucky they were big spines though and managed to get probably 90% of em out.

Really hope they dont give ya to much grief mate.

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from 6ft high.... daaaaannng maaannn!

In the past I always dug out the sea urchin spines. needle,.. scalple,. nail cutters,... and just dig them out. I usually get some sort of satisfaction of digging shit out of my feet. I guess it's something like this primal urge thing which we all have in us that evolved on the african steppes 2 million yrs ago when our ancestors stepped in acacia thorns and had to dig it out or something... hahaha!

And zit popping?,.... Gf likes to do that sometimes... did that also evolve 2 million yrs ago on the African steppes? or was that when we were still tree dwelling primates 3 million yrs ago???

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They are still in there, because i barefoot it so often my feet are so calloused i dont have much choice. the pain is slowly receding. Now im off to hospital again !!!!

went fishing last night and got a fish spine snap off in my thumb knuckle... woke up and it's severely swollen and hurts more than the f^%$*&g cactus spines did, and the infection is moving down my forearm.

The cosmos must not be happy with me at the moment.

Thanks again for all advice.

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Nah doesn't sound that great does it Jeans?

I don't think you need to harden the fook up at all tipz, I would be whinging non stop. Perhaps the fish spine was an unconscious effort to help you forget your foot..... come to think of it, what the fuck are you doing going fishing with cactus spines in your foot?

Unlucky.....Stay in bed bro!

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