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The Corroboree

Seeing your thoughts in the world around you

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Over the past few weeks i've been noticing that the way i am thinking often ends up being reflected upon my environment as it occurs.

Most of the time, it involves insects and i've come to recognise that certain insects always come to me in certain moods.

Flies seem to represent negative thoughts, i first noticed this in my greenhouse, as really noisy flies would enter and buzz in mad circles around me when i was thinking dark things. The moment when i thought of something more positive, they would leave instantly.

Bees or wasps seem to accompany anger. Yesterday i told my boyfriend something that made him really angry, and i became angry at him because i was just being honest. Next thing we know, we are being surrounded by a small swarm of bees. We got up and walked away slowly and calmly and they dissapated. I have checked my garden since and there was no nest around or anything.

I tried to clear my mind and sat by myself for a while after that, and i was doing so quite successfully until a really foul dark 'fuck the world' mood came over me. And right away this wasp starts flying around in front of my face and circling me.

I left again and went to sit in our room with my partner. Things were really tense and each time we started arguing or geting really mad with each other, like clockwork, in comes a big fat fly which circles the room until the vibe changes and it leaves.

After a couple hours of this, both of us noticing the fly-thing, we finally started relaxing again and joking and laughing. With each joyful or happy moment, a moth would enter the room and dance around us.

Has anyone experienced something at all similar?

I have heard several stories of people being convinced that their moods are reliably affecting the weather, but those people are often more than slightly mad to begin with.

What do you guys reckon? Am i just mad too?

I did see a freakishly large wasp swarm the other day, maybe i am just going bonkers.

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I think it's completely normal to be honest with you, it goes the other way around as well imagine yourself seeing a beautiful sunset - brings calmness and a sense of contempt. It's in our nature to be affected by our surroundings - also the smallest things at times.

But I think there is a strong difference between how easily one is affected by the negative ones.

That factor I would believe depends on how happy you are at that moment or day or possibly stress, so you might be better of focusing your mind on solving the problems/ causes for stress in the back of your head

Might be work or emotional stress/problems.

Ask if you could get a nice oil massage from your love, it's easy and simple.

A sense of some recognition and compassion is never wrong for anyone!

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Maybe i am Bullit, or i'm just becoming a bit of a witch. I should stop reading wacky books which tell me insects are actually interdimentional travellers here to watch us and read our energetic systems.

..Geez woman. Pull yourself together.

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It's possible they're smelling some hormones in you - some dogs (I think that it was only 10-20% of dogs that were trained develop the skill) can be trained to very reliably (more so than any invention yet) sense when their owner is about to have an epileptic fit, and alert them to it.

In my own experience - when you're eating a lot of carbohydrates (bread, sugar, potatoes, pasta, etc) - then you seem to become irresistible to mosquitoes - but when I live on protein, fat and salad, then I'm no longer tasty to the mosquitoes. Someone told me about this a few years ago, that when your blood is very sweet (bread, pasta and potatoes etc still make it very sweet), you will get bit.

The only thing I would question more would be why bees come when you're angry - to me bees are the best insects there are (I won't get started on why they're super-geniuses today, but they are), and I would be so sad if they only came when I was angry.

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Thanks CBL, thats very interesting and reassuring.

I would love to hear your thoughts on bees anytime <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png they fascinate me too.

I have barely seen bees at all in the past few months.

Perhaps they have only been coming to me when i am angry because they are becoming angry at me for being angry and are trying to show me how my carelessness is negatively influencing my environment and not working for the greater good of myself and my community.

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there's a concept in buddhist philosophy called indra's net which which shows the interconnectedness of all things, i guess looking at it from a certain point of view it's perfectly natural that you are affected by the insects and they by you.

also i remember hearing/reading that the swarm noise is a common sound effect in horror movies to create fear/tension, but i can't find where i read it.

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I’m so glad you wrote about this, maybe we are both crazy or maybe we are the only ones sane

but something very similar happens to me all the time, I live close to a train station but my street is in what used to be an industrial suburb, so there are a lot of companies and a staircase factory and stuff, anyway it’s a very dark street and its always empty when I walk home from work at night, when I walk down the street and I feel a bit paranoid or scared lots and lots of cockroaches cross my path, the more anxious I am the more cockroaches I see, once I remember being extremely paranoid because there was in fact someone walking a couple of meters behind me and I saw about twenty of them feeding of a pile of dog shit, running around it, moving and twirling their hairy legs and antenna, that particular time I let out a scream and ran home ( I have a terrible, inexplicable phobia of cockroaches just seeing one makes my heart shrink) but when I walk there and I’m not feeling anxious or paranoid or I’m listening to some good music I look at the floor and never a cockroach has appeared.

on the contrary once I was walking to a bus stop and I had lost card to pay for the bus I had no change either, no money at all, but I had no choice I had to get on a bus and get home no matter what, I was prepared to plea with the bus driver to let me get in without paying as I walked there I thought "hopefully I’ll find some money even two bucks would save me", and as I got there guess what I found, a perfectly safe and sound card with 30 bucks on it! Just there on the floor on the street, not only I was able to pay for that bus but I could use it to get everywhere I wanted to go for like two weeks! For free, awesome!

I completely believe that what I think changes my environment and circumstances

Edited by kuychi
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Thanks for the reply Kuychi, i'm glad someone recognises what i'm on about.

The more i work on my mind, the more it seems to me that we are all on a giant spectrum of 'crazy'.

Theres still crazy that is benefical to ourselves&our enviroment and crazy that is not.

We just have to try be as aware of ourselves as possible.

For a while i considered i might fall on the lighter end of the aspergis spectrum as my dad does, but i have heard that apergis and autism have been having an rapid and unprecedented increase in occurance over the previous few generations and that perhaps what we are seeing is a gradual evolution to the next stage of humanity.

