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The Corroboree

Warning on Subs


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fresh or dry stick whole in teapot add 1/2tsp vit c, then top with hot water ,steep 20mions, strain.

top up pot with more hot water incase 2nd cup is desired......if this doesnt satisfy you then try something a little more complicated as above....

t s t .

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A friend mentioned , you will notice a obvious blue green coloration to the liquid even with CWE, OJ, Vodka extractions

Also for those hunting edibles

The past few days there has been many reports of deadly shrooms popping up around SA, as well as yellow stainer & a increase in reports to the poisons hotline

Edited by mac
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yes fresh is fine when putting in a saucepan with water and lemon concentrate, just bring to a strong simmer and cut at the fruits with scissors whilst they are floating in the liquid...strain and do again for second extract of psilo.

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Just a lil proud of these homegrowns..

Thought i'd share :)

I wonder how these lil guys would vary from those experienced from wild patches.

Only time will tell :)













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The past few days there has been many reports of deadly shrooms popping up around SA, as well as yellow stainer & a increase in reports to the poisons hotline

Interesting, mac. Last season for us [last summer and automn], we had the richest fruiting of Amanita Phalloides in years, all over greece... The deaths were more this year. Maybe it's a global thing? Maybe it's a metaphor of some kind? <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

I found them in groups of up to 50!

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When i come across a thread like this I try to find my last post because being a living champion I know that its great quality.

I cant really understand what most of the posts are tring to say here = are mushrooms the link to god-consciousness? Are they just a little object that contain alkaloids that just happen to effect our sero receptors or uptake? Fucked if I know.

Azures and cyans were the shit - much cleaner than subs but at the same time I like the fact subs are more body load and more anxty.

I dont have the answers, are there any answers? If subs allow australiamns to love and respect their natural environment, history and spiritual 'vibe' then im all for it.

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Living champion, haha- coolness!!

It didnt seem to me like anyone is trying to say anything yet.

Personally, i'd just like to solve more of the sub mystery with intrigued others.

God consciousness sounds great.

If God is 'the whole', and these alkaloids make our brains more fluid, more connected..

if minds are made of parts,

and psilo helps join those parts,

maybe, as per the micro to the macro,

we do have a vehicle toward 'enlightened consciousness'.

I'm a believer.

But then,

I've also played with the skeptics approach

and all these significant ideas and visions,

really do seem arbitrary

when you're experiencing them through the frame

that its all just entertaining mind funk

and that the visions are pure subjective bullshit.


there's sure some fun to be had

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I dont have the answers, are there any answers? If subs allow australians to love and respect their natural environment, history and spiritual 'vibe' then im all for it.


the thread summed up perfectly.

discussion is good but please for those new to the fungi go in with an open mind and interpret what you see by YOUR understandings of the world

dont go looking for answers based on pre-conceived ideas

i have nothing but love for subs as both a tool and toy

Happy Hunting All


good to hear you will be back on the scope soon B.G. lets us know if ya after any S.A prints i'll grab some freshies.

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and all these significant ideas and visions,

really do seem arbitrary

when you're experiencing them through the frame

that its all just entertaining mind funk

and that the visions are pure subjective bullshit.

I don't remember anyone dismissing the importance of visions in the vein of 'psychs are just entertaining mind funk'. Actually I don't remember many to try and rationalise the visions except me <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

Also I don't remember many believers tell us why the visions are so important apart from the obvious impact they create to those who experience them. I mean why they are important in real life, not why they are important in psychedelic theism or for the believers approach.

What I want to say is that if one sees the consuption of these mushrooms or any psych for that matter as a religious act, he has to state it before bashing anyone other's opinion. If he states it, the readers will know the arguements are theological and not rational

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Let's say a friend took just under 6 g dry on friday night, he told me that 6 grams is too much as he had a bad bad time of it.

He said he was seeing vivid reruns of dreams from years ago mixed in with childhood memories that took him to a dark, long forgotten place.

At the onset the visuals were amazing and he had a feeling of being displaced like an OOBE but the visuals deteriorated into a mix of old bad memories mixed with dreams long forgotten.

He didn't sleep and felt sick on the way up and the way back down.

A trip to the brink of insanity that opened some old wounds and gave a new perspective.

These things make cubensis seem very tame.

Enjoy them with respect.

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He said he was seeing vivid reruns of dreams from years ago mixed in with childhood memories that took him to a dark, long forgotten place.


fuck yeah!

That's the whole point brother.

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I don't remember anyone dismissing the importance of visions in the vein of 'psychs are just entertaining mind funk'. Actually I don't remember many to try and rationalise the visions except me

Also I don't remember many believers tell us why the visions are so important apart from the obvious impact they create to those who experience them. I mean why they are important in real life, not why they are important in psychedelic theism or for the believers approach.


nah, it was me who said they can be funk. When viewed through that frame. You know, using belief as a tool and all that. 'Playing the skeptic'. Balancing the mind. It can be good fun to laugh at oneself. Avoids getting to serious.

I suppose i've raitonalised all my own visions. Then again, and again. lol.

as Mckenna has suggested,

I like to think we represent humankind as explorers. I enjoy the idea that we're doing this 'not for our own self directed healing'

but to bring back an idea of substantial size,

so that we may have fish dinner wit the rest of the tribe

and not to destroy our planet through unconscious action.

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I enjoy the idea that we're doing this 'not for our own self directed healing'

but to bring back an idea of substantial size,

so that we may have fish dinner wit the rest of the tribe

so lets hear the fuckin idea!!!

let's see the fuckin fish!! [getting dramatic]

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  • 7 months later...

government land managment teams have been spraying fugicide in all public areas. This will not get rid of all the shrooms. This will only garuantee the few shrooms that do come up will be loaded with poisons. Best thing to do is pick them and dry them gill side down on some tissue paper, then distribute the tissue around the damp dark areas of your garden

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I'm confident a forest area i'm thinking of won't be sprayed...

hmm this thread was fun.

