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John Crowder

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Has anyone heard of this crazy dude? I ran into a friend of mine today who is generally cool, she's christian but not one of the really preaachy annoying ones that seem to bring up jesus and how happy he has made their lives, (who are they trying to convince?) Anyway she kept going on and on and on about getting high on jesus ( :puke: ) and these two dudes called john crowder and ben dunn. She invited me to this getting wasted on jesus party next april and said i just HAVE to go. I go home intrigued about what could make my normally spiritual rational friend turn into a preachy christian i need to avoid, so i look up on you tube john crowder and ben dunn.

Watching these 2 oh so waaacky guys has put me in a bad mood for about the last 2 hours. How can anyone give these guys any respect whatsoever? Check this gem out.

THe 'cured' guy can't even open his eyes when he's looking at the camera, surely this is a sign of lying, and he keeps looking at john to make sure he's said the right thing. The poor dude looks really intimidated. And those dudes jumping around in the background? Why?

Why are people attracted to such fake 'leaders'? The people in thesee videos are obviously putting their joy and wackiness on, why can't people see that?

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Eh, don't want to watch the video past 1.16...

It's ok to have transcendental, life-changing, epiphany experiences when touched by the Lordly finger, but don't try talking about the time you realised the fragility of truth while on acid, you'll only be greeted with stigma. Well not here thankfully.

Notice the comments have been disabled for this video? But 13 positive ones remain?

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Hang on ... so these guys are pretending to be high? They look like bad actors pretending to be on e or stoned.. Those vacuous smiles must get creepy after a while.

I notice their website has the obligatory 'Donate' button and a direct link to Paypal, a bunch of pricey workshops and several books for sale, CDs, etc. etc... no prizes for guessing what's making them so happy.

SC: Be our guinea pig, go along and get high on Jesus for us, cop a root while your at it from that chick and then report back on what the deal is.

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LMAO @ this thread...good to see you back around the forums Baph..it's been quite lately without you around... :P

I notice their website has the obligatory 'Donate' button and a direct link to Paypal, a bunch of pricey workshops and several books for sale, CDs, etc. etc... no prizes for guessing what's making them so happy.

SC: Be our guinea pig, go along and get high on Jesus for us, cop a root while your at it from that chick and then report back on what the deal is.

LMAO...fuckin wet myself when I read that...I once as a kid was made to sit in a corner at Sunday school cause I wouldn't give up the 10cents I had in my pocket to the donation dish as it went round...LOL..fuck that man there was a toffee apple stand outside and I was gunna get me one of them red juicy babies ...how could I possibly buy one without my ten cents... :blink:


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good to see you back around the forums Baph..it's been quite lately without you around... :P


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Got my free ticket, talked to a few of some other crew from that church, New Earth Tribe if anyone knows it, they were so smug when i asked them about it, like they are going to convert me or something. I can't wait to go to this stupid thing.

Its the fakeness that really shits me. On one of these videos he pretends to hold a joint and then pretends to take a little toke then says, "its easy, you just toke the ghost" WTF? Why the drug connotations? He's not toking anything, its called breathing. He can't just BREATHE the ghost, no, he has to TOKE it, cause thats cool and wacky.

I do undertand why he's so happy though, every churchy that i talked to since the OP has bought his book. Preying on the stupid seems like a good way to make money.

Actually another thing that they all repeated was that his side-kick, Ben dun, is so 'wacked out on christ' (they all seemed to use the same expression oddly enough) that he has to take a doctors certificate with him so that he can travel on aeroplanes, gee.. thats not limiting at all. I can really aspire to THAT. The story is blatant crap anyway, the amount of times that i've travelled on a plane whilst drunk and disorderly is countless.

If anyone can think of some real good shenegans for me to play i'd be very interested. I'm not usually one to purposefully interfere with someones spiritually but this guy is obviously full of crap.

Sorry if the above is a bit disjointed, I couldn't find the 'blood of christ store' so i went to the bottlo instead.

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LOL good luck man, you have guts..

