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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/05/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Sulcorebutias competing for the best colour. Perhaps Rebutias/Sulcorebutias have the finest flower shape additionally to their stunning colours. Rebutias VS Chameaocereus yet un-named Opuntia - first flower opening
  2. 2 points
    doves are shits of things, i dont care about their peace ambassador status. They breed like fucking rabbits, muscle other native birds out, stomp all over seedlings, steal dogs biscuits, nest where i dont want em, and are just generally uber-tenacious flying weeds!
  3. 2 points
    Can everyone keep in mind that Myco is in the midst of a legal battle and people should be careful of what they say in this thread about him, his collection and cacti in general. Please avoid adding anything that could be used against him or used by the prosecution in their favour. This very thread could be raised in court as evidence, if that is the case then even verbal slander or disrespect of the authorities would be unhelpful to his plight.
  4. 2 points
    hmmm some times spineless cacti throw a couple. not seen on a scop though, or a a.myriostigma, lol. I have seen it in tephrocactus. my pachanoi kk339 also eventually seems to throw some pretty long spines in maturity we will see what it is =================================== REBUTIA : PERSISTENT FLOWER http://postimg.org/image/63u4e27zf/full/'> asterias casually flowering . I bought these which had been mechanically been transplanted. slow cacti. be slow with them http://postimg.org/image/z8sa3pxwr/full/'> YELLOW RED CONTRAST - had to post this! http://postimg.org/image/7gbtfy5ez/full/'> the rubutia [ax Aylostera] vs chamaecereus hybrid again http://postimg.org/image/jw8j9oyqz/full/'>
  5. 1 point
    Since a lot of people here like this specimen ...... And today life has ended for this peyote as a single headed monster, I guess it felt lonely
  6. 1 point
    hey bogz,, my four crazy ferals girls from youngest to oldest IVY CALEA<> VIOLET BELLA , [short 4 belladonna] <> TURA RUBY [short 4 datura] and ZIANTHA which isnt a flower. my datura metel alba ''triple white'' finially has bloomed
  7. 1 point
    i think to be honest, that kind of argument will just get chucked out in court. Unless your talking about massive barrister bills and high court turning over a law. Talk to a lawyer, even if you cant afford it. Most will work with you with the bill. Have you actually been charged? If not a lwyer at that initial stage might save you a lot of grief later on
  8. 1 point
    A few weeks ago I decided to BAP my variegated tbms to get more pups... one of which resulted in this bad boy... a jourd seemed to want to flower then I spotted a turbocharged alonsoi and nearby a few others begging for attention
  9. 1 point
    i dont know anything about Wa law, but talk to a lawyer mate. Pm torsten and ask for his advice. There is a chance the police have fucked up and apart from a smoking implement and a bit of weed your all good. Im not sure but pm torsten he will prolly know how you stand
  10. 1 point
    Holy shit that is No good mate. Hey Perth Shaman you sure know how to get a point across lol
  11. 1 point
    no idea about the name. its a succulent with strange triangle stalks and succulent leaves that resemble geranium plants http://postimg.org/image/go41wnznn/full/'> Gymnocalicium baldianum chamaecereus pretty awesome and fast rooting Echinocereus
  12. 1 point
    I think it's ynsafe to throw away thousands of years of tried and tested crops in favour of single monoculture transgenic plants, which haven't even been independently tested. The tech is too new and under the control if ruthless corporations to make me comfortable with it. There are hundreds if other plants which can provide the same nutrients that can be grown in a sustainable manner. Unless a modification is a significant improvement - and I mean converting weeds from inedibility to edibility or other significant improvements that will not impact on the plants ability to grow in the natural environment - then the experiments should probably stay in the lab.
