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The Corroboree

Tripping on the Steps of the Victorian Parliament House


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Tripping on the Steps

On Wednesday 28 November, to celebrate the conclusion of two weeks of Hungerstrike 2012, I took a single tab of LSD on the steps of the Victorian Parliament House and nobody batted an eyelid. On Monday evening, I had sent an email to all of the Victorian Members of Parliament informing them of my intentions and the reasons why I was taking them. I have no idea of how many of them actually bothered to read what I sent, but a friend who is a backbencher said that the MPs he spoke to aware of what I am doing, but had decided to ignore me.

This is really good news for this stage of the campaign. It shows that they are not committed to being confrontational and have no desire to turn me into a martyr for my cause and are perhaps uncertain as to whether my legal arguments hold up (www.kasarik.com/The-Legal-Argument.php). From here I intend to issue an invitation to all MPs to begin a conversation and to work together in order to arrive at a win-win solution that meets our needs to be able to use these compounds, while also meeting there need to be seen to protect the public health and safety.

The most interesting “conversation” for the day, was when I approached Ted Baillieu, the Premier of Victoria. He was engaged in a photo op on the steps of parliament. I approached him and gave him a brochure, asking that he “have one of his people get in touch with me, so that I don’t have to starve myself”. His response was a quite contemptuous “whatever” and his disdain for people like me was abundantly clear. Needless to say, nobody from his office, or government contacted me, just as they have failed to do so for the last 18 months.

The most inspirational conversation was with an 81 year old woman in a disability scooter. I initially spoke to her expecting that she would be critical of my ideas, but it turned out that she had been the founding administrator for the Fitzroy Legal Service and had been instrumental in attempts to have cannabis legalised. Even today, she is trying to raise funds so that young people in the poorer Asian countries can get an education.

Initially, there was nobody in attendance when I took the LSD and I was concerned that nobody would come along. In the end my fears were groundless, as I had around 15 people come through to provide support and to introduce themselves. I met some really wonderful people and it makes me even more confident that we will succeed.

In light of the success of this action, I have decided that I will once again take a tab of LSD on the steps of Parliament House on December 12 in order to mark 28 days without food.

28 days without food is enough to make the point that I wanted to make, so I will also end Hungerstrike 2012 on that day, rather than attempting to go the extra 9 days, which would risk serious harm to my health.

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\o/ 28 days is pretty full on. goodluck! Have you had any media contact to help force the discussion. I can only recall an interview you had on JJJ a while ago. One thing that does puzzle me is your taking of acid to make your point. I was under the impression your point was of using drugs as a means for some sort of spiritual enlightenment purpose? Apologies if this has already been covered.

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I was under the impression your point was of using drugs as a means for some sort of spiritual enlightenment purpose?


Greg has actually expressed a condescending opinion about people who use hallucinogens just for the sake of tripping quite a few times on this forum. But being an egotistic hypocrite is just kinda what is to be expected from people who identify themselves as religious isn’t it?

Kind of like the priest who preaches about the evils of using condoms or same sex relationships, well they sexually abuse children.

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Kind of like a dole bludging drug abuser who lives in his car and thinks he's got all the answers over everyone who actually make a positive impact on society.

EDIT: Quoted before the edit

Greg has actually expressed a condescending opinion about people who use hallucinogens just for the sake of tripping quite a few times on this forum. But being an egotistic hypocrite is just kinda what is to be expected from people who identify themselves as religious isn’t it?

Kind of like the priest who preaches about the evils of using condoms or same sex relationships, well they sexually abuse children.


Edited by Psylo
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Kind of like a dole bludging drug abuser who lives in his car and thinks he's got all the answers over everyone who actually make a positive impact on society.


Well actually, I personally prefer my original analogy, just seems more appropriate & relevant to me. But if that’s what you want to compare gregs religious campaign to, then who am I to argue.

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Well actually, I personally prefer my original analogy, just seems more appropriate & relevant to me. But if that’s what you want to compare gregs religious campaign to, then who am I to argue.


Nice try at manipulation there, (deleted) Jabez

I honestly can't see why every single one of Greg's threads attracts the haters. He's out there DOING something. Not just posting shit on a screen like most of us (myself included). I'm sure he's learned to ignore the antagonists by now.

Keep it up, Greg. Overall, the support outweighs those isolated puppies who are frightened of you using 'religion' to make a bold statement for entheogens. I also have some criticism of your approach, but I'll broach that after your present campaign. All the best.

Edited by Psylo
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On Monday evening, I had sent an email to all of the Victorian Members of Parliament informing them of my intentions and the reasons why I was taking them. I have no idea of how many of them actually bothered to read what I sent, but a friend who is a backbencher said that the MPs he spoke to aware of what I am doing, but had decided to ignore me.

This is really good news for this stage of the campaign. It shows that they are not committed to being confrontational and have no desire to turn me into a martyr for my cause and are perhaps uncertain as to whether my legal arguments hold up (www.kasarik.com/The-Legal-Argument.php). From here I intend to issue an invitation to all MPs to begin a conversation and to work together in order to arrive at a win-win solution that meets our needs to be able to use these compounds, while also meeting there need to be seen to protect the public health and safety.

