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The Corroboree

withdrawl clinic

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Everything posted by withdrawl clinic

  1. fp when were this pics taken? for me the tail was almost vertical to the horizon. my post from the 28 oct, is wrong, i observed mercury instead of the comet, i think. i only saw the comet in the mornings, never at evening after perihelion...
  2. yes, try big pots, el boso! and let us know how it's going.
  3. fy & mc, you both make exellent points, one action that can at times overcome "the woodiness" push of the graft, is to re cut, but i can't recall doing this often. in other words you cut the pedro, than the surface will shrink (and inverted), exposing the woody ring. even just the parabolic surface, created by drying, will push any graft off. working with peres, don't forget the trick, with using an old fat peres leave, like a glue bottle, moisterizing the scion.... it's experience that makes good grafts, even watering the peres can push all the grafts off the scions.....
  4. i will try that next time, good info fyzygy! i currently don't have any "slim" pedro, but could try with pups. i will put some of my pedro cut's, indoors, so they produce slim and etiolated growth.
  5. thank you for your response! so i" fatten up" this thread with knowledge, knowledge, i have learned entirely from sab, and some other sites, which don't excist anymore.... members please post more! i long time ago, at an american site, there was a german guy, who once a year started a thread, something like, "who can grow the biggest loph in a given time", and he always won. this inspired me to learn grafting, and to do what, i try to achive with this thread. no doubt all his winning lophs were giants, and he achived that by growing many seeds. i had a very close look at my giant lophs, and noticed something, for the first time, ONE OF THEM IS A BLUE LOPH AND RIPPED! i observed this trait a few times but never as a giant. i have sown out yesterday seeds from the "blue" and will wait what happens. most lophs look very much alike when they are juvenils, but gigantism stands out even when they are young, because they grow bigger faster.... i used up all of my seeds currently, and have going specimens on there own roots, and some young grafts on peres. next batch of seeds, i will share with you, but only, if you tell me you can graft loph's, and have expertise in growing them successfully. the trick to grow lophs is, HYDROPHOBIC SOIL and to water them not often.
  6. i grow cacti since a long time, and have seen a lot of specimens... now that i'm older, i have reduced my ethno workload a lot. i got 3 specimens of giant lophs, which are kept that, only those 3 pollinate each other. once i saw a pic, from the us, which showed super giants (behind the strong steel cage!!), but i never saw them anywhere else. if you are interested in peyote giants, follow this thread. i will have seeds, and grafted ones available. i got no financial motives, just spreading the "giants". the originaly came up from khorens seed.
  7. temperatur is the factor, frozen = good, room temp = bad
  8. it's now visible, after sun set in the west. it's bright (mag -0.5) but i never saw a tail because it sets, before twillight ends.
  9. funny fact regarding snails, pretty much every snail has the spiral going in the same direction. if you find one that, spirals the other way round, it's called a "king snail" and they are said to fetch a lot of money. imagen breeding them, would be very lucrative. very nice link!☺️
  10. i'm mildly dyslexic, so i'm worried now regarding no 5, maybe the white dot should face upwards. if any body knows for sure, tell us. there is a very old post about this, were an american member (a very famous cacti geek) let's us know this. he plants loph seeds with tweezers.... trout his name is late edit another thing i remember now as well is, if some seeds don't want to germinate, they at times benefit from being exposed to the sun for a few days. now this is not an easy operation (don't cook them in the coin bag), and i have never done this. people secure the coin bag at a bright spot.... fresh loph seed germinate often already after 3 days only, older seeds (and not kept in the butter compartment) take longer. i recently had given up on some seeds, and covered them with a thin layer of sieved mix, and they all came up after that. i did not use a dome, but using a dome helps germination. if you get lucky and you get an albino or varigated seedling, then the dome keeps them alive for longer, one has to graft them very soon or they die.
  11. i do a lot of astronomy, so watch the sky a lot... i noticed two, new types of what i believe are satellites. type 1, allways appear from the same location in the sky, with maybe a few minutes intervals (never took time)moving the same path. sometimes more than one is visible. type 2, very difficult to spot maybe a spy satellite, as they a stationary (allways remaining at the same location) they shine like a star of 3 mag, for maybe 30 seconds, and than stop shinning. after a few minutes they start to emit light again. visible, even late at night (maybe saw at 11 pm?). satallites are visable because the sun shines light on them, that makes those lights of my type 2 very puzzling. saw once an, ufo as a 14 year old, cylider shape with round "windows".
  12. courtii, grows well and in many parts of oz, where other acacias struggle or fail. i can recomand this species.
