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One of the most critical elements in creating a successful legal market is ensuring that the regulated businesses usurp long-established illicit market operators, said Tom Adams, managing director of industry intelligence for BDS Analytics, which tracks and analyzes cannabis industry sales. High taxes and onerous regulations can hinder the ability to drive illicit sales into the  legal market, he said, noting California's ongoing struggles to combat non-licensed operators.


"If regulators are not careful, they actually make life better for illicit market operators," he  said.




Now, members of California's cannabis industry are sending an S.O.S. to the state capitol, saying they're struggling to compete against black market operators who don't have to meet stringent regulations or pay taxes and fees. They're urging leaders to make swift regulatory changes or risk the collapse of their emerging industry.

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Hahaha... they thought they could step in and charge $20 a gram for plant flowers and everyone would buy it because they are legal, overnight millionaires right?


I'm glad the monopolisation\capitalisation of it is failing for them.


In other states the prices are even more ridiculous. I saw this posted on another forum recently. This is the price of shatter on the first day of legalisation in Idaho.


pic of docket here


Cunts be dreaming.



Edited by Northerner
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I seem to remember hearing a while back that there was a forecast predicting flowers would be $1 per gram in Washington before too long. Just old fashioned oversupply, but it is a weed at the end of the day.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This type of shit is exactly the problem with politicians and drug policy in Australia:




Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has ruled out decriminalising drugs despite a new report saying it would cut the state's record rate of incarceration and save hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year


Let's just keep ignoring the evidence and experts aye? Seems to be going well... FUCKWITS!!

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^ It's worse than that mate.  Politicians routinely pull out the line "we're taking the advice of experts..." - Gladys must have muttered that phrase countless times during the bushfire crisis recently.  They only take the "advice of experts" when it either supports their own agenda or insulates them from scrutiny.  Gladys won't even consider supporting pill testing as recommended by the experts.  Climate change action is another classic example of them ignoring the experts.


Politicians. :wave-finger: Not a sincere or genuine bone in their bodies.  How do they sleep at night?

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3 hours ago, SayN said:

^ It's worse than that mate.  Politicians routinely pull out the line "we're taking the advice of experts..." - Gladys must have muttered that phrase countless times during the bushfire crisis recently.  They only take the "advice of experts" when it either supports their own agenda or insulates them from scrutiny.  Gladys won't even consider supporting pill testing as recommended by the experts.  Climate change action is another classic example of them ignoring the experts.


Politicians. :wave-finger: Not a sincere or genuine bone in their bodies.  How do they sleep at night?

Regardless of the way they behave they probably sleep really well actually. Maybe that’s the scariest part of all 

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Sooooo... I did the maths. Almost 3 billions dollars could be saved by decriminalising drug use in QLD. If we split that equally among 5 million QLDers we could all get $600 each.


I reckon if that went to a referendum, let the pot smokers do as they will and get $600 windfall the result would be a resounding yes.


I don't even smoke anyway. I just want my $600.  :lol:


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^ Or even better that 3 billion dollars went back into (honest) drug education, research, medical uses and addiction/adversity treatment - the latter for that minority of people that develop any issues.  And that's just Queensland...


Edit: Yes, I daydream a lot

Edited by SayN
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Lotta Judges, Lawyer and Police,AFP,auxiliary staff, Prison staff would be out of a job if drugs were decriminalized or as i feel our bloated government has zero right  to infringe on personal freedom so long as your not  infringing another free will.  The whole war on drugs is a farce like the war on terror or war on any other noun or inanimate object.    We follow the American model with the attempts to undermine certain groups n cultures family system by incarcerating fathers for things that aren't crimes lead to increase generational drug and criminality. Drug prohibition doesn't work much like alcohol prohibition but fact and knowledge are for Idiots it seems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sensible drug policy doesn't win votes speaking to peoples fear works so much better then there hope for a better world, they lose one group to demonize, they lose the fear of 'drug' related crimes, the fear of "Ice" psychosis and people doing things not of there nature because of drugs (Alcohol is the only thing that has done that for me every, )  sure if it was taxed and regulated and the government ensured the purity of the drugs which at Mass production are dirt cheap they would get rid of the random unknown quantity and quality of street drugs as well contaminants like mercury or other nasty side reactions like halogenated aziridines perhaps even following portugual's crazy system of treating drug addicts as human being, incentives for employers to hire drug addicts (To bad 5% unemployment is full employment go see N.A.I.R.U) and decriminalizing a crime against ones self (that mind bending concept of committing a crime against one's self)    make them way safer then Alcohol or Tobacco.    We are reward based animals, we won't inject drugs til we starve to death like mice and other primates will if give the option of selfinjecting or eating.  Our search for our place and our creator? maybe even our advanced cognition might of been helped buy the consumption of serotonin analogue in nature  allowing thoughts and perception we wouldn't conceived without there assistance.  No room for nuanced reasoning in such a discussion. Plus who want people to think outside the carefully constructed box.                                                                                                                                                        

Our closest ally(our suzerain if i'm being nice, or our colonial overload's if i'm being honest) the U.S.A are the jackbooted imperial thugs that Roosevelt swore to dismantle after WW2 they are the biggest sponsor of terror there intelligence service are always there to foster drug production and trafficking  into usually into non u.s countries so there is plenty of off the books funds to "promote democracy" in another country because overthrowing or interfering with 80+ election or ruling government since ww2 isn't enough Democracy spread. (despite Americans being adamant they are a republic)(usual for the heinous crime of not allow U.S Corporation to rapaciously steal a sovereign country wealth.  Always talking in double speak.

