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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/12/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    fwiw- I think it was SS who created the original SS02xSS01 plant, as well as the reverse, SS01xSS02. As for bracketing, pay close attention to spacing around each x in the following.... ss02xss01 x ss01xss02....... Is that so hard to understand who each parent is? In the very near future I will be posting a (mostly) numbered master hybrid listing of the Trich crosses I've made seriously Auxin? How many years do you suppose it will be before seedlings of Juul's Giant x Kimnach will be mature enough to produce flowers?
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point
    i hope the cute horned nerites breed .. and the tylomelaniae :3 it would be interesting if the 2 tylomelania species hybridize not sure about the zebra nerites but assuming they breed successfully in fresh water like their horned relatives but the Faunus needs brackish water as far as I know (and a mate) maybe the zebs do to? time will tell.. if they do breed it will take a long time (relatively compared to other aquatic snails) I reckon ... might breed the paraguay tetra though , seem to be rare as fuck as far as breeding (esp in the past) my thing was to breed plecos and dwarf/amazonian cichlids
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    what's wrong with brackets? have i spent too much time on a computer to not have a problem with nested parentheses?
  6. 1 point
    Death is the great equaliser. It doesn't care how much money you made or how much tax you paid. We're all dust. I actually take some comfort in that justice.
  7. 1 point
    unt hunsert unt zen dollars 110 australian dollars for all you non engrish speakers oont
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Let us know how you go Alfa, seeing as this is the case, I was talking to a friend yesterday and he knows of a awesome camp spot in a certain park near Kilcoy, very secluded. May need 4x4 or a car with ample clearance to get there. Also dependant on wether or not there are logs blocking the track still to this spot. I will try to get out there for a look this weekend if I can line things up.
  10. 1 point
    Number six is a seed grown type of Knuthianus. Not the typical Australian type that´s more common but a similar one. I´m very sure about this. Seven needs to be inspected more closely.
  11. 1 point
    added some very cute Clithon corona to the "flooded forest" that arrived by snail mail today :3
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    figured I'd procure 2 local Tylomelania spp. and a Faunus ater to see if I can get them to wake the 'dead' ones that way ... and it worked : 3 - maybe the smell of a mate?, or competition? *shrug* also rinsed the shop of their last 12 Aphyocharax paraguayensis too which was a nice rare find in the process.. fingers x'd for more soon if there happens to be an influx..
  15. 1 point
    added a Tylomelania spp. and a Tylomelania patriarchalis to the aquarium after a 50% waterchange -but i can't tell if patriarchalis arrived dead/dying ... :/ T' spp.seems ok but fell asleep for the last 20 hours .. fingers x'd they'll be ok ..
  16. 1 point
    A few of my plants buds have really sped up in the last few days. Can't wait for these to start popping. A recent find I like very much Scop Norma Anakie
  17. 1 point
    how exactly is it not legal to film someone threatening you? i get that it may be illegal to film on someone's property without their permission, but if they start violence or are threatening your life you must be entitled to record the evidence. As for farmers being unhappy with hippies on their land, i didn't think this was texas! i am on my parents' farm right now and i can assure you all the ~50 neighbouring families would not take strong issue with it, they would probably just suspiciously ask what you were up to. I do it all the time when the neighbours stroll around on our land! People around here don't seem too fazed by such things. Personally i wish it was like sweden where you can go on anyone's property unless you camp within 100m of their house, or if they find you and ask you to leave. it makes much more sense. people should be allowed to walk about the earth, as long as they don't cause any trouble (or make infuriating lawsuits...) finally incog your dad sounds like a cunt. i am sorry for how your life must be and have been.
  18. 1 point
    Glad you got rid of those 'mothers of millions' from the 'penis' pot! they are a terrible weed if left unattended imo,
  19. 1 point
    scops this is probably the most common pachanoid clone in my neck of the woods this ones from another source and looks slightly different but is growing in different conditions "nz yowie" sold as cuzco from the local cacti shop. i thought it looked more peruvianus until i saw the shops mother plant the mum
  20. 1 point
    My first T.bridgesii crest is rooted and growing new spines.
  21. 1 point
    I apologize for my seemingly been a year behind everybody else. Loving the scop cross red grandi.... Zelly has some magic going on with that wounderful grandi.
  22. 1 point
    The seasons started in my area folks. I look forward to hearing tales of your triumphant travels this season people. Best of luck.
  23. 1 point
    Whole crop of variegated Astrophytum seedlings...probably 75% variegation and 25% that lack all chlorophyll From cross of myriostigma cv. kikko nudum variegata X myrio cv. hakujo fukuryu Hopefully I'll have plenty of seed from this cross available next season for a giveaway...already pressed for space as it is
  24. 1 point
    Couple I found today on Gold Coast hinterland. Hopefully lots more 2 come... Bring on the rain
  25. 1 point
    Certainly worth a look over the past few days. I reckon I saw a good wet kilo or so, with a few more cubes poking up than last season I'm happy to say. Not that I reckon the season has started yet; that was just a sneak-peek. Love that gold