I reckon it's a lot like dumb teenagers passing around their first joint. Half of the kids there don't actually feel anything, but they'll act high just to fit in. It's probably like any other evangelical or stage hypnotist act. The pressure to conform in front of lots of other people actually makes you do whatever dumb thing it is they're trying to get you to do. If you're in a room full of bumbling idiots acting happy, then unless you act the same, you'll be singled out and questioned and get a whole lot of negative attention. On the other hand if you act high and happy and dumb like the rest of them, you'll get lots of positive, self-affirming attention and free hugs from hot chicks.. In that instant of overwhelming expectation when you're passed the 'invisible ghost joint', unless you act the way people expect you to act, things could get very awkward very quickly, so you conform, and pretend, and get a bit of placebo and before you know it you're just another bumbling idiot prancing around forcing other poor kids to be the same as you....

.... fanatical evangelism, stage hypnotism, sneaky fucking cult <- all related, all make a shit-load of money.

Edited by Undergrounder

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Nice rundown of the conversion techniques UG. DO you think this may have something to do with John Saffrans weird exorcism goings on when at that pentecostal church, the pressure to conform being even more enormous as ALL the focus of the church was on the single daemon-infested person. Strong group mentality possibly seeping into his own rationalist mind, inducing that same glossolalia albeit this time interpreted as daemon possession (whereas other times its the holy spirit yeah?)

SC, goodluck. I mean I have faith in my own spirituality and my own path, but if somebody is so convinced themselves I'll think, stop being content with the answer and seek the mystery fool! But yeah my point is they might try to brainwash ya, goodluck staying spiritually sober. I wonder what exorcism techniques there are to banish the evil insectoid parasite daemon that sits in the catholic church and such.

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You know what would be exceptionally trippy is to go along after about 3 gms of shrooms and a hit of cid... :lol: then you will really see some fake ass shit...




Edited by Hunab Ku

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ROFLMAO wtf? he looks like a practitioner of the dark arts. theres worship involved but i dont think its the Christian god. trippy shit.

sneak in a video camera for us SC, would love to see it.

good luck and stay safe.

after hearing crowder speak he sounds like an occultist...

Edited by Amulte

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Sorry if the above is a bit disjointed, I couldn't find the 'blood of christ store' so i went to the bottlo instead.

HAHAHAH I shit myself reading that.

Well put UG, very well put, also notes that its often the most insecure who are suckered in because they feel like they finally find a place to fit in.

If you have another place where you fit in, then you don't necessarily feel like you have to conform with these idiots so that you fit in there, because you care less about fitting in there.


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just throwing this out there..

is it possible that they really are intoxicated by some state-of-mind (plus encouragement to act stupid)? i could call fake for myself, but it was too difficult to watch.

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this girl/friend of yours must be a real hottie to put yourself through this ordeal :lol:

but you seem to like putting yourself into these situations :P

PS: have you got a postcard from japan yet ?

Jokes aside good luck SC you are awesome :rolleyes:

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The most delusional aspect of these new style evangelists is that they are hooked on putting negative connotations into 'religion'. No longer is belief in god or Jesus a religious act to them. It is also quite funny though, when you think about it, the amount of new subscribers to this cult that actually buy into Christianity not being 'a religion' but 'a relationship with the deity'. Really, don't these people own a dictionary? I have had numerous conversations with these neo-christians and no matter how plainly I word it. They are totally incapable of comprehending the fact that they are still in fact in a Religion. Even the ones that do understand the definition have come up with their own twisted backwards logic to explain away the 'religion' of it all.

Here is a typical response from an article I just found. (it is attempting to explain how his brand of Christianity is not religion)

"One difference between the two is that every religion is man made. Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism, and liberal Christianity all involve man’s interpretation of faith. When you start worshiping with another man’s credo, you are dangerously close to religion, not biblical Christianity. Many of these religions have a manual (Koran, Book of Mormon, the writings of Buddha) to go along with the true word of God. As a knightly Christian, I refuse to worship with any man’s rules other than those of the God man, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God is explicit about not taking away or adding anything to His word found in the bible.

Defining "Religion"

In the dictionary, "religion" is defined as a set of strongly-held beliefs, values, and attitudes that somebody lives by, or an object, practice, cause, or activity that somebody is completely devoted to or obsessed by. This can be anything that takes us away from the true living God—Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Religion can be alcohol, drugs, pornography, a career, sex; thus, anything that drives a wedge between us and the trinity of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is a religion."