Luck for the U.S.A these wars like all the u.s wars since ww2 aren't ment to be won (Well i hope this isn't the best the most advanced country with near limitless amounts to spend on ways to kill people can do, remember they 'won' ww2. if you discount the Russian herculean effort moving there entire industrial base half way across the country while in steady retreat.)           , Weapons systems need testing, The Corporate oligarch (i prefer Corporate Serfdom now with the illusion of freedom and choice, plus a living standard high enough the peasant won't rebel even if they work out we aren't free) need you scared and distracted of those Crazy Muslims who hate us 'because of our freedom'     :huh:   and not because all the bullshit they sow and eventually reap.    Or those North Korean who have a handful of nukes which the us and rumsfelt(the WMD Gopher) helped them get quicker by allowing and facilitating Westinghouse to build Nuclear Reactors in a country we are and they are still at war with. same friendly guy who who helped facilitate Some of Saddam's WMD .     Or what ever the latest enemy of "freedom" is.        

  Go back to sleep and be blissfully unaware i know i sometimes wish i could.   Maybe i could even not rant and summarize my thoughts , nope that really is an unattainable goal.

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This, in contrast to QLD government's emphatic ruling-out of decriminalising drugs:




“Revenue raised in this first month will soon begin flowing back into those communities to begin repairing the damage done by the failed policies of the past and creating new opportunities for those who have been left behind for far too long,” Hutchinson said. 



Why would any QLD'er want that?? Gov knows best though aye?

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  • 4 weeks later...


“From a lack of doctor education to confusion and overlap between the states and the commonwealth, patients are losing out,” Dr Di Natale said.

“This unanimous report has recommended a range of changes to the current system to give patients access to these treatments and to give Australia’s burgeoning medicinal cannabis industry a fighting chance.

“Crucially, the Committee has recommended that if the current arrangements are not improved sufficiently enough in 12 months, the government should consider establishing an Independent Regulator of medicinal cannabis.


Gotta be better than now though aye?

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  • 1 month later...

ping @Responsible Choice

Submissions are open with the TGA for potentially downgrading the schedule for prescription cannabidiol (CBD) from a doctor at Schedule 4 to Pharmacy-only with no prescription needed (after a conversation with the pharmacist).

I hope ppl will consider making a submission for this - not the main game, but progress nonetheless. 

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I once knew a couple of cats that submitted to a similar inquiry and had their say a bit... :wink:

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3 hours ago, Responsible Choice said:

I once knew a couple of cats that submitted to a similar inquiry and had their say a bit... :wink:

It's a shame Sam Dastyari and David Lleyonhjelm both let us down with their off field antics.

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Definitely both disappointments in their own ways. Maybe we’ll have more impact going straight to the TGA. That they’d even consider it is a big deal. 

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TGA should be called the PGA, big pharma own this organisation sadly :(


They have labelled Cannabis, THC and CBD as a dangerous drugs but they will pump you full of SSRI's and Opiods. 


They know CBD will take out the Benzo market as it is a natural form that you don't widthdraw from.


In other countries you can buy CBD  from a Supermarket!!! it is proven to be safe and effective espically with epilepsy and safe for young children. It really is a miracle for some families.


Looking forward to the day all this plant bashing is finally over and Cannabis in all parts and forms is excepted for the true medicine that it is.


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With Australia in its biggest debt ever due to Covid, now is a better time than ever to fast track Cannabis legalisation. Good things can come out of bad situations :)


Time for oz to go green

Edited by sharxx101
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@sharxx101 Speak of the devil:




THE federal government has rushed through legislation that will make it easier to export medical cannabis and hemp products, to gain support from One Nation in the Senate.

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Terms of Reference

On 30 May 2019, the Legislative Council agreed to the following motion:

That this house, requires the Legal and Social Issues Committee to inquire into, consider and report, by no later than 2 March 2020, into the best means to — 

  1. prevent young people and children from accessing and using cannabis in Victoria;
  2. protect public health and public safety in relation to the use of cannabis in Victoria;
  3. implement health education campaigns and programs to ensure children and young people are aware of the dangers of drug use, in particular, cannabis use;
  4. prevent criminal activity relating to the illegal cannabis trade in Victoria;
  5. assess the health, mental health, and social impacts of cannabis use on people who use cannabis, their families and carers;

and further requires the Committee to assess models from international jurisdictions that have been successful in achieving these outcomes and consider how they may be adapted for Victoria.



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