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Lsd - mushrooms

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Have any gnomes here tried the tabs with pharaoh on it? My gnome tried one last nite, and he didn't have any visuals at all.

Just wondering if there are gnomes who have tried it, and can tell me what they experienced with it.

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my gnome reckons that RD's where the way to go. And yep there was a decline in quality at the end of the milenia compared to 95 96 97 although he cant speak from recent experiance.

He reckons that others that deserve an honourable mention where daffys( good laughers), raptors(laughy as well some shimmers), gnashes( 1 for shimmers 2 or 3 for geometrics), fat freddies and gettafixes ( got good after a couple). He also reckons he was a bit young to worry chemical content.

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A friend of my neighbours uncles brother-in-laws sisters dad, whos name was Apu Thekeri, the only acid he had ever tried was a Dilbert.

He spent most of the day with friends, went for a wander outside...and watched the moon melt anti-clockwise.

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A gnome I know has been taking acid for a long time and has had it all (papers, liquid, sugar cubs and jellys). There is not much real acid going around at the moment that he knows of, but last New years eve he was lucky enough to get he's hands on some microdots. It was the best acid he has ever done (the best high he has ever had for that matter). A total out of body experience, there are probaly alot of fake ones going around, but the ones he did was REAL acid. He dident start feeling the effects till about 2 hours after taking it and peaked for well over 8 hours, and was still feeling minor effects 24 hours later.

IF anyone wants to get there hands on real acid look for microdots (they look like mini lighter flints.

When you take real acid you will know it, and feels nothing like any other drug.

Comparing Mushrooms to REAL acid is like Comparing Marijuana to cocaine.

It can change the way you think forever and while you are peaking you will be fighting with your mind to stay sane, but yet will be the best feeling you have ever had (if you dont flip out)

ITS THE DRUGS OF DRUGS God bless Albert Hoffman.

But then again I think its a good thing its so hard to get (It can truely take you to a place where you will never return, if your mind is not strong enough.

Most people who have told me of there experience with lucy, I think were given some other powerful drug but most of there experiences does not compare to the out of body experience that you get from taking Hoffmans magical substance.

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jabez - hmmmm, forensic records tell a different story. most acid on the larket is indeed real LSD. So where does that leave your theory? the answer is probably in contaminants and byproducts, but no one really knows. And yes, there is some non-LSD 'acid' around too, but it is certainly rare.

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jabez, the thing is, there aren't many other drugs that will do anything to you in microdot or tab dosage.

Maybe sugar cube or liquid or jellies, but the size of a microdot or tab only allows for microgram sized dosages really.

So if people are taking those, and feel any effects, it's almost 100% certainly acid. Some of it might be degraded to iso-lsd from heat/light exposure, but yeah.

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probably the biggest contributor is just concentration tho... as was mentioned earlier in this post

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On the topic of what goes around in/on blotters, I thought this may be interesting for some people to see.

Its a list of tabs with their pictures, various contents and concentrations recorded by the US Gov scanned from the DEA's Mircogram, Vol XX, No.7, July 1987

The LSD Blotter Index.PDF

And I posted this because I just saw it and thought it was a funny coincidence...




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anyone else had the minty liquid going round, its wicked, had a few drops plus a pharoah and was seeing fireworks everywhere, Only problem was my brother decided to put his fist through a window and I had to spend the whole morning waiting in a hospital tripping balls. Anyone else had similar incidents while on psychedelics? one of my friends said one of his mates lost it on mushies and turneed onb them all with a baseball bat. psychedelics aren't for everyone.

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1466 looks like the prime choice

bet they were in bat country!!!

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yeh impurities either added purposely (ALD-52, speed, PCP, DOM...), or unintentionaly through backyard synthesis and thus poor purification without the use of chromatography (other ergot alkaloids)

I know most people already know this, but for the few who continue to say stuff like this, YOU CANNOT FIT AN ACTIVE DOSE OF SPEED ONTO A 1x1 cm SQUARE OF PAPER. That goes for almost every other illicit drug too. About the only drug you could fit onto a tab that could be mistaken for acid is DOB, which lasts about twice as long. (or maybe this 5-MeO AMT stuff, but I don't know much about that)

Also, you can't make LSD in your bathtub. If you have the chemical knowledge to make it at all, you could probably handle the purification with your eyes closed.



LSD is always dissolved before application - even when pipetted. The circular lines of dropped sheets are only visible under strong black light (bank note checker).


I wouldn't recommend using this method to check your paper - UV light isn't good for your LSD.



As for LSD in a liquid form, i would imagine that it would be very unstable if not stored in a perfect environment and could possibly break down , thus giving different experiences ?


LSD is unstable anyway, and while it's possible that there is some breakdown product that is active in microgram doses, it's more likely that the only difference will be in strength.

I think the majority of claims of different "types" of acid are just due to set & setting - as with any other experience, it depends on where you are, who you're with, and your mental state. Claiming that it's not "real acid", just because the experience is different to the last one is foolishness - sex is always different, but you don't claim that it's not "real sex" just because it's not as good as last time.

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SWIM told me that lots of the microdots that get around are the contams/precipitates resulting from certain processes during either lsa or lsd manufacture.

SWIM's friend then told me that the colour of the liquid involved is a good indicator of purity, and that the degrading of lsd to another compound from bad storage/exposure is responsible for the 'gritty' feeling often experienced from paper (i.e dilbert scat).

The two of them then went on to tell me that there are various microgram conc. of lsd aroudn at the moment, depending on batch and form.

