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Some Queensland doctors could be prescribing medicinal cannabis to patients from as early as next month, the State Government says. i.e. this month.

However, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk warned this was not a first step toward broader decriminalisation of the drug.

"This is in no way a green light for the recreational use of cannabis nor for people to grow their own cannabis, even if for therapeutic use," she said.


To that I say, hmmm, not buying it Anna. You and I both know what comes next, don't we love? :rolleyes:






Health Minister Cameron Dick will introduce the Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2016, which he said would create the most progressive laws in Australia and set up a robust framework to ensure it was prescribed safely.


Please keep your eyes open for this type of comment. "Progressive".

Oh, we're progressive with cannabis now are we? Well lets just see how 'progressive' the until now quiet ACT and SA get by the end of the year.


Yeah I reckon every state will start getting a whole lot more 'progressive' as the next 12 months roll on. Goddamn, that was fast. Still, gotta stay ahead of the competition. One-upmanship I think it's called...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The legislation looks very mean spirited, overly bureaucratic and won't lead to large scale prescription.  


There is an extensive application process involved which may go to an "expert panel" and the handling of this substance has more safe checks than anthrax or uranium.  


I sure as hell hope they are planning on amending it in future because this is little better than a token gesture that you'd need to be dying to get .

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4 hours ago, stonewolf said:

The legislation looks very mean spirited, overly bureaucratic and won't lead to large scale prescription.  


Is that surprise you? It was driven by purely demand for profit and market access for the pharmaceutical industry. Not any desire to actually help people or make a ludicrous system any better.  

It may sound cynical but ive watched how these things work from the inside often enough to know that these things are driven purely by money & power. In this case pharmaceutical industry profits & QPol not wanting to lose any of their budget or powers.

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There is no question that the money is the key motivating factor in all of this.


Unfortunately for the vested interests involved, the big money is made with a recreational model, not a prescription/medical model. That doesn't mean they won't try and keep it that way for a while, but with complications and contradictions within the legal system imminent, it can't last. I hope...

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"Progressive"....lol....I've sat at tables with that dirty word being bounced around.


I could right fckn now alleviate peoples suffering and  improve quality of lives, and I'm not the only one........

Could be paying fckn tax and employing folk that need work in something meaningful.... and investing in R+D and further advancing cannascience. ....you know...clever country shit


I not gunna say it cures cancers and some of the other unfounded extreme claims I read.

And to be brutal those claims are not helping at all....and thats were some of the stalling is stemming from holding medicinal use back..


Cannabis can be very complementary to chemotherapy....not a replacement...I'll argue that no end.


The girl was in Brisbane's Lady Cilento Children's Hospital at Christmas when she ate the food, and her father wrote in text messages of the drug's success in calming her and giving her an appetite, where she had previously not had one.


The court heard he had wanted chemotherapy delayed while she had the cannabis oil.

That last point near makes me fckn cry as a father....


They've limited the applications here....because the "research" hasnt been done.....fckn bullshit

There is heaps of solid research that validates VALID medicinal claims.


Then there is the religious lobby groups and god fearing politicians that block it (as in Tasmania) based

on their beliefs and bias....I wish them fckn hell....a vile one... a place where compassion is absent


Yep, if its just gunna be about money, well its recreational that will be the cash cow.


WBs rant of the day.... yes I am in a cnt of a mood...lol....I'm so sick of the dumbfuckery

*goes back to medicating*


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4 hours ago, Responsible Choice said:

Unfortunately for the vested interests involved, the big money is made with a recreational model, not a prescription/medical model. That doesn't mean they won't try and keep it that way for a while, but with complications and contradictions within the legal system imminent, it can't last. I hope...

I cant see it changing just yet. But never fear, the climate will fix that.

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Farmers trying to get in to the 'big boys club'.




It is my firm belief that Big Pharma's pockets are only so deep, and when the inevitable wave of "Just fuck off and let us grow and make big dollars!" rhetoric comes from not only the agricultural sector, but also from State govs in massive debt, then we will see a big shift.


This is a curious link to a Hack story on cannabis and big pharma locking the above people out of the industry:




Until said shift, let the war of the red tape begin!! May the best man in the hazmat suit, dumb enough to even handle this toxic product, win...


12 months.

Edited by Responsible Choice
after thoughts & found good link
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Btw only in Straya could this bullshit about due diligence and potential demand float. The original title to the link to this story, which has been changed, was the title of the story:

Will big pharma lock 'mum and dad growers' out of medical weed?  


The answer is "OF FUCKING COURSE THEY WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DER!" (and I wouldn't be suprised if the link's name was changed due to a 'request').


Well at least they will presume to, and we will all assume they will, and shake a fist or two at the unfairness of it all. And then cop it.


Even the people who are at the forefront of the compassionate care movement are like "Well, we've been told. Guess we have to play the game and let big pharma run our lives even more. Looked good for a while.."


I start to smile, then I frown. Is that normal?

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The "government" is more to blame than big pharma.....if I was paranoid I'd say it was sabotage


EDIT - Just a reminder of the "high tech security" of poppy crops


Edited by waterboy 2.0
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I thank the stars every day that some idiot didn't let the same type of careless drug handling translate into the Tasmanian hemp industry... could've been a fuckin bloodbath mate, with people ODing off roadside, unsmokable hemp. Dodged a bullet there I reckon :blink: 

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  • 2 months later...

If it doesn't initially put the farming of the medicine in the hands of the patients AND through the registered pharmacies then it's never gonna happen. IMO if ya want medical cannabis like the states have it, don't be happy with any of these models put forward cos once they are introduced the shift to grow your own medicine will never happen.




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Good point.


I would also be worried about the quality and the ability of approved farmers to adapt to new strains and cbd/thc ratios as medical evidence mounts as to what is applicable for what condition.


If  labour doesn't grant licenses to their friends with whom their relatives partially own companies in order to make bank then it's just not politics.


Said people won't in a position to serve the market properly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why is cannabis being treated as if it is plutonium? 




btw please try to ignore some of the ridiculous statements in linked story

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I don't get it.


I'd estimate that 70% of the adult population under 60 has tried cannabis and lived to tell the tale.  I know it's officially around 50% but not everyone is going to admit to trying it 


Its safety is so well established that this entire topic is madness.  


I'd like to think that most in Parliament are level headed people so the only other explanation for this is a purely cultural bias where the elite like to shit on people who get high on drugs that their social group doesn't.


"Why can't they just drink like normal people, i have no sympathy for them" says lawmaker popping a xanax and cracking open a bottle of the 86 château Bordeaux completely unaware of the irony.

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The end is nigh, and thank fuck. This propaganda-spewing institution has needed to go for a long time. Good riddance Jan, ya fuckwit.



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"Scientific-based information about cannabis is vital in Australia right now," she said. ("Prof. Jan Copeland")


Yeah Jan, like you and your spin doctor folk did scientific based research and provided sound information....LOL...

First government cut I support in a long fckn time....


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  • 2 weeks later...

California is now the largest state in the US to legalise:




Unfortunately I would expect Australian governments to try and peddle the same type of system here at first.

Edited by Responsible Choice
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