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Define God

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everyone, generally, if they picture god as all-encompassing, all-sensing, then it follows almost without consideration that god is static in a way, knowing exactly who and what it is. an ancient being, not a youth. something not in a constant or linear process of emergence but something which has emerged or something beyond the process of emerging. that's fine, i probably lean towards this likelihood myself but reserve another possibility for the nature of god or at least the nature of an aspect of god... and if it were true of a divine aspect then we would likely be included in that aspect.

consciousness from one perspective can always be said to be emerging, be it from unconsciousness or just from the previous moment. one of the best scenarios to become accustomed with nascent consciousness is artificial intelligence, because our own consciousness is too well developed to really grapple the origin of. you probably all remember the movies blade runner, short circuit, and i, robot. i prefer a couple of recent films, ex machina and chappie.

anyway, i'm not sure how to lead you further into this speculation if you can't use your own imagination. consider the possibility that god, or everything, aren't homeostatic or cyclic but genuinely embryonic.

Edited by ThunderIdeal
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Heres a little poem I wrote with God.....

God and I sat and talked

Just the other day

I asked her why sometimes it seems

That She is far away.

She said to me, "My Son,

I am with you night and day

Even though you may not feel it

In Your body made of clay.

I AM the Mother, the Father,

The Daughter, and the Son

My quite voice is calling

Come back home everyone.

I AM the Lawyer, the Beggar,

The Criminal, the Judge

My quite voice inside of you

Keeps giving you a nudge"

I pondered on what God had said

For a day or two

This is the gist of the message

I received for Me and You.

I have given you free will

With this comes forgetting

Even I cannot interfere

Without You first requesting

You are here to remember

The Divinity of who you are

Create your Reality, by controlling your thoughts

And Shine Your Light like a Star.

Cheers Godiam.

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Fuck god and all the chaotic depraved destruction made and done in your name. Really just fuck you G.

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the dog is god?

nah mun the kittehz are god ;)

but, if the teonanacatl came from the earth.. would that mean the rock of ages is god/ a god?

or maybe our soil/lands are just the outer aril of one of "god's" virola nuts that was still viable?

maybe god has a toucan : /

maybe god has some more pet gods all capable of manifesting goddie-like tendencies at any given moment?

...perhaps to try define it would merely scratch the surface of but one person's idea of god ...

maybe 'god' is the trip?... the energy /light /etc.. and folk just needed a label?

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anyway, i'm not sure how to lead you further into this speculation if you can't use your own imagination. consider the possibility that god, or everything, aren't homeostatic or cyclic but genuinely embryonic.

Man, sometimes our thought processes appear so similar it's scary - I was thinking the other day that god could be evolving at this time (plus a bunch of other stuff to do with time travel).

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Man, sometimes our thought processes appear so similar it's scary - I was thinking the other day that god could be evolving at this time (plus a bunch of other stuff to do with time travel).

i think of it more in terms of waking up, in full LSD meltdown, and it's all really happening, because you're making it happen; just absolute non-stop reality-creation, and there can't be any reprieve or coming to terms because it is infinitely intense and infinitely escalating/intensifying, because you're god.

the only humanly way i can imagine waking up not as thunderideal but as god is waking up on an infinitely strong trip but without any of the limitations/barriers that we are accustomed to.

Edited by ThunderIdeal
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Just a couple thoughts on the topic...

Talking about "God" is hard because everyone defines the word God differently. When I talk about "God" I mean the creator, some sort of supreme supernatural that rules the universe generally etc.

Anyhow do I think God exists? Honestly I'm not sure. No evidence that there is one so far but a God could still be out there ya know? I'm okay with the uncertainty, just keen to learn more about the universe.

Though as I learn, more and more I realize that I don't know shit! Socrates said something similar to that.

I do feel like there is an underlying oneness under all this. We're not interconnected, we're literally one. A universal consciousness per se.. but it's hard to put into words. Some people might call it the Brahman, the Tao, or even God etc. It's just a hypothesis happy to be wrong on it.

Even if I feel like I "know" some things. Is it the truth? I mean the human mind is pretty fallible. Idk if we're capable of comprehending such things. Keen to see though! A fascinating universe indeed.

Keep an open mind about things guys! Keep asking questions and even questioning yourself. Even question your skepticism hahahaha.

Edited by Nibbana
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well i suppose what i wanted to say with this question was god seems to often be defined as a conscious entity, so my trying to imagine a god as a consciousness which can exist outside the constraints of a human brain then we can start to think if our own consciousness can exist outside its moist substrate.

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  • 6 months later...

let god define what god is to you. it struck me while reading the answers in this thread that theres still a lot of hippie-esoteric crap passing around. if I said god is Donald Trump on a sunday morning, then what is god? to you I mean. dont buy the whole book just cause of one seemingly fitting

line matches the color of your ego. 

to me, god is the silent force I dont always see but that always sees me. its vision is the synergistic view of every view. words dont make it, the tower of Babel has fallen so to speak.

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I think before one can define 'God' to a level comprehendable by our narrow awareness - whether it be 'ones self', a higher entity, purely conscience as a whole, the list is infinet - we must first seek to discover what 'we' are - individually and/or collectively. 

But always remember - the last place you will ever find the truth about 'God', is religion. 

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Religion [God] is simply the word we use to describe our intuition that there is something outside the realm of culture and three dimensional surfaces of things; that there is a hidden dimension to reality  -- call it a plan, a purpose, a loving God, a cosmos instead of a chaos.  - T. McKenna


[my substitution in brackets]

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I think, when it comes to God, religion, the supernatural, and most things really, this advice is worth keeping in mind:


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It's good work. Cold though..


Can explain to my best.


There's a masculine and feminine counterparts. Masculine holds the space, whilst the feminine counterpart is moreso involved in the direct, active manifestation. We have the void and lesser void. Someone could chip in here. Mainly I see the lesser void as something that permeates mostly all of creation I'm aware of, is like a direct access link that maintained coherency through the fall.


The void itself not so much. I was introduced through it as creator literally exploring the void itself. This is what I believe the intention behind density was, and that we are a counterpart to the connection that was lost descending portions of creator into the void.


As we reconnect I'm aware of the realisation coming through creator of the void itself. The true infinity of unlimited potential, yet is there more.. 


Creators original intention to explore separation through united aspects of itself would appear to be the realisation of the void. They call it baby. A unique soul with the same ability as creator, to create the soul.


It is called the son of god. They say it is one of the only souls in creation with the ability to experience the creator itself. So stay tuned, and grab the popcorn.


Yeah, she's good.

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