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Alternatives to this place?


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Where's good to trade/buy plants besides here? These forums seem to be dying.
Tried to join the SAB group on fb but been waiting for over a week to be accepted, messaged Torsten as well to no avail. Seems like a bit of a circle jerk if it's that hard to join, so looking for alternatives.

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13 hours ago, Torsten said:

Wow, a whole week? That's scandalous!! Let me drop everything just to make sure you are not inconvenienced Karen.

Over a week...closer to 2 weeks. It's not like you're not active there, or here. Wasn't hard to make a comment on here, same as it wouldn't be hard to accept hoards of people through facebook at a time. So in reality the "Karen" comment falls on you, since you're being over the top about something that is perfectly reasonable, and my circle jerk comment is rings more true... 90% of groups have accepted my request within a week, if they don't then it's usually a closed community, hence circle jerk.

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I approve SAB FB group about once a week. Delays mean most spammer accounts drop off in the meantime, which is important as I no longer check each profile. Some weeks i get busy and skip it. And guess what, I can be busy on FB or even here and still not be obliged to cater to your whims.
Glad you got accepted into all those other groups so it won't matter how long this one takes.

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The bank of knowledge in here is what I love about it.

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I reckon cast your seed far and wide Buttsack; sounds like you've got itchy feet mate so get out there and report back what you find!


As far as my knowledge of alternatives to this place goes, there really is none. I don't play that fb, instagram, twitter bullshit (which should be telling given I have just published a book), and the name is australis which is my land, so it's a pretty good fit, but my needs aren't super niche - psychedelic talk, plant sharing, experimental and expert knowledge, and a bunch of crazy bastards like myself. Actually it's glove-like now I think of it... :huh:

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21 hours ago, Torsten said:

I approve SAB FB group about once a week. Delays mean most spammer accounts drop off in the meantime, which is important as I no longer check each profile. Some weeks i get busy and skip it. And guess what, I can be busy on FB or even here and still not be obliged to cater to your whims.

Glad you got accepted into all those other groups so it won't matter how long this one takes.

"cater to your whims" lol I never asked you to cater for me, and I can't see what would make you obliged to cater to anyone's whims. There's no rush at all, do it in a month if you want for all I care, I've already started looking elsewhere, but like others have stated, there's not much to choose from, hence having to ask here in the first place.


20 hours ago, Humboldt said:

On the plus side, (regards trading) maybe a more reliable, smaller core of people is a good thing.  Less bum trades 


Indeed but less active users and less to trade. I haven't had any bum trades through the internet yet, you can tell the suspects from a mile off after a few questions.


10 hours ago, Wile E. Peyote said:

I'd suggest the Trichocereus Auctions Australia FB group but it's the same group of circle jerkers :(

Not so much a circle jerk but plenty of potential bum traders. First guy I questioned about his seeds wouldn't show me pics of his mother plants, tells me seeds are fresh but won't say how old exactly when asked. So gave minimal info and dodged questions but expected me to work off his reputation in the group. Seemed dodgy as. 


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The trichocereus auction group has had about 9000 sales in 17 months. Of those just 12 were rip offs (and the offenders have been removed). But yes, you were definitely going to get ripped for a few bucks for seed just because someone wasn't going to cater to your whims (seems a familiar theme).

" I never asked you to cater for me "
Out of almost 7000 members you are just the 5th to make a personal request to be approved. And the first to follow this up closely with an impatient whine on the forums. Definitely Karen status :lol:



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On 19/11/2020 at 9:25 PM, Buttsack said:

 These forums seem to be dying.


sab is now, one of the oldest, most continuing psychotropic plant forums on this planet!


topic starter, i don't think highly of you.


this forum is a tree of knowledge, go some where else (if you find), you nest shitter!

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On 21/11/2020 at 9:40 PM, Torsten said:

The trichocereus auction group has had about 9000 sales in 17 months. Of those just 12 were rip offs (and the offenders have been removed). But yes, you were definitely going to get ripped for a few bucks for seed just because someone wasn't going to cater to your whims (seems a familiar theme).


" I never asked you to cater for me "

Out of almost 7000 members you are just the 5th to make a personal request to be approved. And the first to follow this up closely with an impatient whine on the forums. Definitely Karen status :lol:





Most wouldn't even have a clue they're being ripped off, especially with seed. For you not to think it's suss that a seller not answer a few simple questions is a bit off, maybe ignorance sits better with you than with me.


Only reason I sent a message is coz I honestly thought it was more of a closed off group, hence me letting you know I've been an SAB member for years. Nice to know you keep note of messages you ignore, makes me feel better about posting here. 5 people out of 7000 aren't afraid to communicate with randoms, or maybe you've been faster at accepting people, who knows.



5 hours ago, withdrawl clinic said:

sab is now, one of the oldest, most continuing psychotropic plant forums on this planet!


topic starter, i don't think highly of you.


this forum is a tree of knowledge, go some where else (if you find), you nest shitter!


These forums are great but still dying, both can be had at the same time.


