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The Corroboree

Possible bad batch of Kronic


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There's been a few mixed reports this morning and late yesterday of a death where synthetic cannabis has been implicated.

At first the young Hunter Valley man was said to have died from misadventure, then the next few reports suggested he died from smoking cannabis that had been laced with something (which sounds a bit vague). Then this morning the reports are suggesting he died from a bad batch of Kronic and two of his friends are also sick which is suspected to be from smoking the same batch of Kronic.

I really don't know what to believe as there hasn't even been an autopsy or toxicology report yet, it all seems like circumstantial guesswork at the moment.

I don't even know whether it was Kronic or people are just generically calling all synths Kronic on the news reports. It could have been a different brand.

One of my neighbours was taken to hospital the other day and he suspected someone had poisoned his weed, be he's also waiting for results from blood tests.

So be wary people, it could be all hype and speculation or it could be a genuine problem.


Edited by Sallubrious
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I can't understand why they'd put it in legit bud, I would have assumed the economy of doing that would make it nonviable.

I'm not too certain on what happened to my neighbour, I only heard the story second hand but I saw them loading him into the meat wagon. I don't know if he smoked bud or a commercial spice mix but he looked like a ghost when they carted him out to the meat wagon.

I didn't even know that there was much of that shit around. I gave up smoking pot ages ago and I only ever tried K2 one time and it didn't agree with me.

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Every batch of kronic is a bad batch of kronic if you ask me. I'm very adiment on this shit being evil, its the only substance ive ever taken that has legitametly got me craving more. Despite my many horror stories it took my 21 year old friend having a stroke on one cone to assure me to keep my distance.

Always take caution, your better off microdosing this stuff if anything.

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A while back when it was legal and I was young and foolish, that synthetic shit gave me a seizure. It made my heart pump like it was going to burst, all my muscles spasmed and I couldn't control my body, I couldnt call for help because my jaw was locked, and then I blacked out. Woke up very confused in my own vomit and didn't know where I was. Stupidly I decided to smoke some more and had a second seizure, and when a came to the second time I threw the stuff out.

Edited by Conv3rgence
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Man this frustrates me, lumping all synthetic cannabinoids into the same category is just ridiculous from a harm reduction perspective. Then giving them names like Kronic, Midnight Express, or K2, is the peak of stupidity, Leaving the user with no information on dosage, binding affinity, or half life, its the perfect recipe for disaster. So it really doesn't come as much of a surprise that people are experiencing adverse reactions.

This kid probably wanted to smoke some normal weed, which doesn't seem to cause death, but as a results of legislation, finding synthetic cannabinoids is much easier then normal weed. Yay for the war on drugs, its really keeping the kids safe isnt it.

I dont think synthetic cannabinoids are evil, i think its evil marketing and selling drugs without providing their chemical name and concentration. When some synthetic cannabinoids are 100x stronger then others and some have half lives of 3 hours while others have half lives of 3 days. Its very eazy to blame a drug and call it evil because taking it has resulted in an overdose, its a shame people cant look back at there actions and say, oh i overdose because i had 100 doses in a single hit.... silly me. But then again, while these drugs are marketed with silly names, how can anyone dose with accuracy?

In the article it states "The cause of Dean's death will not be known until at least an autopsy is done, possibly on Tuesday, although toxicology results could take much longer.

Its such a shame that young kids are guinea pigging unknown substances because its a legal alternative to an illegal herb that has been proven to be significantly less harmful.

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Yeah, I'm not sure why you'd bother turning 'killer' bud into literally killer bud.

Maybe it was low grade bud that some entrepreneur thought they'd "spice" up to sell.

This kind of thing is exactly why prohibition is dangerous. There are no quality standards or labelling laws. Imagine a world where you could legally buy weed, and it was labelled with where and how it was grown, whether any chemical additives, pesticides, fungicides etc had been applied.

There are food standards that have to be adhered to, I believe there should be a similar accreditation for ganja.

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Maybe it was low grade bud that some entrepreneur thought they'd "spice" up to sell.

