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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/12 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I am sorry to say that even though I tried to make it easy for chef to sort out his debts and to come clean here, he appears to have elected not to do so. I find that very disappointing because I am convinced he's not actually a bad guy, but just got himself into a really screwed up situation. psylo, the thing about being the judgemental loudmouth is that you don't get to learn about people or understand them. If it wasn't for you this might have ended differently. Not every attention seeker is a troll - some of them simply need attention. Chef obviously needed it and I think I understand why, but I doubt you will ever understand people like that because you don't bother to find out about them. I am not sure what's worse, chef's lies or your persecution of him. This is not a criticism of the others who demanded answers and who showed their disappointment. I share your frustration. The questions are justified. The bullying is not. I am locking this thread so that everyone knows the outcome of this drama. It's an ugly thread that probably should have never happened, but sometimes it is good to have a thread that brings the nasties out of the woodwork. I am NOT banning chef yet as this would remove his option of making good on his trades via PM, however I will put him on moderator preview so that he can't actually post.
  2. 2 points
    I remember hearing two teens in the grocery store talking about mushrooms once. One of them was telling the other, with an air of definite certainty, that there's actually no such thing as magic mushrooms. "They" put rat poison and battery acid on regular button mushrooms. His friend thought about this for a moment and finally said "Why would they do that?", to which the know-it-all answered: "Because you can't dust for fingerprints on mushrooms which means the cops can't track the dealers down." Kids say the darndest things!
  3. 2 points
    gotta love variation eh? those plants look pretty cool. i do i have a bunch of arios on it now. but it is not a strong stock, hylo is sturdier which is why i tend to use it more...and for seedlings i often just puss out and use peresk, but sometimes i use seleni for seedlings too its a great stock, but not very strong. and about sober grafting, i very much disagree. if anything i will compromise and admit grafting the important things first is a wise decision on a related note, here are the TBM crest flower starters i posted on the nook in case people here are not members there. fingers crossed. this is from MItosis and i think he got it from SS, but not sure. Mutant bro, these were grafted after a good lot of beer, and they turned out ok...just like homers kids. if grafting drunk makes mutated penises grow pubic hair out the end, i cannot think of any better way to grow plants.
  4. 1 point
    so we've all had them, terrible terrible days at work, or wherever you've been... feel free to have a gripe in here maybe, people dont have to read if they consider it whingey :-P Today was possibly one of my worst in recent times... so one of the guys i manage at work, who i am good friends with, was busted calling his schmoko man on his lunch break in the luncheon room at work. Anyways, one manager ran straight up to another one and before you know it its snowballed into this horrific incident and then there is regional managers and HR on the phone all profiling the incident. he was held in the office at this point and heavily questioned regarding what the phonecall was about etc, and before you know it truth came out, he admitted to hookin up the devil weed for after work. Only it was mentioned ME and him were going to get it after work... then I'm called in, questioned and sent out. I pretty much vouched for him and said "if he's on his lunch then who's it hurt and why does it matter?". Shortly I was called back into the office and issued a first and last warning regarding the matter, as it was alleged he was calling on my behalf!? They then told me the other guy had been terminated on the spot, as they also had an sms sent off another managers phone, that he sent a few days earlier asking about getting on after work... (which the manager let him use the phone!?) My mind is still blown, and I am so angry. Stupid asskissin' manager motherfuckers just ruined a guys life, made mine hell for a while, and all for nothing that harmed them, its retail FFS! Ah well it felt better getting it off my chest at least. Thanks for listening and post in here when you have a terrible day :-) D00d
  5. 1 point
    Pete, mate I would recommend sourcing these seeds from within our country mate as I believe they are illegal to import..
  6. 1 point
    True. Gotta keep ur work and social life VERY separate. Being known as a stoner doesn't help ur job at all. Even if something breaks an it's not ur fault or u fuk something up, u will always be the "stoner" who is the cause of the problem. Tell noone, it's none of their business anyway. But above all, don't mention drugs or take drugs into your workplace. Hope ur mate (and you) have learned ur lesson ! ( I had to learn it Around ten times b4 the penny drops) At my work, I'm the straightest guy there, just ask my boss ;) One must learn to fly incognito, if one is going to reliably place food on the table. Edit- I wouldn't be to friendly toward your so called mate for dogging u, though I guess learn from that experience.
  7. 1 point
    Either way u look at it psyllo, fuking a pig is wrong with a black OR a white cock. So please, for the love of all that is good in the world, stop.