  13. 1, keep seeds always in the fridge. 2, sieve the top layer, of you seed germination mix. 3, never cover loph seeds with soil. 4, use only hydrophobic soil for lophs. 5, if obsessive, plant seeds with the white dot facing downwards, onto soil. 6, some people use a humidety dome for lophs, even for years after germinating (i would not). 7, learn to graft onto peres or pedro, lot's of info here on the sab forums!!😛 8, well come to sab!
  14. some people claimed, scelly stopps dmt from working. others say, it' added color, or even scelly is halucigenic.
  15. i've observed the comet twice now, and it's getting brighter, might even get -mag! tsuchisan atlas, can be viewed with the naked eye, at around 4.20am, low in the east (where the sun rises).
  16. i have worked a lot with sceletium, but since the bust of ehtno (thanks howard and ch7 you low life) haven't done any work. i think it could be illegal, as it can mimic the effects of mdma. but saying this just makes us realize how stupid howards blanket law, realy is. the demand for fermented scelly powder is, not covered by production. scelly has the potential, for a good income, for gardeners. there are many websites, were people praise sceletium, after switching from ssri and snrs. i never used ssri's or sceletium often, i don't like them, but one time, a flash of euphoria over came me, by using a special sceletium product!🥰 it's an easy cutting, and easy to grow, darrels plants produced seed easely. the strains before that, only produced seeds once for me in many years. it's easy to grow many plants, and doesn't experience any pests....
  17. nice subject fyzygy! i noticed that, many weeds at my place, come up only at very specific times of the year, and sometimes hardly at all.... that blue flowering tree (name escapes me now) flowers as well, in a window of 3 months, jacaranda i mean (once i stopped worrying, it came to me) seasons are less reliable in europe and other places too. it's upsetting for us gardeners, but a disaster for farmers, and lately they got wrong advice and were told "la ninja is over", but it wasn't. ai isn't as good as some farmers intuition.... at my location, there is no clear pattern of rainfall, and sometimes no rain for months. i want to wided this topic, how doe's climat change effect the seasons and rainfall, and the effects of the former, in regards of animal and insect kingdoms. cycadas for example, they vary in numbers greatly each season, at my place. how is it at your location? does you location produce glow flies? at my place i get glow flies, but only twice in 20 years! in europe, i can see them every season, and allmost in equal numbers. one time, i observed thousand of frogs, migrating to higher ground, and than a monster flood came. how do animals know that? or how about the seasons in the uk? there you get 4 seasons and all in one day, hahaha.
  18. makes me remember a movie, i saw on sbs. a glasshouse full of plant using mind control, on there carer. nice topic, i know most south american shamans, sought either 4 cornered specimens and many cornered specimens up to 13 corners and more, but only uneven numbers. i don't know if all pedros, have the abilety to form many corners. i've never seen this trait in cultivation.
  19. this is interesting, and inspires... do you know, if adding gabba, would be a pathway? i don't know if it got mentioned in this thread, so i repeat what i was told (and sparked my kefir interest) water kefir might facilitate, blood brain barrier, transfere. in other words, it might help, some substances, which can't cross, to be able to achive this task. this is potentially dangerous i say, as the bbb is ther for a good reason to protect us. however imagen a phamaceutical which can't cross the bbb, do be able to do, so to varying degree. this would help to fight disease, making pharma more effective. putting some pharma which is deemed, not very effective, very effective. now there is technolegy currently developed, which allowes, molecules to be directed to specific parts of the body (say for cancer treatment), but i think they struggled with bbb transfere. hope this inspires....
  20. herbalistic know there stuff, if they say it's peregrina, than it is, but it's new to oz. vilca is around since ages. growing a fast growing big tree, in pots and shelter, will not work for long. they are about 3 to 4 m tall when fruiting the first time, if kept in a pot, they are highly unlikely to ever set seeds. the plant in the photo could be 2 weeks old only, it's the fastest growing seedling i ever grew, it will not like it to be kept in small spaces.
  21. i'm now 63, learned guitar since i was 14, making music is the single best thing which ever happend to me. i'm lucky, to found again, a person to play with, he plays intuitive lead on the banjo, i play rhythem on my gypsy guitar.
  22. the sanguinea is very frost hardy, surviving even in scotland and england very well. the yellow flower that looks like a sanguinea is as well very frost hardy, but i don't remeber it's name now, it's very rare, never seen it in oz..... all the others are more sensitive to the cold.
  23. seeds are produced in oz, and i knew claims of them growing well. i can not confirm this.
  24. peregrina would be yopo, i never heard of it growing in oz. vilca is very common, grows fast in a big tree. i seriously doubt, it can be grown successfully in a pot and get seeds. vilca started producing seeds after 4 years or so, but it grew so big i had to cull it, it was too much work and took over too much space, and my place is big.... borers attacked the seed pods, so sometimes most pods did not produce. if i were you, i would guerilla farm this tree.
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