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The Corroboree


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About Insequent

  • Birthday 12/15/1965

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    Lockyer Valley
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    Ethnobotany. Spiritualism. Pre-History. Nutrition. Psychopharmacology. Early childhood development. Addictions. Psychology. Shamanism. First nations culture. My children. Life.

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  1. https://www.vice.com/en_in/article/xgqyqw/psychedelics-can-be-used-to-treat-ptsd-finds-yet-another-clinical-trial https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-01-lingering-mood-benefit-psychedelics.html https://www.marijuanamoment.net/company-gets-trademark-for-the-word-psilocybin-frustrating-decriminalization-advocates/
  2. Inflammation https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/01/16/psychedelics-have-extraordinarily-potent-anti-inflammatory-power-is-there-a-place-for-them-in-mainstream-medicine/ A Q&A with Charles Grob https://goop.com/wellness/health/the-science-and-shamanism-of-psychedelics/ ....the title says it all... https://www.prweb.com/releases/new_discovery_in_ancient_egyptian_art_reveals_a_sophisticated_understanding_of_the_brain_and_its_role_in_consciousness/prweb16833627.htm Who'da thought...?
  3. Deep and powerful stuff, Yeti. Really enjoyed this. Thank you for sharing.
  4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sarabrittanysomerset/2019/11/17/thailand-will-allow-its-citizens-to-grow-cannabis-at-home-to-sell-to-the-government/#630a0e03591e And https://www.marijuanamoment.net/congress-will-debate-two-bills-to-legalize-marijuana-at-hearing-with-dea-witness-next-week/
  5. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/09/business/new-york-cannabis-legalization-2020-cuomo/index.html One of the most critical elements in creating a successful legal market is ensuring that the regulated businesses usurp long-established illicit market operators, said Tom Adams, managing director of industry intelligence for BDS Analytics, which tracks and analyzes cannabis industry sales. High taxes and onerous regulations can hinder the ability to drive illicit sales into the legal market, he said, noting California's ongoing struggles to combat non-licensed operators. "If regulators are not careful, they actually make life better for illicit market operators," he said. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/11/26/business/california-cannabis-industry-layoffs/index.html Now, members of California's cannabis industry are sending an S.O.S. to the state capitol, saying they're struggling to compete against black market operators who don't have to meet stringent regulations or pay taxes and fees. They're urging leaders to make swift regulatory changes or risk the collapse of their emerging industry.
  6. Damn. Iz gonna get a lot rougher though....
  7. I'm in the Lockyer Valley, but I don't have a garden or any plants. Would love to meet you at some stage once you've had a chance to settle in. I work in Gatton. Curious though; why are you moving to Toowoomba?
  8. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/scientists-uncover-strong-relationship-between-psychedelic-use-and-connection-with-nature/ Using statistical analysis, the researchers found that “nature relatedness was significantly increased with two weeks, four weeks and two years after the psychedelic experience” and that participants’ experience boosted feelings of “well-being” when their attitudes toward nature increased. In other words, psychedelic-induced appreciation for the natural world seems to correspond with psychological health. “A significant positive association was observed between changes in nature relatedness and changes in psychological well-being,” the authors wrote.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/31/illinois-governor-jb-pritzker-pardons-11000-marijuana-convictions https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/cannabis-grow-personal-use-italy-supreme-court-a9262321.html More fuel for the train......
  10. I may be wrong, but perhaps the parable may have more relevance to poverty if it had the father take the son, on a bitterly cold winter's day and night, to live with a homeless alcoholic whose shelter is under a bridge. I can't imagine the boy coming away from that experience being able to justify being less wealthy than the homeless. However, I tend to think both versions of the story are of little value to anyone if all the boy takes away from the experience is something learned. As we can see here, different folk will gain differing perspectives from the same story. Maybe if the story told of what the boy chose to do with what he learned, and the outcomes of those actions, it might better serve to convey something meaningful.
  11. https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/mystery-of-why-magic-mushrooms-go-blue-solved/4010870.article#/
  12. https://leaderbulletin.com/researchers-just-discovered-new-psychoactive-compounds-in-magic-mushrooms
  13. http://www.shaman-australis.com.au/knowledge-psychoactive-salvias.html If it is a salvia species, this might shed some light.
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