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What did you do to your cacti today?


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The mold you mean? I would:

1) Poke it

1a) If it's hard, then I would dry with a hair-dryer/ blow-heater (covering the sides with fabric) to try and kill the mold that way. Keep doing this every week or so to keep the mold dead until summer can take over and the plant can fully callous.

1b) If it's very squishy, then I would cut (with a sharp blade, rinsed in meths / ethanol hand-sanitizer) the top off, at least an inch below any signs of rot. Then dust heavily with sulfur, and then dry with a hair-dryer/blow heater (as per step 1a, including covering the sides).

2) Make sure the entire plant stays dry and gets enough light and airflow for the rest of winter.

What I did today was to pick up 2 of my cacti cuttings that I had been rooting over winter, and move them inside. One of them (which was an ex-graft) has some darker areas on the skin (I suspect cold damage), so I hope it recovers inside. I also decided that grafting Trichos was a complete waste of time for me, as my own-roots plants are now 3-4x larger than the grafted one. I did leave the graft on for too long, so it didn't get to root before winter came, but still, just not worth the effort IMO. Also the idea sicks me out. I feel like Dr Frankenstein doing it (bit of trivia: the monster is not called Frankenstein; that's the name of the scientist, who I don't think is a real doctor for that matter either)

Edited by βluntmuffin
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As soon as i saw a little bit of black and the mold i gave the top a poke.

Its had a paper thin cover that was dry and scabby looking on top. Once a small hole was poked threw and i could see the inside. It was full of mold/rot. I deiced i needed to pull the scab off to expose the squishyness that was underneath.

Thanks for the help


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Cut with safety distance to the infection and make sure the cut stays completely dry for a few months. You could also cover it with charcoal dust or birdsand after you´ve cut. Or sprayable wound pflaster.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well was busy today.

Bought another mini green house. lol

Knocked out a level when I made it up so I have heaps of room for my sally d plants to go vertical.

Pulled a batch of tricho seedlings off the heat pad that had all germinated well and shifted them into the greenhouse

Replaced their spot on the heat pad with my first ever batch of loph seeds

Had my parents shitting bricks when I put the takeaway container full of growing medium in the microwave haha.

Six of my cacti have decided to start growing again despite being mid-winter, not complaining

Repotted my peruvianus 'Lynn' thats throwing out lots of fresh spines, good sign after looking pretty sad. so hopefully the tip comes to life soon.

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looks good slice.. what sort of irragation system do you have is it a drip or mist or what?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got Mams that like flowering in winter too

Today I purchsed 4 new echinopsis:

Bay Bloom - From Glenroy hybrids in Dunedin, NZ. No idea what this will flower like

Buttermilk - Pale yellowy/gold flower, possibly an Abbey Brook hybrid?



Nancy Scott:


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Yesterday, my partner and i spent about 2hours + repotting cacti seedlings to give them more space and make more room on the heatpad

I started to go a little mad after the first hour and a half, and i kept having the strange urge to squish the little babies in my hands.

Luckily for them, i managed to resist, here is my newly potted cacti colony:

Miniatures (lophs, arios, astros, epithelanthas)

LW Texansis

Nitrogen's trich hybrids

EG's Perus from Peru

My partner's LW Texanis

...and the whole happy family

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cactus are starting to pump along on the verandah, need to do heaps of repotting.


my semi monstrose seedling terminated then continued on with normal growth.. boo hoo wish it will turn funky again.

have another tricho seedling next to it that has terminated aka sausage style.

will take some pictures of a variegated rosei x seedlings.. tomorrow before work.

varigated looks like shite with the flash @ night.

have some other shots to share


some of shruman's hybrid seed growns in there

mostly seed grown rosei x i recieved from bush turkey



very nice peru


in need of some weeding:)
















Edited by spacemonk
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Very nice!

If you get repotting when you get a chance they'll be well settled by the time the weather heats up and then they'll fly into the sky.

Lovely collection.

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Pissed on them as usual .

One of my Trichs has black rot but it is so damn wet and cold here, I don't see the point in amputating for another month or more.

On the other hand the T. pachanot has clear new growth already and is looking really fat. They really don't mind wet and cold. It's been -3 - +4 (daily min) to 5-10 (daily max) and wet, for months here, and still they grow. I made cuttings in autumn I left standing up under the eaves.. they have all rooted!

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of course they grow in winter too!

more or less all pachanoi, not only PC

of course for me its easier, as I dont have many minus zero temps in winter

we will see how they go in the green hou8se this year.

Today I took some new shots of my gardening stuffs

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I repotted my Loph seedlings today for the first time.

My first ever attempt at growing Loph's from seed, always been Trich's.

Very happy with my little family!
















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I delivered some of my unloved Trichocereus to a friend - he will be giving them the tlc I can't.

he is grateful now. but doesn't appreciate the hassle I have dumped in his lap.

Edited by watertrade
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The coloration of the flowers on the aztekium are a bit off, they are not normally that pinkish.

check out the pics at cactus art, which closely resemble what my aztekiums look like when flowering



I have been waiting for my Aztekium Ritteri to flower for me and this week it did :)

From looking at the pics at cactus art and others on the net my flowers look right to me they are somewhat pinker when they are still a bud but when they open they are a light pink. The colours are still not the best as the photos were taken under lights.

The last photo is just there because I think is cool :)

post-4489-0-83355500-1345793705_thumb.jp post-4489-0-74718400-1345793679_thumb.jp post-4489-0-36189800-1345793724_thumb.jp
















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I mixed blood and bone, gravel from two NZ volcanos, potato fertilizer and some slow-release osmocote and fed that to the cacti that I have living with me. I'll let the rain wash it in, and give some Seasol once it stops raining so often. Have to do a bit of weeding on them soon too. Should be a good summer.

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is it grafted? on what?

I got a second one [a ritteri] since I lost mine after numerous [failed] attempts to graft pups from it. at the end it rot where the pups where taken.

again my new one its grafted on harissia. I lost a couple grafts bought anb grafted on this stock . I was careless, sure.

I think harissia as a small stock doesnt like so much watering.

I would prefer to graft on a trichocereus. maybe next season.

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@Got, those flowers look awesome,

I have seen photos of A. ritter with flowers like yours & I have seen photos of ones with near white flowers.

I am wondering if this is just a variation that occurs in the wild or is this through cultivation? I have just received Aztekium seeds from overseas

when I ordered these I got two different lots, A ritter , Mexico & A. ritter , Green form, I am unsure what the differences will be, if any. The photos they had representing these plants look quit different, A. ritter Mex looked like a photo of one in the wild, dirty brown little plant, A.ritter Gf is a photo of a fat, dark green grafted plant.

Dos anyone grow A. hintonii?

@ mutant, have you ever tried to graft A. ritter seedlings? If so ho did you go?

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