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The Corroboree


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/01/16 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Update 2016 for Bedofspines It's been raining all night and morning,
  2. 4 points
    Try this, it's so cool and you'll love it, trust me! Get some jars or glasses, fill about a third of the way with water, then another third of vegetable oil. Put some different colour food colouring in. This part looks cool already, but wait for the trick... Plop an aspro clear tablet (or an alka seltzer for you US readers) and watch it go nuts! Voila, instant lava lamps. If you could find colours that glow in blacklight I imagine that might just blow your mind!
  3. 4 points
    if your lucky enough to own a sampler with pads you can load up weird sounds to say 6 pads... sounds like mario grabing a coin or a mushroom, random sounds from vintage vidio games and pinball machine noises (the best) then you hook up your sampler to your stereo, boombox , sound system whatever. heres where it gets fun. for each sound played from the sampler each friend not on the sampler must come up with a movement... the sillier the movement the more entertaining. now for each 6 samples have a ridicules movement and let the sampler jockey treat you or all of you like a robot. I fucking garentee this will have everyone involved having a fucking awesome time. but remember if your on acid or some shit keep the samples to a maximum of 6 to avoid confusion. I done this with my missus in surfers paradise on a nice high building with wicked view's. we just used a dim light to dress the setting and away I went vibrating like a dildo, gyrating up against an external corner on a wall and spreading my legs shaking my bits n bobs back n forth. mostly because lsd makes me perverted and also because my missus was in hysterics. admittedly I enjoyed it thoroughly and was thinking of myself as an adult entertainer being externally controlled. I'm sure you could do this with a phone app. just a matter of finding the right one. its all about the sounds... the more quirky the better. my fav acid game to date.
  4. 4 points
    How does one start with natural gear from the Himalayas? Share us ya hookup!
  5. 3 points
    Hey peeps, a friend and I have been meaning to set up a thread of cool tripper toys - anyone that has me on facecrack knows that I love my art glass marbles which are just amazing in detail and something you can keep in your pocket/hand to gaze into if under the infulence. Kaleidoscopes, slinkys, old school robots... just throwing a few things out there that I could upload pics of (oh bonus quite a few of the marbles are either made of uranium or are UV reactive so glow under UV light). Worth pursuing? Thanks
  6. 2 points
    Hey mate, I live in Lismore. Welcome to stop by for a beer.
  7. 1 point
    I've known this guy through his generosity. A year ago I asked this guy if he has a huanucoensis cutting. He said yes and before he sent it, he asked me if there's something else on my wish list, as he knows that where I live there are no Trichocereus available. I've always wanted a PC cutting (I find it very attractive). He sent me a cutting of each. However, both of them weighted 3.something kg. And what was really a bummer is that at that time, the government here started applying the laws that were "dormant" for as long as I know. The cuttings got confiscated and I tried my best to get them out. I even payed bribes every other day to get into a restricted area in the airport to try to convince the official that was responsible for not letting the package pass. Long story short, after a month trying to get it out. I even got a copy of the law that says I can have the package since it contains less than 10 cuttings the official told me that whatever I do, it will get destroyed, he won't even let me extend it back. I got really mad Before I left his office I told him that I'll have these cacti, maybe not these but the same genetics either way. So last month a friend went to the states and I contacted this generous guy. He sent my friend a big fat PC with a flower bud and 3 1 year old open pollinated huanucoensis seedlings. I picked them up a few days ago. I found the flower bud fell off cuz of the trip but another one is forming and it seems like 3 more areols are showing some fuzz. I usually don't write long posts but I'm really amazed with such generosity. Thank you Zelly. I really appreciate all what you done so I can get these.
  8. 1 point
    http://reset.me/study/study-cannabis-use-not-predictive-of-lower-iq-or-poorer-educational-performance/ British investigators assessed the relationship between cumulative cannabis use and IQ at the age of 15 and educational performance at the age of 16 in a cohort of 2,235 adolescents. After researchers adjusted for potentially confounding variables, such as childhood depression and cigarette use, they reported, “[T]hose who had used cannabis [greater than or equal to] 50 times did not differ from never-users on either IQ or educational performance.” By contrast, teen cigarette smoking was associated with poorer educational outcomes even after researchers adjusted for other confounding variables. Researchers concluded, “In summary, the notion that cannabis use itself is causally related to lower IQ and poorer educational performance was not supported in this large teenage sample.” This was contrary to a former NZ study that tried to link cannabis with lower academic outcomes and IQ, in later life though I think. Don't jump the gun and start with all the "Well teens shouldn't use blah, blah" because they are teens and don't give a fuck what you think about what they do, remember?