This kind of thing is exactly why prohibition is dangerous. There are no quality standards or labelling laws. Imagine a world where you could legally buy weed, and it was labelled with where and how it was grown, whether any chemical additives, pesticides, fungicides etc had been applied.

There are food standards that have to be adhered to, I believe there should be a similar accreditation for ganja.

I was thinking the same thing.

Ganja accreditation. So many opportunities for great acronyms. Ganja Accreditation Group (GAG). Or the Marijuana Accreditation and Standards Society (MASS) - that would be great, as certified weed could be referred to as 'massive'. If you were unsure of your weed, you could use the MASS hotline - MASH. Hence:

"You sure this weed's massive bro?"

"Yeah, mashed the serial number just now"

Seriously though, prohibition is a bag of shit, and withholding relevant information from consumers is anti-capitalist.

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We consider insanity as sane, and sanity as insane.

Our culture promotes poison as medicine and considers medicine poison.

And so Australia's virtue is lost.

The truth is the only thing that can set us free, combined with pure sincerity, in that what we say around this topic comes from a place without bias or morality, leaving the facts to speak for themselves, and responsible choices to be made.

Can't say I'm quite there yet, but we've gotta try aye?

I agree with what's been said above; batshit crazy laws, suspect products made by profiteers using there heads without their hearts to mediate... FUCKN SHIT FUCK SHIT!!!!!!!!

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I some times ponder if this is what might have killed me. The cannabis I had consumed that day and night was from a random, had a funny taste too it and seemed to tighten my chest. I just assumed maybe had not been flushed or potentially sprayed with an insecticide. I really hate to imagine that people might add a synthetic to the fat, sticky girl parts.

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When I was young [ many , many years ago ] dropping a trip or having a smoke was NEVER lethal ....

but nowadays with all the analogues available that are masquerading as the genuine article things are becoming pretty scarey . I suspect all the " synthetic " drugs such as the NBxx type and cannabinoids , and other RCs are merely produced and marketed as a means to circumvent drug laws for LSD , cannabis , etc , ....

Tragically , this clearly demonstrates the futility and stupidity of the current drug war .... after all , neither LSD or cannabis , unlike the legal RCs that mimic them , have never killed anyone .

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I some times ponder if this is what might have killed me. The cannabis I had consumed that day and night was from a random, had a funny taste too it and seemed to tighten my chest. I just assumed maybe had not been flushed or potentially sprayed with an insecticide. I really hate to imagine that people might add a synthetic to the fat, sticky girl parts.

This was the first thought I had when I read about that BanMan.

It is VERY viable economically to add such crap to cannabis, and It's also a big concern. The compounds used are a vast array of unknowns. jbh***,***,***,*** etc. etc. etc, cp**, **,***,**etc.etc.etc.


These compounds, whilst a direct result of wankish laws pertaining to a "safe" and "natural' plant, that has proven itself for more than 8,500 years, are highly dangerous. I expect they will cause major heart problems, lung problems, neurological problems, and pose a huge threat to public health and economic systems.

Dangerously low and sometimes fatal blood pressure is just the start with these bloody things.

Such materials need to be dealt with by means of everything we've got in my opinion.

This cant / wont happen whilst cannabis remains, somehow, illegal.

This is a growing concern to me, and reason, I'm close to determining, why Cannabis, in some ways sadly must leave (for the greater part) my life.

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It pains me to say that I'm sure I once 'found' a bag of Mary which had been contaminated with an RC. From previous experience with jwh I'm sure it wasn't that and was rather a later, much more gross RC. The source was unknown but likely from somewhere where super potent buds were preferred - ie youngins who think comatose is cool...

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That our politicians prefer this situation to one where we could grow the occasional plant or buy some quality-controlled & certified product - outrageous!

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Our politicians can capitalise on this to further push for tougher anti weed laws in the name of public safety. There will be plenty of anti drug campaigners wringing their hands together with glee that that boy died because it furthers their agenda.

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Our politicians can capitalise on this to further push for tougher anti weed laws in the name of public safety. There will be plenty of anti drug campaigners wringing their hands together with glee that that boy died because it furthers their agenda.

