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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/09/11 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Demand all you like, but I can't see how that would be in any way relevant. Some people don't feel that death suddenly puts people beyond criticism, and for all the good gom did in this community there is also plenty to counter balance that for people who knew him well enough. While I personally don't think memorial threads are the place to bring up such issues, I am not going to impose that on others, however I do ask that it is done with minimal impact for the ones grieving. I think it would be nice to focus here on his generosity to this community, which is beyond question.
  2. 2 points
    Sad to see another good one gone. For the shit stirrers and insulters I'd just like to point out something to ponder upon- isnt it odd how when one has a bad day for oneself they excuse their crankiness and course attitude as excusable because its a bad day but they never give that concession to others. Of course Gom had bad days now and then, everyone does, and some travel an even harder road than others.
  3. 2 points
    Actually, death (the end of life) is one of the only things that can be fully explained by science. Death just doesn't make sense to egotistic individuals who consider there own existence somehow more significant than than the life that surrounds them. Peace
  4. 2 points
    I won't let a few years of gom hating me (that sentiment was never mutual) get in the way of remembering the good times and the generosity and passion Will had for this community. Will, little Oscar and Denis in 2004 at EB4.
  5. 1 point
    Nowhere near copious amounts of people, please. I would much rather meet in a park somewhere, I like the idea of going to the Brooklyn/Berowra area, they have some nice views and parks over there.
  6. 1 point
    The poster of #9 does, I believe, know his shit about legal status of various imports. You should run with that as the best answer. And anyway, the topic isnt about legality of possession, its regarding importation. Theres plenty of 100% legal plant material/seeds/substances that cant be imported into Aus. So by your logic I can have a kilo brick of heroin shipped to me from Afghanistan, and as long as its marked to "Joe Bloggs" I'll be safe if it gets intercepted ?
  7. 1 point
    Haha, yes. It's an awesome vid for sure. But I think someone may have beat you to it. Here http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=26085 and here http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=24391 and here http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21612 Think that's about all of them. Oh no wait, also here http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18360 and one more http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17801
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    this is what my EGA talk was going to be on this year, but i decided to pull out. my theory is that CO2 levels trigger release of an endogenous NMDA antagonist, possibly kynurenic acid and it's this drug that's responsible for the NDE. the reason for the release of this drug would be to protect the brain from excitotoxicity, which occurs when the brain is hypoxic. because the brain is actually more sensitive to changes in CO2 than it is oxygen, CO2 administration e.g. carbogen would evoke a NDE too.
  10. 1 point
    wouldn't it be funny if a 3 tonne piece fell on the north korean presidential palace and started ww3.
  11. 1 point
    mr pink, what can ya' say about mr pink, I think he already summed that up in his post.. Will Rekowski was a good man, pink, some of us aren't as nice as him, get it!!
  12. 1 point
    i remember getting my first computer in about 1998/99 and stumbling across some dude called gomaos whilst internet surfing, at that particular time i didnt really know much about more obscure ethno's such as hbwr..i specifically remember emailing gomaos at shamanaustralis and i like yesterday remember a place called gomaos garden gif which was on the front page here i think. i never personally knew him besides a few seeds here and there, i saw a glimpse of his garden once in qld on a pic somewhere and it looked awesome. this feels fairly sad to me in the limited knowledge i have, the floods ruining his work, his subsequent relocation......maybe he was getting his life back on track, maybe it was all too much of a change. who knows......the only thing you can do is think of him in the best of light as i think this is the best of human nature when somebody passes away, i always wondered what he looked like too and strangely thats exactly what i thought he might look like. feel sad for that little kid too he looks like a champ, hopefully he remembers his dad and the happy things for the rest of his life. all the best gom. and whoever that is negging 5 or 6 heart felt sympathies here i feel a ban coming on, if not i demand one...........wrong place, wrong time whoever that is. i have no fear of a neg but your an idiot.
