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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by bok

  1. I running out of room so I ve got some plants for swaps, nothin all that interesting. Dragon fruit, a couple of small plants red fruit and red fleshed variety, apparentley the best tasting of the bunch not to be confused with the supermarket red fruit white fleshed variety. And if you want cuttings my dragon fruit is going crazy and its a pop to strike. Rungia Klossi, Mushroom plant tastes allright. Gotu Kola, some small ones Brahmi, some small ones and a menthu australis, Brisvegas mint love to swap for other dfruit species. [ 03. April 2005, 09:37: Message edited by: bok ]
  2. bok

    Germinating Trichs or Lophs

    Have faith, keep at it. Ive been trying for a year to get good results. I put a tray full down a month ago for three germinations. I also nursed 2 lophs through a winter germination to have my dog eat them, sux.
  3. bok

    Germination Mediums

    hello greeny, I found that bottom heat is the key but i dont no if you need it this time of year. I put some lophs, trichs and pachycereus down a few weeks ago, on bottom heat using plain searles propagation sand. I usually get about 10% to germinate. But I think when I brought my seeds I got some older less viable seeds in some varietys cause they never germinate and throw my germination rates out. I definatley think fungicide is a must, I use half strength once a week.
  4. bok

    Should I cut this?

    Ive got a pachanoi grown from a small cutting and it has a similar problem as the one in the pic. The bottom is the same 30mm diameter as when it was planted and the top is almost triple the size. Should I hack it off as well?
  5. bok

    salivation plant

    I was watching wild boys on mtv, and the hosts were being guided through the Amazon by a tribal shaman. They were sampling various plants that did crazy things. One of the plants eaten caused them to salivate heaps, Im talking drooling everywhere. Does anybody have an idea what this plant could be and if I can obtain one.
  6. bok

    Looking For Plants To Buy/Trade

    I can help with some withania sominifera cuts, these are so easy to get to strike ( Im talking pelargonium easy). Ive also got an acorus gramineus if you want. Ive never had any trouble with the last vendor on c12h16n2's list, just a little on the expensive side for harder to get botanicals.
  7. bok

    salivation plant

    I tried it. The 4 largest leaves on the plant , I masticated them for around two minutes. I dont spilanthes acmella is the one. Is there any other ideas?
  8. bok

    Brisbane EB Group RIP, wake up

    Are you guys still taking noobies on board.
  9. bok

    salivation plant

    Thanxs for the help. It probably was a Spilanthes acmella but from the info I just read it could also be Spilanthes alba or Spilanthes ocymifolia cause they are native to S America too. Any way Ill just wait for the inevitable repeat. The other weekend I got an ususpecting friend to rub two buds from my tootheache plant on his teeth, it was classic, but I was to busy laughing my arese off to notice if he was drooling. So I guess ill try some and see.
  10. bok

    Chocolate Mint Plants

    pepermint and chocolate mint are two separate, well extremely closely related plant variants. I agree they are filth in milk, peppermint can be a bit strong tho.
  11. bok

    Common edible & medicinal herbs

    I collect anything that can be used by humans to.Ive got a couple of different st johns worts. a small leaf runner one and a larger leaved bushy variety. The ealier takes from cuttings easy as the later is a bit moody but still takes. Its nasty stuff tho, sure you feel good for a few hours but after that its headache time. What mints do you want ?I got Apple basil spear common citrus peppermint chocolate mint native probably got a couple i cant even remember. If you want any others i got heaps of varietys of tyme, oregano, rosemarys, a few of the more common sages. galangal, yellow ginger, cardamon, waragal spinach heaps more too.
  12. Just lookin for a specimen, a book ive been reading rates it as one of the herbs that changed the world. Dont got much to trade tho.
  13. bok

    Papaver Somniferum Seeds Wanted

    Ill have heaps in spring. Grandma has been growing them for years, she likes the flowers. They just apear in the garden this time every year. They are the initial reason for my interest in ethnoplants. However they are the double flower ones. Are these still active?
  14. bok

