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quick update.... just discharged myself this morning against nurses will ( im expecting to be flamed for doing this.... bring it on... I kinda deserve it... but when you hear the story you will understand).

They actually think it was a cacti spine in my thumb as it was too quick for a 24 hour infection to infect my tendons. will update when i can type better and explain why i discharged myself. all orders will be sent tomo and gory hand photos for the cacti enthusiasts and for any doubters( hopefully of which there are none ). - 23 stitches ( they butterfly lanced my thumb !)...

im going to be getting home nursing to continue my three varieties of antibitotics intravenously at home and get them to dress it here, but am in the process of organising that and pankillers and e.t.c e.t.c. right now. Extras will be sent to all those who had to wait.

many many apologies !


Edit: for my shit left handed spelling - and to say to all those pm's give me a day or two to reply.... i swear 'on my love of plants' everyone will end up more than happy with late trades. And for those of you you not busting my balls ... your patience will not go unrewarded !

Edited by tipz
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Sounds like you went/were about to go septic man! Keep up the abs and you'll be fine, hopefully you didnt/wont get any systemic symptoms.

All they best make! Fingers crossed they dont skimp on your pain meds

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You poor bastard, having a bad run over the past couple of months, hey.

Your 2012 is going to be awesome I think. Jut wait it out, and be VERY careful. Please don't do any electrical work, driving or swimming in the next six weeks, for fucks sake

PS can we see some gruesome photos of he wounds and infection, please ?

Edited by Psylo Dread
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I have a home visitation nurse coming each day to do the dressings. Unfortunately tomo she is coming at lunch so the monthly meet is out for me.

But if you guys really want to see the gore ill get some pics when its unwrapped tomorrow and put them up for you all to cringe at.

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this is one week after surgery, taken today at the hospital when i went to the plastic surgeon today for a check up.

I have a larger incision on the other side but that photo didn't work so this is half the wound at least, minus the drainage tubes which were removed today. It looked a lot worse a week ago :puke:

Still going to be at least three weeks till i am fully functional again, and that is if they dont have to re-operate as they never found the foreign object causing the infection. I also have two collapsed veins on my left arm which fucking hurt like hell from the 7 canulas (spelling?) they put in to administer the iv antibiotics. ( they kept fucking them up )

so there it is and sorry sly.... i had a male nurse yesterday and he wasnt too keen on me taking nude photos of him ;)

maybe tomorrows nurse will be more co-operative :lol:




Edited by tipz
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this is one week after surgery, taken today at the hospital when i went to the plastic surgeon today for a check up.

I have a larger incision on the other side but that photo didn't work so this is half the wound at least, minus the drainage tubes which were removed today. It looked a lot worse a week ago :puke:

Still going to be at least three weeks till i am fully functional again, and that is if they dont have to re-operate as they never found the foreign object causing the infection. I also have two collapsed veins on my left arm which fucking hurt like hell from the 7 canulas (spelling?) they put in to administer the iv antibiotics. ( they kept fucking them up )

so there it is and sorry sly.... i had a male nurse yesterday and he wasnt too keen on me taking nude photos of him ;)

maybe tomorrows nurse will be more co-operative :lol:


What about your foot tipz? Whats the saying.....Photos or it didn't happen :bootyshake:

Seriously, looks nasty man. I hope I never stick myself a quarter that bad :blink:

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Geez, that looks pretty nasty. Glad to hear that things are on the mend though!

I also have two collapsed veins on my left arm which fucking hurt like hell from the 7 canulas (spelling?) they put in to administer the iv antibiotics. ( they kept fucking them up )


I had a similar thing when I had my appendix out. The nurse kept inserting the needle, missing the vein, and then reinserting it. This happened about 6 or 7 times, and now I have a mass of scar tissue in my left arm. It healed up fine, and you can only see it if I put pressure on the vein further up, but it hurt like hell at the time! Hopefully your left arm will heal up without any complications as well.

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Hahaha I am the MASTER of cannulation! Sucks when that happens, did they end up getting an anaesthetist? or Ultrasound?

Loooksss mega gnarly! Hope theyve hooked you up with good stuff - oxy and the works.

Hope the infection fails and it starts healing up nicely - if it doesnt start healing or if people start coming up to you in gown/gloves without doing a procedure, expect you have a hospital aquired infection.

Let me know if you need anything explained, i work in healthcare so i can give you a low down

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yeah... i went under for the surgery... It was a general anaesthetic.

They squirted saline from the bottom cuts up through the thumb to squirt out the top front and back incisions. Or at least thats how they explained it to me.

No painkillers anymore. Just a couple of days then i had to stop... I tend to take too much of a liking to them.

They x-rayed it and ultra-sounded it to try find what it was but no luck. They also took a culture as they were worried at the speed of onset of infection. But that must not have been a concern cause they have not mentioned it.

The nurses and surgeons say there are no signs of infection, and they are very happy with how it's healing. just minor nerve damage.

Moral of the story is to remove cacti spines before they go septic i suppose

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