So to hell with the definition right? even though they clearly pointed it out for us. We just need to apply it to groups we disagree with and distance ourselves from them by saying "this applies to them, but not us "

Bah Humbug!

I think it was possibly Bill Hicks who said " Isn't it strange how all those people that disagree with, or simply don't get, evolution seem so un-evolved? "


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So yday i went and saw john crowder and got 'high on christ'. We were planning on some tricks and what-not but i've been sick all week and my other mates have been setting up for this wicked party next weekend. We took one of the guys that does vive cool city with us so you;ll all be able to see what its like next week or so at www.vivecoolcity.com

This is how the evening went.

Before we went in we all drank some tequila just in case it was a little boring or hectic. We smoked a durry each and got some funny looks from all the people going in, this is when we knew HOW straight these people were going to be.

So we go in and the lady at the door says "that will be $20 each please" but i tell her that i'm with the crew and that we can go straight in. She lets us in without paying. (there were 3 sessions each one costing $20, doesn't seem like much until you consider that the guys running it don't have to pay for a venue or any of the sound equipment, all the labour is free pretty much, maybe a few jesus racks here and there tho)

My religious friend sees me and greets me, stoked that i've come but a little unsure about my friends. I think to myself that it must be easier to convert lonely people. She seats us and lets us know that it will be starting soon. The four of us sit in the far corner and it is obvious to the other 100+ people that we don't belong here. I don;t know exactly what it is that gave us away but all them at some point would xlook at us, even though we were sitting up the back. Throughout the night each one of my friends would get visits from others to have conversoin chats. One chick comes up to me and recognises me from somewhere and starts talking to me. Its strange how these christians can lead any conversation to christ. She started talking to me about uni and i asked her about what she had been studying. This was her reply. "Yeah i did bachelor of sciewnce but i nearly killed myself. I had chromic fatigue for 2 years and one day i met a churchgoer and i went to church and the lord jesus SAVED me" Thats not her exact reply, it took her awhile to get to the jesus thing, she moved to the subjest really slowly.

After everyone has been seated and passed around a few jesus doobies ( i shit you not!, people were actually pretending to pass around doobies!) the band on stage started playing a song about god. As soon as they started i looked at the time. 7:37pm. Everyone in the crowd jumped to their feet and started dancing about to this music. The crowd was mostly composed of all types of people but they all had one thing in common, none of them looked very confident (except one dude, but he was a fuckwit attention seeker). Most of the 18-24y/o dudes there looked kinda geeky, and sexually frustrated. There was this one guy who was having 2 jesus lines, one each nostril, every 20minutes whilst the band was playing, then i saw him offer it to another guy, but he was hardcore and decided to mainline it!!! Finally the song stopped, at 8:42pm. Over an hour for one song! I actually thanked the lord when that song stopped. In all fairness i have to say that everyone was pretty happy during the song, most were dancing and having a really good time. There was some really good energy and i felt happy.

After the music stopped the head of "New Easrth Tribe" came on stage and had a little speach. Just a prayer and then a lng explanation that "we are not living in a recessing economy, no no no, but a jesus economy... so lets give up big. If you don't have cash we have credit card slips that you can put your details on. Rmember we are living in a jesus economy, so give lavishly" They passed around about 8 things that looked like knitted beanies. The hat came passed. i wasn't going to puit moey in but i did have a look. The beanie was FULL to the brim with $50s and $20s. The one i saw would've had at least $1000 in it, and there was 8 of them!!! Lets do the mass (dad joke, dad joke!) for a second. Nearly everyone went to all 3 sessions so $60 x 100 = $6000. Plus the hats = $8000 (at least! and thats not including the credit card slips!) X 3 (because there were 3 nights) = $24,000. Total is $30,000!!!!!! People were throwing money at him.

