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The Corroboree


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    Perth, WA

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  1. "Enter the Void" Must-see for anyone interested in psychedelics, spirituality and the nature of existence.
  2. If these are still available, if be definitely keen. Cheers mate
  3. Well I just took 3 cuttings today and set them up in a humidity chamber. I haven't done this before so I don't know how long it will take until they are established, or if it will work. I've followed the kada method in perlite so hopefully I have success. I'll let you know when somethings ready for trade.
  4. I've got a decently sized Sinicuichi plant but I'm still unconvinced of its ethnobotanical value. Each prune I've given has yielded no results. Still a nice looking little tree that is pretty undemanding to care for with loads of yellow flowers.
  5. Probably will be able to by next season...
  6. Nice 1 Ambient. Do you have a photo of the mother plant or any info on it? These look similar to a Peru that I already have but I'd like to see the tips and new growth for comparison. Cheers
  7. If your lucky enough to live nearby I recommend you jump at this opportunity. Top grower.
  8. Mine are still recovering from this bitterly long winter. The runt has lost all his leaves, I hope he comes back.
  9. Regarding suppliers... Making friends with the old folks from your local cactus and succulent society, and attending their sale events. Usually cheaper than eBay
  10. Some more photos from yesterday Haworthias have grown a lot since the last post. Old Euphorbia Flanaganii with nice caudex euphorbia decaryii euphorbia Lactea crest fenestria Agave CV Kichiokan variegated aloe cultivars, aloes & agaves agaves & a gasteria cultivar pachyphytum & Echeveria more agaves including cv "blue glow" Random colourful succulents landscaping aloes yet to be put in the ground more landscaping aloes
  11. Nice post! Just a few of my succies, I'll take some photos tomorrow morning. haworthia correcta haworthia maughanii haworthia maughanni hybrid titanopsis calcarea Aloinopsis sp. dioscorea elephantipes Tree aloe dichotoma, yet to be planted. Sitting in perlite. Adromischus Herrae
  12. Really interesting plant this one... It's always so bright green compared to everything else and those notches are pretty cool
  13. I think unique and/or beautiful looking, well-grown plants will always attract a premium.
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