  13. 1 point
    Here are a few of my freaks I will put up some more in my next post. TPM J3 x psycho0 crest reverted ( clumping) monstrose LW pachanoi crest mam crest TBM trich huarazensis x terscheckii variegated (seed grown ) eulychnia castanea var discoid monstrose monstrose short spined bridgesii and another variegated t.huarzensis x terscheckii crazy blue macro ( the last photo here is my macro, It's not monstrose or crested, but it has the bluest glaucous bloom I have ever seen, and believe me... It is a freak )
  14. 1 point
    i will be meditating half an hour each day soon, i see no reason to combine the two. if anyone can send good vibes my way, i can't stress how much i need them right now :/ In return I will focus my intent on SAB members in general. We all need a hug sometimes.
  15. 1 point
    Hey mutant I really doubt that the stock is exhausted, all my stenocereus turn purplish – red in the winter. So it’ll turn green again in month or 2. I think it’s root bound and that’s why I was thinking of transplanting or cutting and rooting (the stock). If that doesn’t change a lot, I’ll go with degrafting. I tried this even with pereskiopsis grafts and it worked like wonder. I would love to see your experiment; sounds really interesting, so why don’t you document it and start a thread about it and keep updating every few months or so. I grafted another pascana seedling, after I sent you yours and it’s about the same size as yours when I sent it to you. I’m kind of thinking of getting a colomunar stock and graft it to it. Anyway, here the base pups http://s62.photobucket.com/user/Reptilecacti/media/image-12.jpg.html'> http://s62.photobucket.com/user/Reptilecacti/media/image-13.jpg.html'>
  16. 1 point
    I did a repotting mission the other day as my seedlings were looking a little cramped. It took me atleast three hours but it was an overcast shitty day so it was good use of my time I kept about 30 seeds of each and split the rest between my boyfriend and a mate. Most types i have ended up with 15 or so healthy hardened seedlings, yet of the (soo2xpach) x TPM i have 29! So that means i only had one seed fail to germinate Here's my funky graft, i said i would update in a month but it is already looking very different to last time i shared a pic,
  17. 1 point
    ''In Bruges'' was good ''Boy'' for a bit of kiwiness
  18. 1 point
    lol, that cats gone viral hey?!
  19. 1 point
    This IS the end of the flower now. March 12 Despite the dryness, it's been an excellent year for flowers!
  20. 1 point
    First new buds for this season, on my validus # 2 mother, which is 3 meters tall. one of two pups
  21. 1 point
    ^^^Durry is a cigarette lol
  22. 1 point
    Really nice job Philo I have done a similar thing myself a while ago, hope you don't mind me posting it here ?
  23. 1 point
    I have tidied up this thread a lil bit, guys can you please stay within the forum guidelines, bretloth, if you arent familiar with the cacti forum rules have a look in the pinned threads, same goes for anyone else that has forgotten or isnt aware of them!. As for favourites, is hard to say for sure but i do love my tricho crests, i have a "peruvianus" crest from hamiltons and 2 super pedro x j3 crests, all 3 have been grafted a few times. Since grafting and a little stronger light the hamiltons crest is showing spines more in line with a cuzco type plant imo. Im also quiet partial to lophs and tbms The 2 SPxJ3 mother crests are the left and right front, one has been cut into a great deal more than the other, the grafts in the purple pots are from the crest on the left and the other 3 smaller crests are from the one on the right. I have others from the crest on the rights but they are showing more normal growth which will hopefully change in time, hard to say at this stage. The 3 large ones at the back are from the hamiltons peru. Hamiltons peru. some other stuff.......
  24. 1 point
    Well I have sent off my submission, We have got to rally on this, I dont want to bulldoze my backyard. MY GARDEN IS A SACRED SPACE..NOT A CRIME ZONE MY GARDEN IS A POSITIVE PLACE..NOT A CRIMINAL ACT NOBODY has the authority to legislate against nature. MAN HAS THE RIGHT TO GROW WHAT HE WILL, GROW WHAT THOU WILL, SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW! Do thou will my brothers!! Stand up to those who oppose our will,our right to live with teacher plants.
  25. 1 point
    Thanks guys, I'm going to hold off closing it down until there is some certainty about the laws, i was getting carried away