Apparently there is some liquid with a 250ug conc. that is amber or clear in appearance. They also said that the gettafix's are available in 500ug and 240ug conc...

Not me would be extremely interested in being able to confirm SWIM's claims, and also in developing a method to scientifically analyse the conc. of lsd i the many forms available..

If anyone knows of a reliable method of testing conc. please share..

peace, and b carefull people, i witnessed some scary scary shit on the weekend due to an individuals apparent realisation of schizophrenia whilst under the influence of the stars of david...


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LSD liquid ? Surely it's a tincture of LSD , LSD salts disolved in a liquid. :confused:

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LSD-25 breaks down to iso-LSD(-25?) that is inactive.

Breakdowns wouldn't give a different experience, only a less potent one.

[ 07. April 2005, 13:54: Message edited by: apothecary ]

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Contaminates of lsd process?

until i hear about the different chemicals having any effects at all i'll put it down to human ignorance of how different each experience always is with lsd. a Gnome of mine tried a blotter that was too faded to make out the picture on it and had an amazing time, then tried the a blotter from the same sheet and almost went over the edge, but the crop circles made out of ancient glyphs that everyone under the influence saw made it all worthwhile.

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is it possible that there is some kind of effect from the dyes used?

the only reason i say this is not because of -Ignorance, more so curiousity. I understand that set, setting, and dosage are the main prevailing influences on an lsd experience...

What i am trying to understand is why some people describe certain paper as- clean, and -dirty.... I.e there is definately a distinguishing feature of quality involved, sometimes certain batches are very clean with little if any undesirable physical effects, whereas others have definite 'dirty' or 'gritty' characteristics....

And yes when i am refferring to 'liquid' i am refferring to dissolved crystals... commonly 'liquid' is available as a concentrate, i.e sometimes up to 750ug per drop... i also believe the solute is some kind of alcohol although i cant say for sure.

[ 07. April 2005, 15:12: Message edited by: min(E)rval ]

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From _Psychedelic Chemistry_ by M.V.Smith, 2nd edition p 5:


"There is a great deal of superstition regarding purification of


psychedelics. Actually, any impurities which may be present as a


result of synthetic procedures will almost certainly be without any


effect on the trip. If there are 200 micrograms oof LSD in a


tablet, there could only be 200 mics of impurities present even if


the LSD was originally only 50% pure (assuming nothing else has


been added), and few compounds will produce a significant effect


until a hundred to a thousand times this amount has been ingested.


Even mescaline, which has a rather specific psychedelic effect,


requires about a thousand times this amount."


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I reckon its cos sometimes they feel clean and sometimes they make you feel dirty, not that that is a good or a bad thing, sometimes I quite like to feel a little dirty, either way its never as bad as the head cold goo you get when boiling up cactus. my instant graemlins don't work but if they did i'd use the green one. HAs anyone had the green minty liquid that looks like listerine but is definately not listerine? If you haven't but get the chance give it a go.

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erm 94? I dunno where to check the post count for the thread. :P

It's obvious that if ever there was a drought it has now ended. Everyone make the most of it. It'd be a shame to miss out and have to wait another few hundred years (slight exageration).

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LSD is unstable anyway, and while it's possible that there is some breakdown product that is active in microgram doses, it's more likely that the only difference will be in strength. --thankyou, this is what i've been saying all along. while i can't attribute age to 'side effects' i am 101% sure that the main reason for a difference in 'strength' from one blotter to another is oxidisation---one reason why microdots retain their "legendary" status.

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I'm not going to skim this thread again, but I don't think anyone had mentioned the possibility of salvinorin? Obviously you wouldn't mistake it for acid if it were the only active on a tab, but perhaps a small amount along with an active dose of acid would alter the experience - I wonder if anyone has done this?



is it possible that there is some kind of effect from the dyes used?


Some commercial food/medicine dyes used in Oz have been known to produce allergic reactions, but I don't think any are psychoactive, at least not in the tiny dose you'd get from a blotter or a few drops of solution.



What i am trying to understand is why some people describe certain paper as- clean, and -dirty....

As I said earlier, it is possible that there is some hitherto unidentified compound that is either a breakdown product of LSD or a by-product of the sythesis, which is psychoactive in microgram quantities and is only present in some batches.

However, a simpler, and in my view, more plausible explanation is that the qualities of the trip are entirely dependent on the set and setting. And remember that this doesn't just mean your mood and environment, but also how much sleep you've had, what you've been thinking about, when and what you've eaten recently, what time of day/night it is, what drugs you've consumed over the last few days, your personal metabolism, your expectations, etc. - in short, any factor which might affect how fast you absorb the drug, where it will act when it's been absorbed (which may be affected by, for eg., other illicit drugs, or antidepressants), and how you might respond to its effects.

When you consider all the variables here, it's amazing that people's experiences are as consistent as they are.

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According to Hoffman, whom I would say is probably something of an authority on the issue (understatement) LSD-25 breaks down into iso-LSD-25, which is inactive.

If there was a another breakdown, he would know about it. As it stands, it goes ALD-25 -> LSD-25 -> iso-LSD-25 (as far as I know).

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the only acid my gnome has tried is pharoahs. he got visuals but being only his 1st time no tollerance wot so eva. but an interesting thought tropanes make you hallucinate real hallucinations so y not a so tropane blotter if it were standardised that would take away the scaryness associated with tropane plants becoz of there variablility in alkaloid content would it not

[ 16. May 2005, 13:53: Message edited by: ergoamide ]

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