So... some really scattered advice from me that's been said before but now you can read it using different words. Your visuals both closed eyed and open eyed will be influenced by a number of outside factors definately including sound. If you're having negative thoughts and want to abort, just put on some good music and close your eyes, it's visual garbage at the end of the day in my opinion... it's like watching tv. The real gold is removing all distractions.

So... when a mushroom trip is coming on really hard and fast, which it can do to the point where you can't walk, you can have two options:

1) Try to fight it with distractions, tell yourself you can't let it control you and try and resume what you were doing, either talking with people or... hell i don't know but eventually the strongest part of the trip will mellow out.

2) Find the closest comfortable position to lie down on, else just lie down on the floor and close your eyes. It's perfectly natural to be afraid because this is unexplored territory. You will not die, though you may experience death or any number of things including absolute bliss. This is the point that strange things happen, and normal CEV turn into 'visions' very reminicent of dreams, barely psychadelic in my experience and somewhat controllable. However i've only had that happen without music playing, while music is playing i've had more of a dissociative feeling with a lot of fantasically high definition and amazingly bright tryptamine colours.

My last experience was strange... flat on my back on the ground unable to get up, an ambient psy track was playing. My vision was seperated into hundreds of squares, these squares made up a lot of lockers/doors. They were white but all the edges were rainbow coloured. There were symbols all over the doors but there were so many so I didn't pay too much attention.

One of the doors was opened and inside was black nothing. I was scared but instead I forced myself to smile, this definately improved my mental state and made me braver. I tried to open the door and it shook my whole visual perspective almost like the door was a black hole trying to suck everything in but it was being rubberbanded back into place. (In hindsight I think if I managed to unfocus my vision instead of focusing on the door I would've broken through into... somewhere haha)

While this was happening I felt some sort of presence around me, in everything. I whispered thankyous to it and that had an impact on what I was seeing.

Now i'm actually missing about 5 minutes of memory, but I don't think it was anything too important just beautiful door/locker squared patterns, however I do remember afterwards agreeing that I could be shown anything as long as i'd forget and not tell anyone afterwards... but I think that was a strange thought pattern I had going earlier, but still...

Mmm distractions... life would be very fast without them :D

Edited by Distracted
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I'm confident a forest area i'm thinking of won't be sprayed...

hmm this thread was fun.

So... some really scattered advice from me that's been said before but now you can read it using different words. Your visuals both closed eyed and open eyed will be influenced by a number of outside factors definately including sound. If you're having negative thoughts and want to abort, just put on some good music and close your eyes, it's visual garbage at the end of the day in my opinion... it's like watching tv. The real gold is removing all distractions.

So... when a mushroom trip is coming on really hard and fast, which it can do to the point where you can't walk, you can have two options:

1) Try to fight it with distractions, tell yourself you can't let it control you and try and resume what you were doing, either talking with people or... hell i don't know but eventually the strongest part of the trip will mellow out.

2) Find the closest comfortable position to lie down on, else just lie down on the floor and close your eyes. It's perfectly natural to be afraid because this is unexplored territory. You will not die, though you may experience death or any number of things including absolute bliss. This is the point that strange things happen, and normal CEV turn into 'visions' very reminicent of dreams, barely psychadelic in my experience and somewhat controllable. However i've only had that happen without music playing, while music is playing i've had more of a dissociative feeling with a lot of fantasically high definition and amazingly bright tryptamine colours.

My last experience was strange... flat on my back on the ground unable to get up, an ambient psy track was playing. My vision was seperated into hundreds of squares, these squares made up a lot of lockers/doors. They were white but all the edges were rainbow coloured. There were symbols all over the doors but there were so many so I didn't pay too much attention.

One of the doors was opened and inside was black nothing. I was scared but instead I forced myself to smile, this definately improved my mental state and made me braver. I tried to open the door and it shook my whole visual perspective almost like the door was a black hole trying to suck everything in but it was being rubberbanded back into place. (In hindsight I think if I managed to unfocus my vision instead of focusing on the door I would've broken through into... somewhere haha)

While this was happening I felt some sort of presence around me, in everything. I whispered thankyous to it and that had an impact on what I was seeing.

Now i'm actually missing about 5 minutes of memory, but I don't think it was anything too important just beautiful door/locker squared patterns, however I do remember afterwards agreeing that I could be shown anything as long as i'd forget and not tell anyone afterwards... but I think that was a strange thought pattern I had going earlier, but still...

Mmm distractions... life would be very fast without them :D


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hold up... fungicide or herbicide?

Whatcha going off? Pers. comm or seeing people spraying / remnants of dye?

I've mentioned it many times before, i'm personally not aware of mushrooms being specifically targeted by councils, but would not be suprised in hot spots particularly where dickheads wreck the environment at times of flush, though am well aware that some operators (priv. contractors and others, predominately herbicide) do intentionally spray them if they see them, and or if not targeting them, don't care if they overspray them. Blue indicator dye is most definitely a dye of potential use and essentially indistinguishable from psilo reaction.

To avoid, ya generally have to avoid public areas i.e. fairly impossible at least conveniently, and even in far out public areas, don't kid yourself, spray rigs small and large go from suburbia out into the forests into areas you wouldn't think people would lug them. i.e. guts of national parks etc.

and on mashemup second post to reitterate, laws are only as good as the people who abide by them, 'just cause you aren't allowed to spray in certain areas, get shit in water ways etc don't think it doesn't happen, frequently and at good concentration.

Edited by gerbil
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