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    amazing thread Its wonderful being able to go back to 2011 and watch the progress Much respect to you Philocacti
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Hi Mystical Oyster, your just in time for the Somara shamanic medicine forum beginning next week in Byron http://www.somara.org/
  13. 1 point
    i love anything glowey and fun :D my 21st was UV space themed, so much uv light/art/decor. not that i condone that kind of thing but a friend of a friend who is a glassy who made a uranium glass pipe, thing looked pretty awesome.
  14. 1 point
    I think this is a kick arse idea for a thread and im keen to show off my marbles too.
  15. 1 point
    yeah man, val x rosei2 is the only one im %100 sure on so far. this is the one with the rosei2 x, and crazy spine on the right hand side.
  16. 1 point
    other val x are looking pretty good val x crazy spine bridge val x rose1 (2 fruits) val x scop2 (multiple fruits) scop x ros2. don't quite wanna say they've set for sure yet though.
  17. 1 point
    If it wasn't for the bongs we'd all be vaping more and be a lot healthier, without the desecration of mixing with tobacco.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I don't think I've posted here in a long time, so here's a little update :-------) Trichocereus pachanoi monstrose (believed to be Altmans Monstrose) got a pup that terminated and then decided to un-terminate and go tastily inermis This is a graft of a pup from the monstrose that was all brain-like which has now crested Trichocereus pachanoi PC variegate reaaaaallly slightly variegated, very hard to capture with a camera, especially a phone camera TBM Long Form all grown up : ' -- ) and getting nice and fat Fricii Monstrose/Cristata suffered a nice cocktail of spidermite, scale and sunburn but getting better with the tasty new growth
  20. 1 point
    a conman, a smart one at that dont like him but I can accept the fact -that people are personally helped and inspired by his work -that despite the 'supposed anthropologist ethnobotalical' material is not real, it's realistic enough as it seems to come from Castaneda's personal experience with drugs. -that people develop an interest on psychoactive plants and maybe learning a couple stuff about the power of psychedelic drugs even from such material, seeing how most people wouldnt even bother with scientific books, which were few and rare back then anywayz.. I never read the famous 1-2 first books. I remember several of my teen friends had read them though, and were from time to time fantasising about the famous trips described in these books. I was slightly interested, but not enough to get to read the books. Besides I was already interested in psychoactive drugs and not particularly inclined to new-agey stuff. It seemed too theist of an approach to me, even back then. Too much mystical mumbo jumbo in there and not enough of tangible truth. Even if I never read the said books , their impact is obvious, has been from the begining. I read one book of his, his 8th or something, while in the army, in 2003, I actually found the book in an army library (!?). All about the warrior of light or something, the warrior should be like this and act like these and so on. Not my kind of thing, read like a self-help book to re-assure yourself you're a buddha, or that you're anyhow in the right pth going there. Or something. Didn't like it one bit. What annoyes me a bit, I admit, as I am the honest type that appreciates truth, is that all 'fans' , even non-fans claim they dont care about the fabrication, they dont care it was a lie, like it was some kind of naive mistake or even a sophisticated way to bring an agenda to the public eye . I wish that were the truth. But the facts do not agree.. Anyways, noone seems to care about it. About truth. Then again its not the best planet for open-up honesty. At the end, talking about the dude and not his work, I think its a fairly good example of a false prophet. A good one, perhaps even the best of the bunch. The mainstream mostly doesnt know mckenna but everyone knows Castaneda.
  21. 1 point
    you are totally right, very frequently I get 8. Judging from other pics in the thread the plant is showing 7 often also.
  22. 1 point
    ditto 31st Jan. looking forward to another meet, its been a while. I'll try bringing a few things too, some rare and weird trichos, that sort of thing
  23. 1 point
    sad sad news. wonderful, hugely generous, eccentric guy I have soo many treasured plants thanks to him. RIP Endor
  24. 1 point
    BC is right, it looks quite a lot like Apache (which is an F1 hybrid) but I dont think it is. The Daze's chilli has an acutely pointed tip, Apache chillies has a bluntly pointed tip, squint and you can see: Daze's looks like some sort of Aji to me, the flower coloration would prove it. It quite reminds me of Aji Verde: That seems closer, anyway, but Aji Verde is rare. Look to the Ajis (Capsicum baccatum)
  25. 1 point