    Rauwolfia serpentina

    Do they cope alright if they are taken inside over night.
  15. bok

    Miracle Berry

    In a first year vet lecture we were told maccas burgers were post 3rd lactation dairy cows, we also export the same meat to america for burgers, Hence 'export quality beef'. For interests sake european maccas burgers are produced from holstien fresian cows ( run of the mill dairy breed) in Turkey. In turkey an animal does not die of foot and mouth or perhaps BSE unless it is reported at the feedlot, once its at the abitior its butchered even if it was transported dead from the feed lot. But that was 2 years ago, Turkey might have improved there standards by now . Veal on the other hand is majority male dairy calves, boys dont lactate you see. I apologise for this not being about plants.
  16. bok

    lophophora williamsi wanted

    That guy at rocklea has always got a cupple interesting cacti. But hes a bit shifty. I asked for a loph from him, he said he only had one and they were hard for him to get, charged me 15 dollars I walked away did another lap came back there was another sitting there with a 10 dollar tag on it. I went home and washed the sucker stamp off my forehead so I wouldnt get caught again. He also told me it was the texisomething strain, but I cant find any good pics to cross reference. I just got my first 4 seedlings up 3rd time lucky. [ 07. May 2005, 05:08: Message edited by: bok ]
  17. bok

    winter and watering

    Sweet I was just about to ask the same question. Cheers for doing the hard work jasemateau. From what Ive just read I think ill keep watering until the first cold snap, should be soon.
  18. I have attempted on 3 occasions now to grow lophs,trichs and others from seed. Ive tried cactus mix and all I got was fungus. Now Im trying seed raising mix and still nothing after 3 weeks. I ve experimented with glass propagation domes big plastic snap bags as prop domes. The temperature should be good its been consistantly 20 degrees at night and 30ish during the day. They are positioned only to get direct sun until about 8 or 9 in the morning. All the plastic except for the snap bags was boiled to sterilise. I wet the soil after putting seed on top to cover the seed and sit the pot in about 1 cm of water. Iam also having trouble with ephedra germination. Out of 20 ephedras, 20 ish cactus and 5 peganum hamalas Ive got 1 peganum seedling. I am pulling my hair out which isnt good cause Im loosing it anyways.
  19. bok

    Help me to stop killing seeds

    140 big ones, I probably got burned but what can a inexperianced gardener do? I got my hands on some alloy box section to make a light stand for grow lights. Its going to be placed over the top of my heat mat. What size and type lights should I use and how high above the heat mat should I make it. Oh yeah, that coffe table ken awsome smogs.
  20. bok

    Help me to stop killing seeds

    bottoms up, a quick trip down the road to a hydro supplier and the significant weight reduction of my wallet. I now have bottom heat with an adjustible knob on the side for good looks. but it works a treat and over 48 hrs 3 seedlings poped up. The only problem is it took about 10 mins to fill the whole pad with cuttings and I didnt get a chance to through down any more cacti. cheers guys a bit of guidance has improved my success by 200% :D
  21. bok

    Lsd - mushrooms

    my gnome reckons that RD's where the way to go. And yep there was a decline in quality at the end of the milenia compared to 95 96 97 although he cant speak from recent experiance. He reckons that others that deserve an honourable mention where daffys( good laughers), raptors(laughy as well some shimmers), gnashes( 1 for shimmers 2 or 3 for geometrics), fat freddies and gettafixes ( got good after a couple). He also reckons he was a bit young to worry chemical content.
  22. bok

    Help me to stop killing seeds

    cheers smogs I got some anti fungal gear the other week but Ive got issues with chemicly interfering with things, so I havent used any yet. I didn't get any mouldy slime on the 2nd and 3rd trials but I still may have over done the water. Sharp sand? I read this every where, it just means go to the beech and grab a bucket full dosent it. Ive read that I should soak seed for 48 hrs reckon itll help?
  23. bok

    Wanter: Vanilla orchid

    has anyone tried pollenating vanilla? Its sounds like a bit of an operation. and if youve tried pollenating and got fruit has anyone tried to cure vanilla beans. I read up on it months ago and from what I remember youve got to boil them then place them in the sun for a few hours a day decreasing over a couple of months.
  24. bok

    Pressure Cooker

    Are presure cookers those pot things that have a lid with a bakelite handle that joins back to the pot handle (how articulate). If they are the lifeline down the road from my house has heaps, well 4 or 5.
  25. bok


    I went to the big pineapple this year cause the big day out was sold out, I had to do something big. on the pineapple train ride the anouncer said propogation from the tops was how they did it. And that it should take 12 to 18 months for fruit to form. He also said that the fruit decrease in size at each consecutive fruiting. Of the two species I grow at home the smooth leaved variety fruits the quickest and the biggest. Yay educational train rides work