The most interesting “conversation” for the day, was when I approached Ted Baillieu, the Premier of Victoria. He was engaged in a photo op on the steps of parliament. I approached him and gave him a brochure, asking that he “have one of his people get in touch with me, so that I don’t have to starve myself”. His response was a quite contemptuous “whatever” and his disdain for people like me was abundantly clear. Needless to say, nobody from his office, or government contacted me, just as they have failed to do so for the last 18 months.


what? ...that sounds like the opposite of good news for the campaign to me! it sounded more like you were being held in contempt and ignored, and will continue to be. It certainly is the easiest approach for them.

if I existed as someone in your position, after finishing my fast I would retreat, reflect and rethink my strategy

I don't expect you to listen to that. if anything, saying it will probably cause you to resist even more

it's funny, human communication, isn't it? You can do anything but tell the truth, it seems, oh well I guess... it's all just a game... we just want to be loved.

but yeah my tie-died friend, by all means keep up the 'good' work! it's likely eventually some action like your Leary-esque public acid stunt might get you arrested and you will get your 15 minutes as an unhinged, disenfranchised, tripped out version of Michael Douglas in Falling Down.

don't misunderstand, that would be cool. love to bits all the stuff you are doing from a certain perspective, it's just that you are tripping if you expect to ever be taken seriously!

but loving the way you are bringing the surreal, Happening, post-society, be-in, futury, buying acid OTC at the chemist and putting LSD in the communion wine vibe.

also admire you greatly for the fasting, could never make it past 5 days... presuming you are not cheating, of course! hahaha lol ;)

can't believe no one has ever done the LSD in the communion wine thing, it would be so easy

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I'm still trying to work out what the reason for the LSD is, but yeh man, go. Fuck em all !

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Greg has actually expressed a condescending opinion about people who use hallucinogens just for the sake of tripping quite a few times on this forum. But being an egotistic hypocrite is just kinda what is to be expected from people who identify themselves as religious isn’t it?

Kind of like the priest who preaches about the evils of using condoms or same sex relationships, well they sexually abuse children.


I've been browsing here since I heard Greg on JJJ a few months ago. What I can't believe his how people don't support what he is doing more and tollerate this sort of abusive bullshit. Why don't you people slap morons like this down?

Jabez. You are an unmittigated, antisocial jerk.

Greg has never said any such thing on these forums and comparing him to a pedophile is pure nastiness.

You are an anonymous bloody coward, but Greg is out there making a difference and fighting for change.

I know who I respect.

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just want to ad something greg is a member and we should support him not just poke holes in his ideology

he is not hurting anybody good luck to him he has my support

Edited by bigred82
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good onya greg i hope everything goes your way

Edited by jwerta
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"Kind of like a dole bludging drug abuser who lives in his car and thinks he's got all the answers over everyone who actually make a positive impact on society."

Hahaha the only difference between Jabez & Greg is that Jabez lives out of a car & not on the streets & jabez raves on a computer & Greg raves at the steps both are fugen Dole bludging Drug Abusing drains on society, in the view of "society" LOL

Nice one Psylo, The naughty little shit stirrer you can be makes me think I said what you did'nt dare too...

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I'm still trying to work out what the reason for the LSD is, but yeh man, go. Fuck em all !


Because mushrooms might be considered food? I think Greg should make an Ayahuasca brew on the steps of parliament house, that would get the crowds rolling in!

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Get some signs made up, turn it into a workshop, sing some Icaro's. Make it a real spectacle, something that people can hang onto, remember, start to ask questions - not just some dude tripping.

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For those who are interested Tripping on the Steps V 2.0 has a facebook event page.

Will try to comment on questions when I have some time!

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They're crazy! Why didn't they just get the fuzz to arrest your ass???

You must not even register on the threat or pain in the ass radar.

I'd feel insulted.

Jabez man what's goin on with you? Are you okay? Sincerely I'm starting to worry about you. So much pain and anger in your posts. Sending you some love mate. Cheer up guv, the world ain't so bleak.

Shruman old friend your not bad at the naughty little shit stirring role yourself you old geezer ;)

Or is that cranky old bastid ;)

How is your beautiful

Lab doing Greg ? One of my fondest

Memory's at ega was sitting with marcel watching u walking with ur lab marveling at how much u loved it and how happy your lab was. I wanted to go and say g'day but I think I had forgotten how to walk at that point. I may have been able to roll to you but may not have been a good first impression.

For what it's

Worth my impression of

Greg, and I did a lot of observing as he was camped in front of me, was that of a very gentle and kind soul. The connection I observed between he and that lab was nothing short of beautiful. I wish I could have made it to his talk.

Then I'm unsure if I made it to


I couldn't give a shit if he correlates entheogens with freaking religion, black jellybeans or whatever. A kind and gentle being is a-ok in my books <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Edited by incognito
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I think it's rather marvellous that someone can camp out on the steps of parliament house, exclaim to the world they are taking illegal drugs, do it in plain view, and then not get arrested! The next journey should definitely get filmed for youtube, it could go viral, especially with a title like that. I still think making up an Aya brew would be more educational for the general public, though.

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FFS film all this stuff and upload it you weirdos... such a wasted opportunity!

Discussed seriously leaving my heavily pregnant partner to fly over there and get some goddamn footage, still an option but...

where is the Melbourne crew at?

Where are all Greg's supporters?

Edited by chilli
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^^ Don't blame the sydney crew I'd be there most days if he was here. He's in melbourne! If he does it again perhaps we should all put in together for an iphone for the melbourne crew so they can do some footage. Then they can send it to me and I'll upload it for them.

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