Haha nice to see how far your thoughts stretch when you judge someone.


Ha I haven't been shitting anywhere round here. It's a tree of knowledge and a good layout for it, but there's nowhere near as much contributing as there used to be, hence dying.






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Why is it always folk that say it's dying here usually those that either have contributed little themselves or have a personal beef because they can't get something they are after immediately.... Or stamping their feet after paying out on a few members and leaving, can't forget those ones, they are my favourites :lol:


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12 hours ago, waterboy 2.0 said:

Why is it always folk that say it's dying here usually those that either have contributed little themselves or have a personal beef because they can't get something they are after immediately.... Or stamping their feet after paying out on a few members and leaving, can't forget those ones, they are my favourites :lol:


I'm here for the trades mostly, so that's where my contribution goes. Nice analogy though.


8 hours ago, Glaukus said:

Maybe they can all get together with Sally and start somewhere they can fawn over Qanon, Trump and anti-vaxxing. 

I hear Parler is recruiting...

"Qanon, Trump and anti-vaxxing" along with corona, masks, censorship and politics being shoved in my face are all reasons to stay off facebook, it should be obvious by now that I have a distaste towards it.

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Frankly, I think everyone's being a little bit harsh on you buttsack.  And to your credit, you're taking it well.  You do, however, seem to be concerned over some trivial stuff.  Just chill a bit.


I guess we're all very sensitive about this place and when someone even remotely criticises it we get defensive.  It certainly has mellowed over the years but dying? ... nah - don't say that.  And who wants to be considered a (circle) jerk?  I've met, and continue to meet, some great people through this site and happy it lives on in whatever form.


But if you're just here for trading then perhaps there are indeed better places.  I haven't found them yet though and the idea of facebook just turns me off. 

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Decline in forum posts isn’t specific to The Corroboree. We considered this decline in relation to the Bluelight forum, and one possible explanation we came up with concerns how and why people are accessing different online platforms. The ease of access of FB and similar platforms has helped them become perceived as centralised social spaces, while forums such as Bluelight, Corroboree, Shroomery, etc. have become perceived less as social and more as informational. People are likely to search the forums for information but are less likely to contribute.


Unfortunately, I’m not sure there are many forums that have retained previous levels of engagement. If trades are what you’re looking for, and you’re not wanting to use FB pages, I’d suggest trying to identify people who live nearby and who have interesting plants via FB/forum search engines and messaging them directly.


I feel I’m a bit more pro-FB than lots of the people here, and I’d like to point at something positive that I’ve seen relevant to this issue. After the ‘mass MDMA overdose’ in Melbourne a few years back, we were surprised to see there was very little discussion about this on Bluelight, or indeed anywhere online. So, we created the Australian Harm Reduction FB page, which has been quite popular. Engagement hasn’t been huge (I think there is still a gap for online harm reduction discussion, as FB is more identifiable and people are less willing to discuss illicit use there), but this page has been incredibly useful for the mass dissemination of drug alerts. I don’t think it would be unreasonable to assume that lives have been saved as a result of this page.


I think it is the same as anything going mainstream or public, it is a trade-off. You can engage a lot more people and spread information far more quickly and widely, but social chatter and general assholery will also increase, which you might have to pick through in order to find what you’re looking for.





Edited by Wile E. Peyote
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On 24/11/2020 at 10:26 PM, SayN said:

Frankly, I think everyone's being a little bit harsh on you buttsack.  And to your credit, you're taking it well.  You do, however, seem to be concerned over some trivial stuff.  Just chill a bit.


I guess we're all very sensitive about this place and when someone even remotely criticises it we get defensive.  It certainly has mellowed over the years but dying? ... nah - don't say that.  And who wants to be considered a (circle) jerk?  I've met, and continue to meet, some great people through this site and happy it lives on in whatever form.


But if you're just here for trading then perhaps there are indeed better places.  I haven't found them yet though and the idea of facebook just turns me off. 

It's all good. I probably did come off a bit harsh with the 'circle jerk' comment but that's just an easy way to describe things and I'm the first to admit if I'm part of one, like being at a party full of guys and calling it a sausage fest, there's no malice intended, just call it like I see it. Most differed opinions come with backlash so it's to be expected really.


Wile E. Peyote sums up what's happening with the forums nicely, not just this one. I'm sure someone will come up with a new platform that beats fb and even traditional forums, I was just hoping there'd be one already happening. Maybe 'stagnant' is more accurate than 'dying', either way there's no noticeable growth and the activity that used to be here has quietened down a lot. It's not a jab at these forums, just pointing out what I see. Dying can be a very slow process for some, and it can be seen way ahead of time through their actions, or lack of it. People in society don't seem to like to admit these things so they can be remedied, instead they take offense and push away what they view as 'naysayers'. I find it's best to take all criticism on board, learn from it and move on. Some might seem to exaggerate, but that's their perspective, and one's own perspective is quite complex. Not making assumptions is the best way to avoid conflict.



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Hear hear !.  Nicely said mate, We all knew what ya meant bud. :wink:

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