Next came on a young girl to introduce John Crowder. She told a story about how her, john and ben dunn (his side kick) went to bangkok. When they got there john crowder said to the girl that it was time to be initiated and to hold out her arm. He then tied a shopping bag around her arm and shot her up with jesus. "OMG we were like so whacked, just walking around bangkok absolutely whacked off our heads" The they went into the slums and found an old dude whjo had a limp. She saw him and god told her that the old dude has a problem with his memory. Lo and behold when she ran up to him it was revealed that half his head was missing and his brain was exposed, had been for years!! So she put her hand on his head and prayed that god would save him. Amazingly he started moving his arm around in circles. ZHe could move the right side of his body again and he could walk. There's a few holes in this story. First up, the old dude was limping along... so that means that he did have movement, albeit not much, but then later in the story he can't move half his body AT ALL, and that's what they "healed". Next, his brain being exposed from an accident that happened years ago. This dude lived in the slums so surely an injury like that would cause death pretty quickly without medical attention. I don;t know for sure but i'd assume having you're brain exposed (with parts of it missing no less) is a pretty serious, wouldn't it dry out causing death? Anyway, i was extremely close to laughing my arse off at this stage, the whole story was ridiculous. THere was other miracles too. A man who couldn't piss for 6 months had his belly rubbed by john crowder and managed to piss, some other person who hadn't BREATHED for years was able to breath again!! (are these guys raising the dead now?) So after the girl told her stories and showed some footage of their journey john crowder finally came up on stage, but first a prayer. Also she reminded everyone to pray for people in thailand as over there the thais are sick of their nasty god,buddha :blink: (i can't remember exactly how she worded it but she said something about buddhism and its nasty god) and how they really need a nice loving god over there, because they are suffereing right now. I thought it amazing that someone could diss buddhism. I don;t know heaps about that religion but i'm pretty sure it pretty peaceful.

About 15 young girls flocked to john crowder so that they could touch him when he was being prayed for. They all sat don and he began. He actually did look intoxicated when he started talking,said that gods drunken glory affected him like barbituates. Then he clarified that they were not pretending to shoot up heroin but they were really shooting up the glory of god. Then he went into a rave about 'suicide bombers of love and glory' and how god is going to wipe out whjole regions and we can kick back in his glory. It was all very violent. I believe that if this guy was teaching islam then aca would be knocking his door down. I couldn't believe how violent his words were, and he was talking so quickly, like a madman. Def not like someone who is affected by barbs!!! And when his mouth couldn't move as fast as his mnd he woiuld just point his finger at the audience and go "oy yoy yoy" or "swashlooshabooba" or some other crap. He would talk faster and faster and faster and then stop, smile at the crowd and i could just tell that he was thinking how sick it is to have all these people hanging on his every word. My mate filming and another mate (whos gnome had been a little naughty that night) got a little freaked out and walked out. My wasted mate thought the back door was locked and had a mini breakdown at the back of the church, which was incredibly funny cause it took the attention away from crowder for a second. My mamte then realised he was trying to open a wall and found the door and left. I had to leave cause i didn't bring my car but the night was a very interesting one. If he comes to your town its worth checking out, one of the most bizzarre things i have ever seen. There was so much more weird shit that happened whilst i was there but it is just too much to put down, plus i have a hangover (which none of them will, so who's the jokeoon really?!)


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All religions are full of whackos! Western 'Christians' misrepresent their own religion worse than the other religions ever did IMO.

Don't let them confuse you, you don't need them to find God etc.


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why didn't you take some cuttings of jesus, or get some seed? did they explain the xtraction tek? somebody needs to bio assay jesus, and the community needs to start growing this stuff.

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holy crap! people actually fall for this shit?

maybe I should take Daniel there and let them cure us of our dirty sin, ummm ..... I mean homosexuality :rolleyes:

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Haha thisz is funny /creepy shit I have a book shelf full of laurence Gardner at home the guy may be a bit off the mark in some areas but he is a ggenius when it comes to critical reasoning and the beauty of it he uses it to tear a vast majority of christianity's dogmatic crap to shreds always makes for an intresting conversation with those types of people

funniest thing i have read today Buddhism is not a fucking religion its a philosophy Buddha is a teacher not a god form hmm sort of puts a damper on that whole nasty god of thailand comment LMAO fuck the stupidity of some people amazes me

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how many dark arts that are at work behind the scene, put a bit of hypnosis and social learning theory into practice you could get any gullible person following your lead

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how many dark arts that are at work behind the scene, put a bit of hypnosis and social learning theory into practice you could get any gullible person following your lead

nlp?? not really all that in to it but have a lot of friends that are some of the teks they talk asbout seem similar to what this crazy fucker users to con people

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