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The Corroboree

What's the most depraved thing you have ever done?

Halcyon Daze

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Yes this is a joke, meant to be a bit of fun. Please keep it legal, lighthearted and clean or face the full fury of the mods because seriously, no one wants to hear the most depraved thing you've ever done you sick f***ker.

Having said that, I did chew up a live worm and try to feed it to a baby bird once when I was a kid. I thought I was doing the right thing at the time <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

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When i was a kid i drank several small live fish in a glass of cordial for a dare, then i could feel them swimming around in my stomach, lol .

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lots <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

in keeping with the theme, when i was a kid i put a lge frog on a lit barbecue. it sizzled and screamed till it melted and went crispy <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png

it was fucked, i felt horrible after doing it.

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- I think that was and is illegal.

What can I say I grew up on a farm.

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Ewe would have to be kidding me... No not really

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Once i caught a moth and burnt its wing with a bic when i was younger.. I instantly felt like a monster and was shocked at my own depravity.

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When I was a kid I threw a rock at a seagull, prolly 50 meters away and to my astonishment I hit it. It hopped around like it had a broken wing and I felt soooooo bad. I went over to see if I could help it and it flew away like nothing had happened. I swore I'd never do anything like that ever again and I never have.

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Suspending live bugs and grubs in candle wax thinking I could bring them back to life through reanimation in the future. Yes, I was a kid.

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When I was a kid I threw a rock at a seagull, prolly 50 meters away and to my astonishment I hit it. It hopped around like it had a broken wing and I felt soooooo bad. I went over to see if I could help it and it flew away like nothing had happened. I swore I'd never do anything like that ever again and I never have.

hahaha i did the exact same thing I hated myself before the rock even made contact

it also flew away and seemed fine

Edited by myco
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.. When I was 4 one of my primary occupations was catching moths, and collecting the dust off their wings. I had this little jar of it.

I thought it was like fairy dust. When I had enough I sprinkled the dust over myself just before I jumped off a shed roof, hoping to fly.

I didn't fly.

Poor moths.

I still feel guilty.

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I also have had a really vivid wild imagination all my life, and at primary school used to put this to use coming up with "folk-lore" to terrify my friends. We went to a rural school so there was heaps of forest and rivers and swamps around. I remember explaining to my best friend that just down the road from her house I had recently been attacked by a disgusting swamp-man who had grey green skin, which dripped slime like snot as he moved, webbed fingers and gaping black holes in his head instead of eyes. I told her that he rose out of the swamp and chased me all the way home.

Another friend stopped coming to visit cause I told her that our hedge was home to a whole family of spirits who had lived at my house before me but had been viciously murdered.. There was no such murder of course..

I consider these kind of depraved things to do because we were only little kids, 5-6ish and I never let anyone know they were just fabrications so people continued to avoid the parts of the wilderness I had told them were inhabited by ghoulys.

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When I was a teen I decided I would try and kill - wring the neck - of an old, sick chicken, as I was contemplating vegetarianism at the time and thought it would be more moral of me only to eat animals if I had killed one by hand. It was the most horrific thing I have ever tried to do, and the chicken ran off terrified and squawking after my failed attempt. I also tried to kill a few fish after catching them by tickling, and succeeded by bashing their heads against a rock.

I think that, despite the horror I felt at myself at these attempted and actual killings, I still do eat meat on a fairly regular basis, and that is my depravity. I have a friend who will only eat what he has killed himself, and I admire that, but I can't kill yet I still advantage from the product of others doing the killing. How grotesque.

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if we're talking about killing things when we were little,

when i was at my friends shack in hardwicke bay we were smashing crabs with rusty bits of metal we found on the beach,

"karma" got me though because i cut my hand open and ended up having to get stitches,

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daily carrying on with my life while inwardly recoiling against the utter absurdity, irony, selfishness & contamination-on-a-petri-dish modus operandi of us as a species,

and at the same time justifying the same to myself to a degree that enables me to continue carrying on with my life under these circumstances...

...and not devoting everything at my disposal to change this.

oh yeah, and as a kid i squished, maimed & tortured my fair share of things too.

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years ago I grew a special plant that helps people to understand the world around them and become more connected with other people and nature. But then I found out that plant was illegal and had to throw it away

I am so depraved

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