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The Corroboree

2015 Australian Perpetual Free Trade Thread

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Sounds good thanks Toast

I'll offer 20 or so P Harmala seeds, 30 Silene Capensis seeds and some fresh Psychotria viridis, alba and carthagensis leafs for cloning.

Cheers : )

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  • 2 months later...

Just to give this thread a jumpstart as its been quite for a while, I'll take that Shallen!

My offer is a nice cut of Sausage Cacti, and an assortment of seeds, Lophs, Spach, and some mixed Trichs.

Cheers Godiam.

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Yes pls! I will take thatn offer mixed lot of acacia seed, and some seeds I just processed trich pod Bogan x yowie seeds

Edit, bit more clarity, the mixed lot of acacia seeds will be individually bagged and LAbelled popular varietys, courtii, acuminata etc

Edited by doublebenno
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I can definitely wait a few weeks for that <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

www a few trcho seedlings, some Nictotiana spp. seeds & a few other goodies ;) www

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nicotiana is on my list, and "a few other goodies" is too good to pass up!

cheers Toast ,)

I have;

50 freshly plucked HBW seeds from FNQ

10 x Ipomoea Purpurea "Pearly Gates" from the americas

1 Pandora Jasminoides pod

a pinch of seeds from my prize winning Taraxacum

1x 8GB USB stick with stuff on it.

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I'll grab that up,

I'm offering a bunch of R. corymbosa, P. somniferum, sun opener, T. peruvianus X scopulicola, N. rustica, random Ipomea (I think the blue flowered one) and HBWR seeds!!

EDIT: oh and Brumansia arborea

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I'll grab that up,

I'm offering a bunch of R. corymbosa, P. somniferum, sun opener, T. peruvianus X scopulicola, N. rustica, random Ipomea (I think the blue flowered one) and HBWR seeds!!

EDIT: oh and Brumansia arborea

I'll take pls.

Offering 25 x Erythloxyum australae seeds + bush tomato and random cactus seeds

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I'll bite, Thanks Matt1208, I will offer to the next poster... and some other extras, mostly trich seeds.


100 mixed ariocarpus seeds

at least 100 Strombocactus disciformis (verry small seeds)

50 Matucana Madisionorum albiflora x Matucana Madisionorum red flower

50 ss02xss01 x Bridge helen

50 Pachanoi x Bridge helen

20 Pelecyphora valdeziana

25 Rivea Corymbosa

10 Myrtillocactus Geometrizans

Edited by Bedofspines
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I'll take that! Bedofspines

My offer is,

A tip cut of Sausage cactus

Some mixed Astrophytum seeds

50 mixed Trich seeds

Some L Williamsii seeds,

Cheers Godiam.

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ooo very nice thank-you bedofspines Godiam - hehe too slow my fingers for that offer.....(nice one GIM)anyway for the ball to keep rolling

my offer is

VVVVVVVsome yopo seeds, a mh seedling, some acacia seeds and a slap on the bum because you'll get extra loveVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

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oooh can't believe i missed out on ario seeds XD

definitely grabbing yours d00d

VVVVV a pinch of hylocereus spp. seeds, more rivea corymbosa, vocanga africana and trichocereus peruvianus x scopulicola VVVVVVV

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hopefully this might restart things again, ill take your offer smeagol if its still available, I don't mind if not : )

I will offer some p. harmala seeds , some mix SG open pollinated trich seeds, 4 x HBWR seeds, some painted mountain corn seeds,

some very fresh D. Metel seeds, sun opener seeds, 10+ ashwagandha seeds and a few fresh p. alba berries : )


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On 17/07/2016 at 8:04 PM, bardo said:

and a few un rooted pereskiopsis cuttings : )


Thanks bardo, I need a few more peres cuttings. 

I'll offer up, Im not counting em but tis plenty of most of em 


Ariocarpus Kotsch. albiflorus VM 220 Tula Tam. 

Trichocereus bridgesii cv. 'Kai" x OP

SS02xSS01 X Bridgesii Helen

Harissia Jusbutii

Mammillaria heyderi

Mixed cactus seeds (???)


Acacia saligna

Acacia Acuminata (mangurd)

Acacia Acuminata (narrow)

Acacia Longifolia (hunter)

Acacia Baileyana

Acacia Floribunda

Acacia Neriifolia

Acacia Neurophylla

Acacia concurrens


Lactuca Virosa ( Opium Lettuce )

Leonotis Nepetifolia ( Orange Lionstail)


Passiflora foetida

Passiflora edulis


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Hell yeah bedofspines!

And good on you bardo. :)


I'll take them off your hands and offer 2 Acacia Courtii plants, 20 phlebophylla seeds and a Kanna plant.

(I'll post pictures of the plants when I get home)  

These Courtii plants could use some love!

Edited by HolographicYou
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I'll take them please HolographicYou!


Cheers! Really keen on the phleb seeds!


I'll re-offer the courtii plants and also add in various tricho seeds, a couple of pups and what ever other bits and pieces I have lying around. 


Will update the post when I get home with what I have available.




Edit: Ok, so along with the two courtii plants I have some pc pach x bb's scop seeds, pc pach x goliath seeds, secret garden mix tricho seeds, A. acuminata seeds, M. hostilis seeds, N. tabacum seeds and I. purpurea seeds to offer and these two pups...


bridgesii 'Andrew' and pachanoi 'Justin'.

Cheers! :)




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