Well, That's consistent with my observations over my lifetime. Unfortunately.

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I some times ponder if this is what might have killed me. The cannabis I had consumed that day and night was from a random, had a funny taste too it and seemed to tighten my chest. I just assumed maybe had not been flushed or potentially sprayed with an insecticide. I really hate to imagine that people might add a synthetic to the fat, sticky girl parts.

It was probably chock full of PGR's BanMan, if you don't know the grower and your buds are super dense, like little pebbles. They have little to no shine (no trics) and they aren't much bigger then a small nugget of dog shit, then chances are it was grown with PGRs like Paclobutrazol and daminozide or chlormequat chloride. These are sprayed on our agriculture products but were never meant to be in a short cycle weed garden.

I can taste when there are PGRs used in cannabis now, and I only green out/get sick from cannabis that has been grown with PGRs. This is the biggest reason we should be pushing for legalization is because so many shitty growers in aust use this shit in their gardens for "more weight" but they still end up with an inferior product as your resin production is completely affected. And to add - PGRs can't really be flushed out of a weed plant due to the short flowering cycle.

It is VERY viable economically to add such crap to cannabis, and It's also a big concern. The compounds used are a vast array of unknowns. jbh***,***,***,*** etc. etc. etc, cp**, **,***,**etc.etc.etc.


Hey Ghosty can you provide a source or do the working out for me, cause I just don't see how adding a synthetic cbd to normal buds is economically viable man.

I'm in contact with a few indoor growers and they can grow ounces for less than $80 when you factor in lights, nutes and time spent, then they sell it for atleast $250 minimum. Making $170 profit per ounce minimum.

3.5g of a synthetic cbd will run for about $70 so an ounce would be worth $560 and it is probably cheaper to produce than normal weed meaning the profit margin would be even greater. I imagine if you had a vat of jwh-xxx you would be silly to not spray that on pot purri and sell it for what it was intended, synthetic shit. I smoked cloud 9 for a bit when I was out in the mining sector, It started messing with my vision, even when I was sober. So I quit the job and started smoking normal weed again.

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Ok, some of this JWH etc crap could cost some 30-60$ a gram and be 5 hour plus "active" at only 1.7mg. This takes no account for synergetic effects mixed with proper cannabis (and god knows what thats grown with nowadays).

When price is price, any variance to such will attract and deter custom, depending on quality on it's relaxing / motivational effects. To spray an ounce with only 100mg would result in a "strain" that is some 5 times stronger and longer lasting compared to strain x (being natural). This could bring in more business / money than competitors = viable. sold at twice the compound cost on top of standard..

simple "business". If that's what you into. Selling pot aside, if you ok with providing folks with poison deceptively.. personally i think such folks should be shot.

But sad to say, folks don't seem to care like i do. like the government, are happy to screw the people for a dollar as thats all that seems to matter. pitty for me, I'm the opposite to that.

I look forward to the government supplying me with the odd, helpful marijuana smoke to ensure my safety when such times (becoming less frequent) occur. till then, I feel, sadly, it's a dangerous game.

Edit, I imported some "dragon stuff " or some shit when was leagl. told of compounds on sheet with import, opened and inspected at time by AU customs. all good. i did some maths and found a gram (some 30AUD) could then fetch some $24.000.00 AUD you tell me, is that "viable"? thats without adding it at lesser amount to cannabis, taking advantage of it's synergistic effects to gain marketing peak? Telling ya man, the marijuana field has, to my disgust become a deadly game.

Edited by ghosty
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Ah I understand what you mean now Ghosty. I never thought of it like that to be honest but I guess there are some dodgy people out there, sadly there will probably be a market for it for all the young guns that don't know any better.

I'm with you on the matter that these people should be shot. Only smoke herb that you trust is the philosophy I go by these days.

I don't think the government will be able to supply the demand of weed for more than a day, maybe half a day There's some serious smokers out there.

Fingers crossed we get something like Colorado.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not directly linked to this case (I think), but synths are still being sold in some shops http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-16/synthetic-drugs-still-available-over-the-counter/7172954

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