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That's the one!! Same as mine. In oz. 40 leaves+ boil down.
I use the bring to a boil over 7-10 minutes method. Then soak 1-2 days in water. Usually 80-90% germination on most species within a few days. I'm glad the weirdos have gone quiet for now .
I really like the direction this topic has taken. My 'active' phenotype has less pointy leaf ends, and is quite chunky and thick in texture, mainly purple/red/green and has a very strong aroma. Very plectranthus like. About 40 leaves boiled down to a shot reminded me of abssynth crossed with about 12 sailvia d. leaves chewed.
whitewind wrote: Cool. Hopefully reptyle and folias 'll sacrifice themselves for others soon!
folias wrote: Good for some, not for others. Has it been good for some plants? No. Has over hype been good for entheogenic or true ethnobotanic awareness and research? No. I guess the end result of exterminating carrib indigenous peoples, cutting down the rainforest and taking african slaves to the west indies was 'fantastic' in the end. 400 years later we get reggae. Yeah fantastic for the red coats. What the F are you talking about? Everyone was going to get the information. Did they need sleazy ice-freak dealers?Speaking of which: reptyle makes me want to puke too. Sounds like Ice babble. Set good examples folias and you may not have karma to pay.
^You're right folias that you are being treated as a scapegoat, but you do chose a high profile. But, and this may get removed so read it fast - people like L*ca are the culprits.
Thanks mindperformer and sorry to have gotten unfairly heated at you earlier. Indoor growing is probably the future for the majority of the planet's entheogen types. As I understand it, the typical variant of acuminata is common, but the narrow phyllode not so, and the small seed variant actually very rare.
whitewind wrote: If you live in an apartment block you can grow phalaris or chacruna. If you live in a Community, what about community gardens or a friend's land? I think if you didn't grow something you're on shaky ground as to what you should ethically do with it. Mining and Logging companies don't own the land, and they didn't manufacture or grow (in most cases till lately) the resources they ship off to the world for 'the good of our economy'. And, as many have suggested, and actually Done, you can plant in-situ, on the sides of roads, or on degraded land with permission. I'm not referring to you personally whitewind, but listening to some of the wild-harvesters' justifications reminds me exactly of Mining and Logging company arguments.
Who runs shaman-aus? Someone who knows what they're talking about! I commend Torsten. <3
Nen just cares passionately about trees. I think he was talking about somewhere on the central NSW coast and also those coloured mountains. If you were involved in accidentally letting a species name out to the world and watched it get exploited, you might be as 'defence orientated' as he is. Only he can speak for himself, but I know power, fame or money are not his games. Also, don't forget removing even dead trees from certain sensitive ecosystems is both illegal and unhelpful to that system. My reaction comes from putting out statements on websites that could be interpreted as being like 'open season' on obtusifolia. And overseas interests. No folias, you're not the mafia. But there is one. You may have mellowed folias, but there are seriously exploitive types who won't even post on the net. So, at least you give your perspective. It's also in particular LARGE MOTHER SEED TREES being cut down, rather than large numbers, which is an issue for me. These trees can be very old, and are the genetic restock for the environment. peace
You need to post a close-up of the flowers. To check shape.
You removed my response to folias's last post. Is that free speech? 1) I am female 2) I am not writing a book 3) I am not the only person with this opinion If you can't take the heat, don't play with fire.
So people who passionately get upset at people who kill trees are on the 'dark-side'.? Aggression? Ever seen a mother defend her children from male violence? That's NATURE. Boy. There are people in northern NSW who still curse your name because of what you did to trees there. I might write a book exposing you and what you've done folias. As an example mindperformer. This IS Acacia Wars! Don't think, folias, that you can sit back in your armchair with profits made from wild plants you got on to about 10 years after the fact. Don't think that you're doing yourself any good publicity for your book here. I got 5 PMs this week at the Nexus thanking me for the stance 'phyllode' took in here. And, no offence Bulls. But the stakes here are living beings in the bush vs. commercial exploiters. A book on DMT folias? Please tells us something we don't already know. A book on DMT. So more people can ignore the beings who showed you this space. A book on the true history of dmt Acacias in australia would be very educational, and show you up for what you are. Delete me. Move me if you like. But I'm REAL. And I'm HERE in you're reality. Fear me killa:)
Oh, I lied. One more. And obviously people in here have no idea who I am. No, bullsonparade you have no idea. Talk to some trees. Smoke moar or whatever. How dare YOU! What the FUCK have you done to discourage these people directly from chopping down and selling these trees. Like half the aussie scene, you sound like a coward or a hypocrite. The aussie scene has treated this tress like SLAVES to be, yeah, PUT ON PARADE. A handful of people have campaigned for 20 years to stop this kind of thing. You make me sick. Honest. No offence intended. BUT IF YOU STILL TAKE BARK, BULLS, I HOPE YOU'RE OFFENDED. No swear word is strong enough for you.
If folias is dead (and I haven't heard this personally) then I am truly sorry for him and his friends. But, AND THIS IS THE TRUTH (posers, wankers and self-proclaimed experts) - I was warning him because if you fuck around with sacred trees you can easily end up DEAD. This has already happened TWICE in the past year in Australia. Really. This is what Indigenous people would say. Maybe I was really trying to Help Him. And others here. But, I;m sure MindPERFORMER you have a lot more jism still to throw around in people's faces. And no, I'm a She, not a He, little boy. This is my last post. I've defected to the dmt-nexus.me where I can express myself honestly without being abused by Agro-Geek Males. A friendly farewell to all the PLANT GROWING EXPERTS in here. You are what MAKES this site! Adios.