  8. 1 point
    I guess the 'black man talking about drugs' line could lead to generalisations but it was actually the opposite. I was surprised that rather than a hairy, glassy eyed stoner, this guy was a clean cut black guy in a work uniform. I even know his name (name tag still attached). LOL. he told his friend how good people on this site are at IDing them. I thiought about reporting him to his manager or his parents. Such a fine, upstanding man shouldnt sully his mind with serotoxic indoles. He might not like what he finds...
  9. 1 point
    *pictures this little Lego dude shuffling to the pub.
  10. 1 point
    and people wonder why we try and keep this info/ species in the family.
  11. 1 point
    “I’ve lived in this area for 11 years and we know everyone on the street accept that house. great spelling and grammar
  12. 1 point
    whilst I would dearly miss the immensely joyful experience of housework, I'm certain that won't be spiritually poorer for it if I never scrub a toilet again in my life. And to hire a woman for cleaning it stimulates the economy, feeds her children, and might just stop her from selling her minge to a dirty, rough street Joe just so she can put her kids through school. If I presently lived in a country with less opportunities for locals, I would have several staff to cook, clean and drive for me and not feel a single pang of guilt, knowing that their employment (cheap as it is to me) is of benefit rather than exploitation. On the other hand, it's the exploited poor that we don't have direct control over that cause concern. I was in a variety store (Kmart or Target or some such) yesterday, and they had jeans for $8. EIGHT ! These retail giants don't give their stock away, and make a tidy profit, so too does the supplier. Who are the poor bastards on the other end of the denim route? They must be getting about 10 cents per pair of duds made. With the Chinese economy in overdrive, and industry pumelling along, everything's getting CHEAPER as the years progress. I'm aware of this being mentioned earlier, I am just putting my own spin on it. If we are ALL responsible by our buying actions, in the exploitation of the poor, then unless I remove myself entirely from the cycle, any token gesture of moral abstinence is rather trite. Quite frankly, I cannot afford to pay $500 for a pair of Australian made boots (I'm talking RM Williams) where worker conditions are of a high standard, when the same shoe from Asia can be had for 1/5th of the price. What to do?
  13. 1 point
    Im loving the texture of the stingray leather in Applesnail's link. I might buy some to use as a visual aid during psychedelic journeys Thanks for the link ! The only people that can really create a fuss are the vegans & vegetarian members. Everyone else, if you eat meat, then you aren't obliged to feel guilt at having a mammoth scrotum for your Hummer's car seat covers, a baby giraffe's neck as a snooker cue bag and a parasol of porpise pelt.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    possibly rehashed, apologies if so
  16. 1 point
    aww, those poor white western kids, fighting for their next meal...
  17. 1 point
    My girlfriends father (since passed) had very bad MS. After he would smoke a joint or eat a weed brownie his symptoms were noticeably less. Why do the researchers sound so disappointed that the trial proved THC to improve the quality of life of MS sufferers? Surely decreased symptoms of this terrible disease is a positive result.
  18. 1 point
    Wooden light bulb http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57442196-1/wooden-light-bulb-shines-like-saurons-eye/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=title
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    For all younguns who do not know (and frankly won't be told) once upon a time there lived the Commonwealth Department of Health who ruled the kingdom of drugs and poisons with the "Ten Commandants" known as "Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons" that came out annually. Plants - as hippy nonsense -didn't get much mention - but the tax and excise control of chemical commodities, their laboratory underwriting for insurance, liability, profit and marketability did. The commandants are:- SCHEDULE ONE - Poisons of such danger to life as to warrant their being available only from medical practitioners, dentists, veterinary surgeons, pharmacists or persons licensed to sell S1 poison....e.g. Antimony, Bromine, Mercury (and wolfsbane, belladonna, hensbane, datura, brugsmansia, nux vomica, lobelia, stramonium, savin, phosphorus, tansy, etc. are specifically mentioned) SCHEDULE TWO- Poisons for therapeutic use that should be available to the public only from pharmacies; or persons licensed to sell S2 poisons...e.g.acetyldihydrocodeine, benzocaine, chloroform, ddt, doxylamine, ethylmorphine, iodine, lindane, vet grade pseudoephedrine, etc. SCHEDULE THREE - Poisons for therapeutic use that are dangerous or are so liable to abuse as to warrant their availability to the public being restricted to supply by pharamacists or medical, dental or vet. Professional S3 for dispensing - known as OTC.. Pseudoephedrine is notably S3 - take a doctor's prescription for it and the pharmacist will rip it up. It is under Schedule 3 - not Schedule 4 - how else will the cops chase up the speed lab? It's all about catching crims, not stopping supply! SCHEDULE FOUR - Prescription only. Pharmacist has little power over S4. Many 'doctor shoppers' stay here. SCHEDULE FIVE - Poisons that must be available but require caution in handling, storage