  13. 1 point
    i'm surprised the herald sun didn't run with a headline like "new discovery blows hole in light speed alarmists hoax"
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    They've messed up somewhere. These kind of things appear from time to time, but the results are never independently repeated. Also, the source is Herald-Sun, so they've probably gotten the story wrong or just made it up.
  16. 1 point
    It is a sad world when weapons and Pharmacutical companies are the only winners in War, and you can't forget about the oil. I know people that fled from Iraq and they said when American illegally invaded they took a lot of ancient Occult artifacts, like the door of Bablyon and replaced it with a fake. This is a holy war and the last Crusade, the muslim and islamic people have won may of these crusade I think the figure is 9 out of 10, When Obama-nation read from the bible on the annaversiary of 9/11 It made it very clear to me that this is another Holy Crusade, Muslim V Christian. All people are just that people and we all bleed,eat, shit and reproduce. Hopefully love will bring us together in the end, as hate will lead us all to the destruction of our race and potentially our planet. I do believe that our Planet will treat us as a disease if we don't start learning from the native peoples on how to respect Gia as the earth has a spirt just like us, and not rape, pillage or destroy her for profit. Thats why so much money is spent on space exploration, because they know they are destroying this planet and the resource will dry up one day. Love is the best energy of all
  17. 1 point
    No offence intended here, but do you guys seriously get a kick out this? I just googled minecraft to see what this was all about, saw that 16 million people and counting are using this program and watched a vid on what it's about. Am I wrong, or is it a very time consuming way of building digital 3D models? If I've judged it correctly, I'd have trouble even imagining a bigger waste of time. Please enlighten me.
  18. 1 point
    There is no separate ratings feature that could be used for this and in any case it could easily be abused [eg by shell accounts]. I like the idea of having discussions about someone's reputation. That way it is possible to address particular issues. for example if a trader gets a bad reputation because he takes risks such as sending overseas where many parcels just don't arrive, then this should be possible to be explained rather than there being an anonymous poz/neg. However, the last thing I'd want is for the trading forum to get swamped with "do y'all love me" kinda threads like one that was posted recently. These threads need to be in a separate place. So how about we set up a subforum in the trade space which is strictly for reputation discussion only? That way if someone wants to post about someone else or if they want feedback about themselves, this can be posted there. That way comments will have a date and a source which makes it much more meaningful. And it might also make people less timid about asking for the rep of a trader they are getting worried about, ie it might prevent some of the logn term scams we've had in the last year or two. And if someone posts about someone who already ahs a thread then the threads can simply be merged to keep things tidy. As this would fall within the responsibilities of the trade forum mod or a separate mod for that subforum we would need to discuss that with him or whoever it will be. Comments?
  19. 1 point
    Ok so I figured I'd go with the popular consensus and stick with the shotgun for now and see how it goes. The tub is now in my room, much cleaner, warmer, and less drafty compared to the previous room. Just pondering about the light placement since the tub has a black top that doesn't let much light through but high up on the side seems to work alright, what do you guys think? Still no cakes in it as of yet but I cant wait
  20. -1 points
    A trillion open holes, instead of 8 good, polyfilled holes.. is a crap idea imo. Its just dumb. Time wasting, and asking for contams Better than expensive perlite crap too, which when dry will f*ck u up solid, is to simply spawn to bulk poo, a couple of inches thick lined in iso'd garbage bags. The shrooms will be gargantuan compared to trays, and the humidity will work itself out. In fact, the idea with that one is that u spawn and fruit in the same tub and don't open it until you've got a massive forest canopy : )
  21. -1 points
    condelences to his family firstly my mother said if you dont have anything nice to say you shouldnt say anything at all so i wont
  22. -1 points
    mathematics doesnt actually exist, its only a figment of the human imagination so of course it is possible, if this is so then the speed of light is only a measure of the imagination too which in that regard is limitless.................plausible yes.