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The Corroboree


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    vic, the peninsula

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  1. i'm busy this weekend too. i'll be listening to hifi gear all weekend hahaha
  2. I won't be able to make those dates, but the following Sunday I'm free and the entire weekend after is fine too ☺
  3. So! Is there a spring meet coming up? (my first part in probably a decade lol)
  4. Where are people? Has it been cancelled?
  5. hey man, i'm pretty sure i have the right guy, the cactophile ;) check this out, i'm not sure what it is, but it apears quite old. do you know what it is? http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?app=galleryℑ=3761

  6. ubza_1234

    garden pics

  7. hope this weather holds out! etherealdrifter, Amazonian, first meet in ages i remembered all on my own without text and facebook reminder messages! see you soon!
  8. Also if someone between there and Frankston needs a lift, don't hesitate to pm me!
  9. ubza_1234

    20130401 135936

    there is something about the orange flower one that looks about like mine. hasn't flowered yet though. cheers guys!
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