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The Corroboree


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About tipz

  • Birthday 10/30/1978

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    fleurieu peninsula
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    the izness

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  1. So I managed to end the listing with no penalties. Sorry to any bidders reading this. I have put a few pics up of the areoles I discovered sub surface and a picture of something trying to push out the side, an inch or two above soil level. Most likely a root but could be a pup ? I am thinking I will let it heal up and maybe try bapping those two sub surface areoles and seeing what happens. Still kind of undecided. Sorry for all the hype ( edit - the pic of something busting through - root or pup ? )
  2. WOW ! you truly do have an insane collection ! The most extensive I have seen so far on SAB I would say.
  3. I am keen to get my hands on some decent P.somnifera seeds, can anyone help ? Preferred fresh as you just can't beat a poppyseed cake made with fresh local ingredients right ?
  4. At this stage I am thinking just let the auction run it's course then refund the poor bloke who wins. That's the best I can come up with at this stage. In the mean time I am going to dust it up with sulphur and make sure it heals up nice.
  5. One is either a different thing or once were loph seeds, before being pulverised into tiny pieces in the post
  6. It hurts At0m.... it hurts man
  7. There is more than one bidder. Ill research my options and have a think about it tomorrow. I did however notice a small areole with very small spines that was sitting just below the surface of where the soil was so I assume that is where it would pup from ? here is a shot of the meatus ( i love that word, lol )
  8. can anybody a little more savvy on Ebay tell me if there is anyway I can edit the title or change the listing to make it more visible for a search on trichocereus ? Anyway guys, I swear on all that is sacred to me that this is a long form TBM. Those that know me and my offerings here in the past can attest to me getting ahold of quite a few rarities and offering them up for sale - I did my homework on this one. The crooked growth at the tip of the penis has happened since I first recieved it. I am under the impression that it just keeps growing bigger and fatter but I do not have enough experience with this plant to be able to tell you how it pups or if it pups. now to make things worse... I just went to have a good look at the plant in question and since I have pulled it out of the ground and brought it inside the fucking thing has split right down the middle. A big gash around 8cm long. I can't sell the plant like this !!! Ill throw up a pic later- I need a beer
  9. Thanks for that Gtarman. ( shit !!! it will not let me edit the title as there have allready been bids ) I am such a rookie
  10. The plant has no aeroles. Some sneaky bugger imported it from Italy from a well known EBAY dealer there a year or two ago. So no mother plant in my posession but 100% long form TBM. ( I do not even know where these feckers pup from ) It is the only one that I have and will be losing the genetics to whoever the winning bidder is
  11. The grey stuff on the base of the plant is where a little wet concrete splashed on it ( will wash straight off ). I probably should have spent the time to clean it up and phtograph it a little better. The things that could be done with this plant and the cactus porn thread
  12. tipz

    give away

    I get you now. It does all add up for sure ( I am sending a few out behind the scenes to a few members as well ) I have just had finished responding to all my PM's in regards to this giveaway and nearly all have offered to reimburse me on postage fees which is very kind considering my initial offer. For anyone paying postage Ill be sending out larger cuts as initially intended.
  13. tipz

    give away

    what do you mean Bedofspines ?
  14. The house is empty and up for sale, I might have to go back tonight and grab the rest. There are a few tipz buried deep amongst the overgrown grass, I am sure it won't be missed.
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