Many of my interactions with young children simply blow me away, sometimes it seems like i am talking to a spiritual master in a four year olds body, their emotional intelligence is astounding.

Mind if i ask why you are so scared of cockroaches? If they are so inter-meshed with your psyche, they must have a very powerful lesson for you. Fear has a lot to teach when viewed in the correct light.

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Could it be that in a certain mind set we notice things more eg in a bad mind set you notice insects that are socially Excepted as being bad or evil like cockroaches or flies but when your in a good mood you notice insects like ladybirds or dragonflies because they are associated with those kind of feelings already...

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Of course, noticing something will always magnify its occurance, but i've never viewed bees as a creature with negative connotations. Humans are wired into recognising patterns, the patterns you see in your world will be infinately different to the patterns i see in mine because we are different people.

I'm simply testing my own theory of my brains mirroring and interactions with my enviroment. If that brings me to closer attention to my moods and my world, i consider that to be a good thing.

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Pheromones could well be at play here bog - you could test out your theory by thinking angry thoughts till you're fuming mad, and see if the bee's arrive. Doesn't sound like a fun thing to do but in the spirit of inquiry I'm sure people have done far worse to themselves! I only seem to get bitten by mozzies if someone mentions them. If I'm by myself or if someone says "Hey I got eaten last night" I don't get bitten. It's pretty rare for mozzies to munch on me, but it is guaranteed if someone says "Hey there's mozzies eating me!" - which pissed me off to no end! Keep your insect patronage habits to yourself people!

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Pheromones could well be at play here bog - you could test out your theory by thinking angry thoughts till you're fuming mad, and see if the bee's arrive. Doesn't sound like a fun thing to do but in the spirit of inquiry I'm sure people have done far worse to themselves! :)/>


True, true. I have been considering trying just that, but i'm a bit afraid that it would work.

Last week a fucking huge (atleast 4m across, 3m down and THICK) swarm of roaming bees/wasps came up the end of my street.

It was a crazy experience and fascinating to see a group mind functiong together infront of us.

My partner and i were the only people around and we told a few people about it and no one had heard about it or seen them so i was a bit concerned.

A while later someone told my dads partner about seeing the same swarm near town and heading my way so now i am very aware of the likelyhood that this mega-swarm of bees/wasps may be living in the forest just up the road.

Another thing thats keeping me on my toes are dreams that i keep having about being chased by swarms of bees.

You're right pheromes are extremely likely to be involved. Thats how they communicate with one-another isnt it.

What is was asking goes further than insects though, do any of you see yourself, your feelings or your thoughts in your world?

What connections or patterns do you notice in the interplay of you and all around you?

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Evil thought mode... If you find the nest, during your getting angry experiment - get ur partner to grab a little bush honey whilst the bees are distracted...

At beautiful festivals, 'coincidences' are multiplied by 1000 - You think it, it appears. Water, throat lozenge, hammer, feeling, whatever - it's so uncanny and seems to happen so many times that it can't be random, yet how do you try and track that sort of thing down? Brings a smile to my face every time

Edited by IndianDreaming
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Yea I've had many things happen like thoughts becoming reality and such but they mainly happened when I was younger.... I haven't had it happen for at least 5 years though.

One of the ones I remember the most was me being pissed of that it was so windy and when I get angry at it it would get stronger but if I stopped thinking about it and calmed down so would the wind :/

Edited by jwerta
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Sorry i mustv helpd u get yr wires crossed, i meant pheramones are likely what is attracting bees to me when i am angry, no relation to bee dreams.

I watched my dad do it today too, he was getting pretty worked up and venting lots of built up anger at the world and hey presto we are surrounded by bees.

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Mind if i ask why you are so scared of cockroaches? If they are so inter-meshed with your psyche, they must have a very powerful lesson for you. Fear has a lot to teach when viewed in the correct light.


I’m not sure how it started if it even started, I ve never been very fond of insects, it is mainly I think because Chile is isolated from the rest of the south American continent by the Andes mountain range and on the opposite side the pacific ocean, as a result we have insects and arachnids but they are little, probably no more than 6cm in diameter, climate is much cooler than in Australia, so the climate is not adequate to have exotic and really huge insects, we do have meat eating wasps, by which I have been beaten twice and it is very very painful but even then I am more scared of cockroaches than I am of meat eating wasps

I was in total shock when I saw the monster spiders from here, but now I’m much used to them and don’t scream when one loll. No really I’m much less scared of them now, but even back there in South America I was scared of insects and cockroaches were always in the pinnacle of my fear

didn’t help either when my dad threw across the room a 1/4 squashed cockroach at my cleavage in certain occasion, needless to say he got the target, I had a mini panic attack, almost went crazy and now shiver at the sight of one.

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I love the giant burrowing cockroaches, they are neat pets. And the bigger and more hairy a spider is, the more i like it.

And on to the thread title... I try not to think too much about the rest of the world, its too depressing. I try and worry about my own little world that is going on right here...my life. They say ignorance is bliss...(but that is a pretty ignorant way of thinking huh. *shrugs)

EDIT: I dont see my thoughts in the world around me (like reflections of my mood in bugs turning up etc...)maybe thats because i choose ignorance?!,lol.


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@ Kuychi

Yuck, what is it with dads and their daughters? My dad used to play mean tricks on me too, he would sometimes throw these big ugly NZ (huhu) beetles at my hair where they would tangle themselves up and i would get bitten multiple times just trying to pull them out.

@ Amazonian

Fair enough for keeping your focus on your own world, the bigger pictures is seriously crushing and not really benefical to explore when we are helpless to change it <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png

Especially fair enough being a parent too.

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