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waterboy 2.0
Howdy mate... Works been keeping me busy
Oh hai!
A rat we keep saving from drowning in our pool by hooking it out when it gets stuck swimming in circles around the perimetre of its circumference.............we call that rat white bum. Thats its its simple sign we know it's whitebum.
Well he's been eating all my tomatoes
El Presidente Hillbillios
it sounds like a good rat life
hes lucky, normally the kooka gets them
remember that party at my place before you left? you gave away all your plants at the end was a skinny seed grown tricho no one wanted?
this is it now
OOh sbeen so long since I logged in
So lovely to chat the other night, miss you guys
Was kick ass good to see you again mate!
Twas good seeing you again mate I'm sure our paths will cross again all the best to you & yours.
Hey Stu. What's happening?
Was kick ass meeting you, i cant wait for the next one
was good to meet you this weekend, thanks for everything
Hey thanks man it was great to meet you in person finally . And thanks for you r generosity . HOpefullyy we can do it again someday
PM me and introduce yourself, i dont bite
Who reads these?
Not sure.
prolly no one i reckon
I want that trippy background! How you do dat Hillbilly/ Learn me the ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing you a happy birthday where ever you may be sir
I havent forgot about your belt, im just a shit trader
It's ok, I'm not due for a belting. Lol.
ello! *waves*
*draws love hearts in the sand
Hello. Lol. I'm still here, just observing for a while
no worries, just checking youre ok