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Tinnitus & psychedelic therapy

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I have suffered tinnitus, the result of an ear infection & ruptured eardrum, for almost 20 years. Recently I was reading on a Tinnitus forum how some people claimed that psilocybin had helped or even cured their tinnitus. Others claimed the reverse effect -- that psilocybin made their tinnitus worse. I seem to fall into the latter camp, with an uncomfortable amplification of my tinnitus under the influence of psilocybin in particular. Now, I wonder if this effect could vary depending on the source (different mushroom species, for example). The worst of all my tinnitus episodes preceded what I suspect was an episode of Wood Lover Paralysis. I'm still astonished that an internal perception of sound -- with no external vibrational sound source -- could be so frighteningly painful. 


I think treatment of tinnitus is a promising avenue for therapeutic psychedelic research. Anyone else have experiences to share of tinnitus (ringing in the ears) as part of their experience? 

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I know people who have had courses of intravenous ginko biloba for tinnitus, and my grandfather found transcendental meditation very beneficial too. :wink:


Good luck!

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I have suffered tinnitus from time to time and went thru a bout back in 2014.  I never really did find the cause (but suspect it was something shitty I was doing at the time :bong:).  It seemed to disappear as quickly as it came. 


Recently though I had another incident immediately following a vape of some pretty ordinary weed.  It was painful and a little scary - almost like a panic attack.  I picked up a guitar, got lost in some 'music' and thankfully it just disappeared.  I'm still confused about this... maybe it was just a mild panic attack after all - my tolerance has been extremely low of late?


Now I definitely do have something wrong with my left ear/eustachian tube and even suspect a micro-perforation of the eardrum from chicken pox 15 years ago might have been the cause.  It plagued me no-end last weekend with a headache. I'm just mustering courage, patience and money to revisit my ENT surgeon...  I'll keep you posted if anything comes of it.

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I have self induced tinnitus for the last 20 or so years, a result of raving, overpowered sound systems inside small clubs, and one Killing Joke show...

Tryptamines don't seem to have much effect, but I find phenethylamine type psychedelic substances make it much worse. I think it's due to the increased blood pressure.

Also opium makes it worse, but I kind of enjoy the sound of my blood vessels drumming inside my eardrums in that particular state.

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you know i'm happy to remember that, there are, sab members, which, correctly diagnosed tinnitus, for topic starters, and as such helped meber(s) with this condition.


i got it as well as times, and now since years, i never lissent, to loud music, or machinery..., again nowadays, "it" doesn't happen that often.

i'm lucky my tinnitus is mild, some people killed themselves because of the, constant ringing in the ears.


industrial workers, and musos are prone to it, my tip, "stopp dancing in front of the loud speakers, if attending a gig"!!!


there is no cure!

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I remember quite well a guy telling me how he experienced a loud buzzing sound for quite a few hours after drinking a local brew in San Pedro country. He thought it corresponded with an increase in blood-flow to some area within his ear region.

Edited by Halcyon Daze
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15 hours ago, Halcyon Daze said:

I remember quite well a guy telling me how he experienced a loud buzzing sound for quite a few hours after drinking a local brew in San Pedro country. He thought it corresponded with an increase in blood-flow to some area within his ear region.

Harmala alkaloids will also cause a major buzzing, but it's not really like tinnitus. It's a lower frequency vibration, like you're standing next to a gigantic transformer that's humming, and the vibrations are felt inside your skull.

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When I'm tripping is the only time my tinnitus ever stop. Even with alkaloids that induce tinnitus like sounds on the come up it settles to silence once I'm in the swing of it. It's actually quite a relief, then a disappointment when it comes back. A few times I have thought it was cured, but no.


Edited by Northerner
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On 07/07/2021 at 4:05 PM, Northerner said:

When I'm tripping is the only time my tinnitus ever stop. Even with alkaloids that induce tinnitus like sounds on the come up it settles to silence once I'm in the swing of it. It's actually quite a relief, then a disappointment when it comes back. A few times I have thought it was cured, but no.


i feel for you.

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It's a weird thing, some times I don't notice it and others it's ear piercing. A good sleep and entering REM sleep is apparently beneficial, I think the melatonin helps too. I remember seeing a doco or read somewhere that research is being done with sea urchins that have some repair mechanism that can apparently help reverse tinnitus, but can't find it anywhere after a quick internet search, so take that with a grain of salt. Came across this instead though, electrical stimulation to the tongue that helps.
"The tinnitus treatment device used in the study, now branded as Lenire®, was developed by Neuromod Devices and consists of wireless (Bluetooth®) headphones that deliver sequences of audio tones layered with wideband noise to both ears, combined with electrical stimulation pulses delivered to 32 electrodes on the tip of the tongue by a proprietary device trademarked as Tonguetip®. The timing, intensity, and delivery of the stimuli are controlled by an easy-to-use handheld controller that each participant is trained to operate. Before using the treatment for the first time, the device is configured to the patient’s hearing profile and optimized to the patient’s sensitivity level for tongue stimulation. "

I've found when tripping it mostly goes away, I think my brain might be switched on enough to cancel it out with another white noise, or when I'm more focused on visuals. Meditation seems to help. 

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On 07/07/2021 at 4:05 PM, Northerner said:

When I'm tripping is the only time my tinnitus ever stop.

The only time my tinnitus has ever disappeared, more or less completely, was for a few hours after local anaesthesia from a dental procedure. 

Anyone can report on tinnitus effects or therapeutic benefits of dissociative anaesthetics? 

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1 hour ago, fyzygy said:

The only time my tinnitus has ever disappeared, more or less completely, was for a few hours after local anaesthesia from a dental procedure. 

Anyone can report on tinnitus effects or therapeutic benefits of dissociative anaesthetics? 

I reckon dissociatives might be worth investigating, hardly a workable solution though. You can't exactly get K spannered and turn up to work!

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^ I can. :)


This thread made me realise that my tinnitus is actually always there bubbling away just below the surface it's just I don't notice it if i'm not thinking about it.  Kind of like wearing upside down glasses I guess

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  • 5 weeks later...

Once youve done the damage its done.... 


Mines all my own doing.. Industrial trade as a pup, evil metal music.. Lol... Hours using firearms, not using ear protection for those "quick" jobs.


( use ear protection and no safety squints folks) 


Mind state defo affects how pervasive it seems, ive watched fellas nearly lose their shit over it once mentally locked on. 


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