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The Corroboree

Black Rainbow

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  1. @Freakosystem that's great to hear, I'd really appreciate it if you could help me get in contact with the grower! @fyzygy all good points, we touched on the issues of habitat, hybridisation and ecological planning in EGA's recent Acacia webcast. Should be on YouTube in a month or so. @withdrawl clinic I don't know much about bakerii, but I think it might be vulnerable? I'm particularly interested in common Acacias with high yielding phyllodes - I think promoting such species provides some protection for less common species and discourages invasive harvesting practices.
  2. Hey bonecud, sorry I didn't reply to your previous message, I must have missed it. The advice about legality was given directly to me by the NPWS species coordinator for courtii. In my understanding the legal issue is that no plant material can be legally obtained and thus cannot be propagated from a National Park - meaning all ex-situ courtii are being cultivated illegally. I'm not experienced in this area but the same person implied if one of these ex-situ plants produced seed it might be a kind of loophole for a legal source of material for propagation. Besides personal interest, the main value of becoming a legal producer would be for marketing purposes. People are selling courtii seeds and plants already, seemingly without a response from law enforcement, but if you had a heap of trees and wanted to distribute them through a big seller like Bunnings and/or generate public attention some other way, licensing would likely be a good idea. It also makes things simple if there was some kind of disaster that wiped out the native population - going from a documented source is a strong strategy for ensuring provenance.
  3. "the NCAI opposes efforts by states and local governments to legalize, decriminalize, or otherwise authorize any and all uses of Peyote and its byproducts by non-American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/ANs) Peoples as it endangers AI/AN religious, cultural, and ceremonial practices" I guess they don't like our gardens very much
  4. My mentor Dr Monica Barratt gave me the opportunity to write questions about mescaline cacti for the Global Drug Survey, the world’s largest drug survey. We’ve had thousands of responses to the survey so far, but less than 100 responses about mescaline cacti. I know a lot of you have experience with these green, succulent psychedelics, and if you have, we would really appreciate it if you could check out the survey and help us learn more about relationships with these cacti. The survey is anonymous and encrypted. https://www.globaldrugsurvey.com/gds-2022/gds2022-spikey-succulent-psychedelics-san-pedro-and-peyote-the-mescaline-cacti/
  5. Thank you to those that joined us yesterday. Your support helps us support the Australian ethnobotanical community. Thanks to you, we are now able to release this important video from Bruce Pascoe to the public.
  6. Two sleeps until the 2021 Garden States Forum! Free hardship tickets available until 9pm today. More detail on this offer here: https://gardenstates.entheogenesis.org/hardship-friday/
  7. Two sleeps until the 2021 Garden States Forum! Free hardship tickets available until 9pm today. More detail on this offer here: https://gardenstates.entheogenesis.org/hardship-friday/
  8. I'm around 2nd-13th, so count me in for the 12th!
  9. Hey everyone just a heads up that tomorrow night’s webcast has been moved from tomorrow to the 15th of December. If you missed out on booking a ticket, there's still time!
  10. EGA Microdose 10: Safeguarding genetic diversity of Psilocybe Dr Alistair McTaggart is currently studying the Australian population of Psilocybe subaeruginosa and Psilocybe cubensis. Join our next Microdose Webcast to hear from Dr McTaggart about this study. We will also be joined by mycologist Caine Barlow who will frame Dr McTaggart’s study within a cultural history of the genus Psilocybe in Australia. Tickets are free but your support helps us keep EGA afloat! https://www.trybooking.com/BVDVE
  11. If you've got nice Lophs and/or false Peyotes and are in the greater Sydney area please let me know! I'm hoping to shoot some footage for an upcoming video on common mescaline cacti over the next two weeks. The video will be screening at EGA's December 5th webcast event. KT has helped out with this one, so you know its gonna be good ;)
  12. Raffle + seed donations are closing very soon and need to be sent ASAP. Ronny has been on leave but will return in the next few days, so if you’re waiting for a reply it shouldn’t be far off. As well as the San Pedro seed from Damascus I will be donating a cutting of a Trichocereus hybrid for the EGA raffle. This plant is not yet publicly available and so far has only been shared with sharxx and Fahim. ‘Neptune’ is from a (sso2 x sso1) x tpm cross by nitrogen. This clone has the unusual quality of exhibiting both monstrose and variegated traits. The Neptune graft pictured is Fahim’s. I will take a cutting from the parent plant for the raffle this evening.
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