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The Corroboree


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/12 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Dont they have orchy in sweeden?
  2. 2 points
    check for ants on it....the yellow spots are often on caapi and agreiya, something to do with a nectar, aphid ,ant symbiotic relationship.... ive got aphids on my agreiyas a fair bit.... young HBWR are certainly susceptible to rot.....they love their root space, and love been grounded if possible, and IMO will never truly go nuts unless grounded or in a VERY big pot
  3. 1 point
    Hi all Many of you will have seen my fairly extensive Tricho collection - well, the time has come to get it in the ground. We have purchased a good size property, of which a BIG corner will form my cacti and succulent oasis. I'm looking for ideas - layouts, materials, colours etc. I'm sure there are a lot of nicely landscaped cacti gardens around the world, and I'd like to see pics. Despite my assurity google seems to be letting me down. The gardens must be out there, but where are the photos??? Inspiration so far: . To give you an idea, I have about 15-20m along the longest edge, and the area is flat. I will be building it up approx 2 foot with free draining soil. I also want a pathway to run through it. Anyways, if you've got any fantastic examples of landscaping I'd love to see them! I don't care whether they're natural or man-made looking. With regard to weed control, I have been advised to use weedmat, and keep the holes for the cactus rather large
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    I believe ballzacs comment is misleading, but I still think its sexy for woman to seduce agressively
  6. 1 point
    edit: oh, I just sowed some obtusi's ok the pics new acuminatas in the GH maidenii with new growth acuminata from last year new acuminatas on the roof, sunnier spot [there doesn't seem to be a difference up to now - or is there?
  7. 1 point
    its god's words not mine. christian domestic discipline. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8I1Yr04g5c
  8. 1 point
    Definitely, but there is also a vibe about these places which impacts on the psyche of the "customer". Most Aussie bars I hate, I grew up in the smoky, dingy, carpeted pubs where I did most of my drinking in a warm, cozy space with all my friends; something I have never had satisfactorily repeated in Australia. Cafe's are even worse, exposed on all sides (usually) all chrome and white, noisy as hell - no soft furnishing to absorb the noise. I miss my pommy pubs .
  9. 1 point
    what if you dont realise until afterwards?
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    This is a cool thread as I am hoping to plant a lot of mine out this year. I am also interested in how the move went and how you managed to move the bigger columns This is a amazing garden called Jardin exotique de monaco Cheers Got[
  12. 1 point
    More than one tree being cut down ;) Don't worry though they're not native, and will serve us well in the form of firewood Cutting the trees down also helps us as they were never pruned or trimmed, and have grown out of control thus dropping leaves and needles on the roof of the house which leads to the degradation of the tiles and ultimately holes in the roof! Thanks for the pictures and links so far! I will definitely be updating this thread, but as above it will be a slow process. The first thing will be the actual move in the next couple of weeks, during which I plan to just rest the pots on the top of the garden. After that I will need to do some careful planning and saving of pennies to afford the extra soil and edging and paving etc
  13. 1 point
    Just to add.... I gave rumple a few bits not as a new member but as he got in first as offered, I will say he did message a thanks unlike some other members here.... so his form was not as poor as some.
  14. 1 point
    I have grown some from seed and they start to shoot little heads out on the sides when the main head is barely 1cm wide...it is crazy.But this particular one was from a caesp. described by the lady whomsold it to me as a 'dwarf' variety. And that just what it looks like, bonsai lophs with the smallest off shoots... Another caesp variety I have grown form seed ( not described as dwarf ) also started to proliferate small heads after 18 months or so...barely over 1cm wide main head....... Best description is....they simply grow outwards not downwards.... The downwards. Varieties are classic 1/2/3/4 big heads with a big turnip like tap root, The outwards are the caesp. Lots and lots heads but not a big/ deep turnip like root structure.. I also have a variety or two in between this categorization. Turnip like roots....not as massive with many, many heads but not as many as classic caesp. So there is some method to the outwards or downwards energy movement hence physical growth. Hope this helps
  15. 1 point
    eww@ all of you, except bulls on parade, who makes a point. Pretty sure half of you who jokingly think being with a nymphomaniac would be cool, couldn't actually hack it after ONE WEEK. *i'm too tired, stop touching me already, leave me alone, what am i just a piece of meat to you, i'm busy cleaning my pipe, no you cant watch me shower, im sleeping on the couch, honest i like wearing jeans to bed, why are u looking at me like a rabid dog, whats wrong with you go watch tv or something* BLAH BLAH BLAH. But that bitch sounds like a full-on deceptive psycho who should be locked up, not your average-run-of-the-mill-nympho.
  16. 1 point
    or an aggressive fat chick
  17. 1 point
    yes you're forever just the innocent catalyst Ballzac for the record i didn't say you said it wasn't ok to laugh at whatver you like..just that ime here this issue has come up a number of times, always leading the above mentioned results. but it's just my view and i'm often wrong
  18. 1 point
    n.b. it's already been established in other threads that some people think women raping guys is ok to laugh at, other people think it's not ok to laugh at, no one thinks men raping women is funny, some people think man->woman rape is an unfair comparison with woman->man rape, others think it is, with innumerable dubious lines of reason for each.. do people really want to have that debate again..
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    there is indeed 2 things we need to keep in mind here. we are brought into a world were we automatically associate the word conspiracy with the world theory. if its a conspiracy , then it must be a conspiracy theory regardless of the evidence supporting the conspiracy. as far as i am concern this is a sick mental disease , the only way past this is to know how to think outside thox box. is 9 11 a conspiracy theory ? NO.. it is a conspiracy. secondly , we have somehow associated times and events in our world with dates. the news broadcasting was done on march the 28th yet everyone is so damn quick to flock to this arbitrary april the 1st fools day illusion. when one understands how to think outside the box then you wouldnt associate the words conspiracy theory and aprils fool day pranks with the possibilities of wonder. i dont know 100% if this is real.. in my honest opinion i bloody well hope this is real and fully support this agenda. we already know the world cannot possibly keep going the way it is. we already know change is needed. i believe we are conditioned in such a way we cant possibly accept such fundermental changes , for too long we live in the world of false promises and lies. lets say this is a hoax and its not real , at least surely you can agree that something in the not too distant future is going to occur ? i say now if the time to do such pro found changes , heck why wait another ten years let alone another day ?
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Or, that potting mix looks like it might be very wet. They are very susceptible to rot when young, and it's difficult to come back from. Water sparingly and add liquid food when watering and check for the mealies too.
  24. 1 point
    probably some sort of a pest animal, it looks to me like it's worse underneath the leaves. i suggest a very close inspection using a magnifying glass, and report back to us, what you see. i would spray with pyrethrum, or neem (both sides), but don't burn the leaves (hose down the leaves with water after 3min or so). probably you have to repeat the process. propably a sap sucking critter, but it's hard to say looking at this pic. i guess this plant is indoors, outdoors those things are never as bad, chances are she could recover from just being outside, and in the rain...
  25. 1 point
    I strongly suspect that the overuse of technology - and in particular electro magnetism and micro-waves - reduce the amount of DMT produced in the brain. When I was living outside of mobile phone range and away from the pollution of society I was very clear headed, very spiritual, and very strong mentally. Now I live in the city I am constantly exhausted and need many distractions to stop myself from going mad with boredom. This was not a problem before. Not that I dislike technology, but it is ridiculously addictive, it takes us even further away from nature and what is truly important, and I am sure that it has a negative effect on our mental / spiritual health. So throw away your iphone today, turn and face the sun and breathe..