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The Corroboree

Coleus blumei


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I'd like to think that if Coleus is active that it is active in a way that isn't comparable to toothpaste and hair, which i bet synergize really well with weed.

I don't even need to participate in this thread anymore, seems like your taking the words right outta my mouth! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

I haven't seen a single thing to indicates anything more that placebo, not once with Coleus!

Here is what I wanna see - "Trip Report" - Ate 5 coleus leafs and smoke a bowl of leaf. Could not move for 5 hours due to intense visuals hallucinations.

LOL or something close. Not these half way I kinda sorta feel a half of a buzz when I combined it with cannabis, heroin and banana peels.

Edited by Teotzlcoatl
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Here is what I wanna see - "Trip Report" - Ate 5 coleus leafs and smoke a bowl of leaf. Could not move for 5 hours due to intense visuals hallucinations.


Most of what you are selling on your site as psychoactive botanicals would not come close to doing this so why do you have the same expectation from Coleus?

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Not a bad point. there are probably only a handful of legal herbs that would get close to that.

There was a painting called 2012 at my local pub by an artist from up around the hills - mayan clock, various gods and statues some zapotec some mayan. ANd in the corner was an image of the coleus blumei leaf. LOL

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^^ awesome! more proof!! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_innocent_n.gif

Archaea what you need to do is pretty easy if you smoke grass or you can always tell to some friend of yours that might be in into such illegal stuffs.

make a joint of plain pot , a joint of pot and the right coleus leaf or even better coleus extract , and a joint of pot and toothpaste or hair or whatever you like, like say, a sedative salvia like splendens or coccinea.

then smoke the joint and tell the differences..

coleus is distinct from other salvias, but similar to its taste when smoked. coleus leaf and leaf extract smokes even better , they have pleasant, sweet {?} taste.

the coleus joint will be more energetic/stimultaing and somewhat 'psychedelic' than the other ones.

Edited by mutant
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Most of what you are selling on your site as psychoactive botanicals would not come close to doing this so why do you have the same expectation from Coleus?

I'm not selling ANYTHING for psychoactive purposes, did I claim that anywhere?

I sell plants so their genetics will live on and people can study them!

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i really want a tincture, pill or snuff made from coleus to test, no smoke


when salvia was still legal here, there were some report's which might suggest as followes.

tinctures of salvia divinorum, were said to be useless, unless kept well under the tounge for a while.

in other words, although we know that sally works well, some tinctures seemed to fail to do it.

but a tincture definately sounds like the way to go.

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First species of Coleus [syn: Solenostemon] are said to come from Java , Indonesia.

I remember reading a positive report [140 leaves eaten ] from a tall native plant in Java


got plenty of them, let me know now so as I can make the list and divide the portion accordingly to people who have asked.

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just received my package cheers to Mutant but bloody AQUIS has seized them for being insufficiently labelled.

can you all let me know if anyone else gets or loses their seed cos i dont trust AQUIS

i was gonna send them back to you Mutant for re-labelling but they want $42.00 for the service

Edited by Moses
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damn. what should I have written on them? I thought seeds are not to be imported, so how could this be solved officially? by payiung 42$???

sounds a lot like the crap customs do in this or the other way: use people's need for exchange of goods to steal more from the people

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Anybody sending seeds of any kind to AUS needs to first check the AQIS data bank to see which seeds are permitted.

Start at this link: http://www.aqis.gov....uerycontent.asp (book mark it)

The search parameters are very specific to obtain results. For instance, to find which coleus seeds are permitted, you'd enter coleus in the first line & then using the pull down menu for the third line, you'd pick "seeds for sowing". You will get zero results if you type in coleus seed or coleus seeds for the first line. Also, you'll get zero results if you choose anything other than "seeds for sowing" on the third line. It's ok to leave "From all countries" as it is on the second line.

If the seeds you want to send are not on the list....hmmmmm......you should be able to figure it out....

All seed packets must be labeled exactly like what is shown in the data base or they will be rejected.

Here's a list of permitted coleus seeds from the AQIS website:

Species listing for Coleus spp.

See Table 1 for a list of species that are permitted entry.

Note: Any species not listed in these tables are prohibited entry into Australia by legislation and require assessment.

Table 1: List of Permitted Species. These species may be imported subject to the conditions C7100, C7179, C7180.

Coleus amboinicus

Coleus barbatus

Coleus blumei

Coleus comosus

Coleus daju

Coleus hybridus

Coleus neochilus

Coleus pumilus

Coleus scutellarioides

Coleus spicatus

Coleus verschaffeltii

Coleus x hybrida

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it was a plain letter, so there was no indication of a special content - should I knew 'Coleus blumei' seed is permitted, I might have done this 'officially' and right. I suppose Moses was unlucky. The bump in the letter was really minor!

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lol, wut an irony, but a lucky one, after all!

only hillbilly received them out of 4 persons I sent a seed pack to.

It will be awesome if you share them Hillbillios

it's good some seed made it after all!

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Not to beat a dead horse but I am growing some coleus I have a few types but one interests me a plain green variegated type, I also have some sort of Hybrid Salvia most probably a splendens of sort which from my own experience has some active qualities certainly the flowers do. I'm considering making a blend of sorts to smoke from the two with some mexican tarragon thrown in for good measure.

My green coleus

Purple/blue Salvia unknown

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how do people on here tell if their coleus is active prior to usage? personally, the plants i consider active have a peppery smell when the leaves are rubbed then smelled. This has been consistent across the 3 plants in which i believe altered my dreams with dosages as low as .30g when smoked along side various herbs including Mary, Hops, Nettle and Mugwort. I generally do not dream due to a personal habit which inhibits this, but when I have smoked between 0.30 - 0.50 grams I wake up remembering crazy blury visions which i believe would be remembered and recollected clearly if it wasnt for said habit :-)

these images and blurs that I see haunt me til today, they just seem so dark and haunted compared to other easily recollected dreams ive had over the last 10 years (i only remember 2 dreams in total). I believe that some plants are active and some not. I will have some cuttings I will offer shortly that I consider to be active for people to try.

We could possibly, as a community, put together a massive cross examination of experiences and try to work out the circumstances in which coleus is active? it could be dependent on plant genes, or our setting and personal presence and energies, who really knows. It looks like enough of us are interested in this plant, its readily available and cheap, I'd say lets do it.


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