and use. Most of industry (99% of the bulk of scheduling) is here. Caustic, ammonia, acetic acid and anhydride, Arsenic, Barium, Roundup, Industrial acids, ketones, phosphorus acids, etc. by the 40t unit. SCHEDULE SIX - The classic poisons. Anything that takes less than 2g to ruin health. Everything here is suicidial. SCHEDULE SEVEN - all my R&D favorites - poisons of exceptional danger - where toxicological information is incomplete or unknown. Exceptional precautions in handling. E.g. 4-aminopyridine, fluroacetic acid, methylbromide, (nicotine at the levels I research at), paraquat, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Thallium, Vinyl Chloride, really a whole load of stuff you should not have heard of. SCHEDULE EIGHT - Dangerous drugs of addiction. Need I say more? SCHEDULE NINE <@ i actually designed the label! S9 - Outlawed substance, subject to government control. No minimum for procession - merest trace of presence will do. Schedule "sin bin" for everything that will never be recognised on the schedule. No therapeutic use - but not exactly poison. Cannabis is here - hence why all the "Holy Smokin' JeWHovah" analogs were not capable of being called "drugs" either....they were plant hormones for bonzai...interesting loophole while it lasted. There is all manner of safety warnings, label requirements, MSDS, etc. that go with scheduling. You'll notice every part of it is about supply, sale, correct taxing, etc. little about consumption. I had heard they were re-engineering the whole system. I'm retired from the industry, leaving others to become very, very busy people! They didn't know what they were doing before, I doubt they do now. They think that by making more subroutines, more discussion, more devolving, more complexity that they will make it more simple? Little changes, as much as it stays the same in their status quo. Will they ever get around to scheduling tobacco or cannabis - they've had several centuries. A little more "committee" speed things up? When all it takes is decisive open decision making. Haven't they heard of the dialectic materialism between themselves and the people? I come to this forum for information, because they cannot provide it. Get yourself off to a fully expenses paid Pharmaceutical Company convention in Las Vegas. There they indulge all the young medicos to try their new chems on human subjects with bonus points. Free samples! holidays! bribes! The money those drug manufacturers make! - legally or illegally there fortunes to be made (and competition to kneecap) - if you're a soulless capitalist! Now that's the way modern health is dispensed! Big Pharm rules! - I feel safer already! Folks - I write to this forum largely because I do not have $40K handy to lay down to Therapeutic Goods every time I have a good idea.
  22. 1 point
    The TGA is a corporation. A statutory corporation, but nonetheless a corporation. It has always resisted being involved in the regulation of non therapeutics because it is the therapeutics industry member fees that fund the processes. So essentially companies like Pfizer pay for the scheduling and enforcement of S9 drugs. One effect this has had is that the TGA was always overly cautious simply because it had to and because it had nothing to lose by being so. The new structure is more democratic. The responsibility falls directly at the delegate of the elected government minister, ie the minister himself. The minister is answerable for any fuck ups. While we still have a drug paranoid government this has resulted in there being not much change from the previous approach, but this may not always be the case in the future. The whole process has also become a lot more open and there are now many more submissions from interested parties that are not pharmaceutical companies. Anyone can have an input. Again, not that it has much effect right now, but it does serve to put positions on record that may not be tenable in the future. The kava scheduling is one such situation.
  23. 1 point
    i will elaborate with pictures... i tried this earliaer but got a cannot use that file extension problem... so obviously, i will do it one image at a time... nice and slowly. i am supposed to be compiling this into a promo for 'the facility' that i will oneday construct for the week long DMT integration sessions... union is you... here are some of my visions... i was shown this place once by these kinda black stick figure creatures who could rotate their limbs in all directions and were perfectly calm and knew exactly how to move me to show me specific things held within my muscle memories... they were trying to transform me into one of them and recreate my imagination as a blank slate... like resetting my karma so i could be a new person and be 'forgiven' of all my habits and desires that were needless or contrary to my fulfillment as a being of and in God. ok... images... http://www.unfettere...g/mindtraining/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7de9mqu8Rw&feature=related
  24. 1 point
    Hello Yes it is illegal to import, own, make, store, look at, talk about, research, grow, consume, cook, prepare, touch, hold or sing to a cannabis seed. Awesome first post. Welcome to Australia, Earth. The year is 2012 AD.
  25. 1 point
    nothing to clarify. Kratom in all forms is illegal in all states. Quarantine treatment processes have nothing to do with drug law, so it makes no difference how long it is treated. AQIS approval has no bearing on legality, it's just about quarantine risks. Sounds like this guy should not be in that business as he obviously has no idea.